"Everyone is a degenerate except me"

Can you please explain the difference between the major factions or "isms" of the Right? How do you categorize the mess that is the Alt-Right?

Whenever there isn't a chimp-out, SJW retardation or blatant kikery going on to be commented on, the Right wing of Twitter engages in an internal ideological shit-flinging over whether gays, traps, women, half/quarter/one-drop Jews, Italians, Finns, anime, fun etc. are allowed in the movement. But unlike with commies, no-one goes "you're a dirty Trotsky-ist/Stalinist/Maoist/Leninist and need to be killed", everyone just calls each other degenerate and unwelcome in the Right for doing it wrong or just being wrong.

Who's who and what do they stand for? I could ask Google but I recon that's the same as asking the kikes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Typical Twitter exchange in the calm between Brexit and BLM snipery

>Alt-Right gurrrl: Why are fags allowed to live, they produce nothing but AIDS and not babbys #tradlife
>Alt-Right faggot: Excuse me? Why are women allowed to speak about politics, let alone vote? Women should be used for reproduction and sandwiches and nothing more.
>Alt-Right delusional closet-trap: Kill all faggots, they're the epitome of degeneracy. Women like me shall find true female happiness in being pregnant and serving sandwiches to our pure Aryan supermen husbands and thinking nothing else ever. #tradlife
>Alt-Right Christ-fag: Jesus says all of you faggots and attention-fornicators burn in hell for you degeneracy. I pray he'd give you the wisdom to kill yourself. Or we can just sort you in the aftermath of the Race Crusade. Deus vult!
>Alt-Right Odinist-larper: Daily reminder that every cuckery of the modern world was enabled by Europe's submission to a kike on a stick. Come home White Man!
>Far-Right grandpa: Why does every single one of you have Jap cartoon girl as a profile?

Is Sargon of Akkad in the image you posted?

I take it you're the far-right grandpa?

except you're on Sup Forums

honestly this is just proof the Internet is the greatest degeneracy in existence today.

not one of these people ever questions that the Internet IS the problem because they're addicted to it.

...I think

Not really, I'm just a taxonomist that wants to figure out what to call myself.

I guess a way to see it is that the deconstruction of tradition in the last centuries left various pieces scattered around and more or less mixed with modernity, a "right winger" nowadays is someone who tends to be close enough to one of these pieces and far enough from the left, even though the variability inside the right can get as big as between a right winger and a left winger.
Ultimately, it boils down to a spectrum which is way too limited.

But why don't they try to define themselves better than just "hurrr I'm true #Alt-Right, and you're not, degenerate-enabler"?

>because they're addicted to it.
And anime, and casual sex, and booze, and porn.

There is no escape from at least one source of degeneracy nowadays.

Explain that meme picture

because everyone on the Internet is a hypocrite because they don't need to show their true face / private life

This is an unpopular opinion but really real life ID for the internet and no more user might be a good thing. Making it just like the public (though this would have to be for EVERYONE including politicians and women)

Really most people should go back to being apolitical and focusing on themselves.

I think the alt-right is a meme for the very most, there's no real principled drive behind it, mostly it all revolves around being an internet based alternative to the mainstream, and since the mainstream tends to be left, they obviously tend to identify with the right, but except for some shared elements with the historical right there's very little.

they don't realize that the Internet is inherently leftist.

They didn't listen to Uncle Ted

This is a divide and conquer thread.

the Internet itself is doing a good enough job of dividing and conquering every natural community. They don't even need to shill threads as much as you think.

I guess you are kind fo right, unfortunately it seems like the only alternative left, it's a "make do" strategy, things outside are really bad, especially in the protestant world it seems.

>in the protestant world

Ironically though in the US, the Amish are one of the last truly pure "right" groups around

>>Far-Right grandpa: Why does every single one of you have Jap cartoon girl as a profile?
ayyyyy alt-cucks btfo'd

yet here you are, stuck on Sup Forums instead of actually going out and changing your community. Your grandfather would probably be ashemed for even knowing you post here

I'm here only for happenings entertainment value. I don't believe in half of the things written here lol

Alt-right is more of a method than a political ideology in itself.

found it on Sup Forums, don't even remember the context

Fugg. I just want categories based on simple principles.
Fags: Fine or hang?
Women: Fine or kitchen?
Semi-Semites: Fine or gas?
Italian/Finn/Greek/Irish/your-personal-choice-of-questionable-whiteness: Hhhuwhite or dirty nigger?
Leftie: Misled or traitor?
Slut: Chastise or exile?
Trap: Rape or murder?

how are national socialists on the right? To me it seems national socialism is the best expression of communism because there is an open dictator

>all of internet should be Facebook
how about no

how are the Red Ice Radio and The Right Stuff both Secular Traditionalist and Christian Traditionalist at the same time?

Man this mostly sounds like a loser's lament. Can't find a wife? Must be the Jews' fault.

Blaming your problems on the Internet is nothing more than admitting you are a weak willed failure.

There have always been failures, you know. Miserable people who died alone and unloved. The only problem is today they've got the means to talk to each other. Gives them funny ideas.

I don't really understand any of it. Heres what I know as a faggot to navigate life in society. I like to think its pretty simple and easy to understand.

1. I'm a faggot. That means I suck cocks. Whatever a man hates about fags usually can be resolved in person once they realize, yes, they really can simply issue a command to use me as a fleshlight with no strings attached. If I can't understand one simple job, than I really am useless.

2. Men are what drive the world. Thats why I am loyal to them. There is neither a reason nor socially excusable reason to tell a man what his politics should be. Political decisions should be made by men, they don't need the opinions of females or fags, and men are happiest when females or fags stfu.

So I just listen and try to learn. I have no space in my role to acknowledge -isms of any kind. I know what I am and what I do. Everyone would get along better if everyone just followed their natural roles. I simply don't have time or interest to pretend I am something I am not by pretending I am qualified to enter discussions meant for men. It just doesn't make sense to me.

this is precisely why Sup Forums should be banned though.

losers should suffer and have nowhere to feel better about themselves.

In the past many would turn to god and go become monks instead of shitposting and whining

Just because you like dick doesn't disqualify you from political process. Everything else you posted does tho. Good you know your role.

how is that any better way to spend your days?

non-neoconservatives = alt right

sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fexhentai.org%2Fg%2F471709%2F5bd91b4828%2F

I take it back. It's just all anti-globalists.

It's not even right wing.

I see Rohm as an executive, not a policy maker.

>Just because you like dick doesn't disqualify you from political process

I'm familiar with this position and whence it emanates. It speaks for itself; I have nothing to add.