Egg rahwls
Egg rahwls
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Daily reminder that if you support subsidizing these sacks of human waste you are the very definition of a 'paypig'.
I think I would just be asked to be put down at that stage.
those toe nails
>coke zero
What the fuck is wrong with his legs though?
>he has a gf
>and a kid
>and a full head of hair
More alpha than half of this board.
THAT'S what you're concerned about?
Not the weeping yellow pustules on his right leg?
delete america
>pulls daughter out of school so that she can help him
>goes mental when he doesn't get his food, or if it doesn't have enough shitty gravy on it
>guilt trips his dad into refinancing his house so that they can pay for 'expenses'
>also guilt trips his gf into literally sleeping on the floor at night instead of her own bed in case he shits himself during the night
>constantly moans and whines, mainly about "mah legs"
what a lovely man.
/fit/ rejects from Sup Forumseddit
Insufficient oxygen supply, human lungs and circulatory systems aren't designed to oxygenate and supply enough blood to supply the flesh mass of a hippo.
>coke zero
Yes, obviously it's because he's a fat
But what the fuck is that shit
Who keeps fucking feeding these assholes? When they get so fat they can't get food for themselves, the people who keep feeding them start shouldering the blame.
And how do they afford it? None of these whales can make money but they eat thousands of dollars of food a month.
Would you bury your face in the area that that tube is coming out of for 45 uninterrupted seconds if meant you got to spend one night with you're waifu?
Ahh my legs yah hurtin my dellicate leggies are ah urtin my legs are off the cart ow ow my poor legs be gentle with me you beasties
>And how do they afford it?
Maybe he's rich.
My 600lb life s05e10
>bury face in area
>"Here you go, user...enjoy"
>get handed a picture of your waifu
>"You have to give that back tomorrow"
The red is some sort of rash from a combination of never washing it, never moving, and poor blood flow.
The green is probably some form of infection or fungal growth that stems from the original rash.
American Tax Payers (Disability fund)
Disability checks and food stamps. It's extremely easy to collect welfare in Kentucky.
Why do people watch this show?
To build off of this. The lack of blood flow to the fatty areas is typically referred to as ischemia. This causes cell death which creates an environment perfect for bacterial growth, leading to cellulitis. When the cellulitis gets severe enough it can turn into necrotizing fasciitis, which leads to further decay of the legs.
A really fucked up situation all around.
They all have enablers, people who usually have emotional problems and/or are terribly stupid when it comes to nutrition.
Episode in OP is one of the few times when Dr Now really gets pissed off at the enabler.
>Umaru Fan
You misspelled "American"
As fucked up as he was, his girlfriend was even worse. She came off as literally retarded. I don't think she could actually grasp the consequences of her actions. Maybe she really just wants him to die. The end result will be the same. If this guy makes it to 2018 I'll be shocked.
1. Freak Show mentality (laugh and gawk at the stupid fatties)
2. Positive motivation (Some success stories are genuinely inspiring)
3. Negative motivation (Eat healthy or you'll end up like these assholes)
is this true?
To feel good about themselves. Oh, you weigh 250 pounds and your life is shitty? Well check this out....
>0 replies
>Sup Forums confirmed cucked by a 10,000 lb man
every detail, a new enigma
>your diet says you cant eat rice
>but its fried!
literally what the FUCK did he mean by this
>people unironically eat this much food
like fucking how tho
Yep. You'll see it if you watch the episode.
There's also a bit when his dad goes to see him and literally starts vomiting because of the stench and sight of seeing his son in this state. The shows passes it off as a 'minor stroke'
I'm trying to lose 20 lbs and this show literally makes me disgusted by food.
When you fry food it takes all the bad spirits out.
Everyone knows that heat makes the calories evaporate.
Calories are like water right
Fried rice burns away the carbohydrates.
>People are literally dumb enough to not make the connection between calories consumed and fat added
As I saw some medical professionals say who watched this episode - those legs are beyond saving and will have to be amputated.
What was up with that gravy though? Why was it white? Just liquid lard or something?
By the way he had to eat 10,000 cal a day to gain that much weight when he was on that 800 cal diet, lol.
>By the way he had to eat 10,000 cal a day to gain that much weight when he was on that 800 cal diet, lol.
He did eat little, he was just in starvation mode. No wonder he gained to much. Dr. Now is an asshole.
Oh yeah I forgot to put that once he got to the actual hospital in Texas he got put on a special diet to get him down to get down to 600lb and he ends up gaining 150lbs
I feel like his family should have just given up on him then.
I can barely gain five pounds and I'm a skinny ass dude sometimes I'm jealous of these fuckers
This is why you should never bulk.
or skip leg day
>you have to lose 100 pounds in 2 months
>gains 150 pounds
Stupid fucking dr should have read the sticky on /fit/
Best method for massive gains is eating nothing
Someone please just place a pillow over his face. It'd probably kill him. You don't even need to hold it down.
*eats pillow*
>tries to sit up to impress his dad
>takes a picture while five people are pushing and pulling on him to keep him upright for ten seconds
judging by the interviews with the gf, she'd really love to walk away. but the fat fuck would fucking die. seems like she was sticking around until he could actually care for himself and then she'd just leave immediately.
Same desu. Her flat affect when speaking made me think she has severe mental illnesses worse than the fat fuck has.
I laughed loudly
Childhood is idolizing James K. Adulthood is realizing Sean made more sense.
>thinks hes ever gonna walk again
>hasn't left bed in 2+ years
>legs are literally rotting off
A hoverboard would help him lose those extra pounds.
I'm the definition of a fakey insult? Cool.
>want to join in the mockery
>feel nothing but pity and sadness for these people
I mean, a lot of them brought it on themselves yeah but it's still just fuckin' horrible
Just watched the episode
>Still has his humanity
Get a load of this faggot!
You know how when you grill a steak all the fat melts off. When you fry carbohydrates all the calories melt off.
I started doing push-ups two weeks ago. Went from being able to do 20 to 50. Its never too late to start.
grilling is not frying
im crippled and i workout my ass off every day, seeing this kind of things make me sad
basically the same concept
Some of the people in the show are generally well meaning people who get their shit together eventually. This guy though is the biggest piece of shit yet.
>"im gonna show i can do this and im going to diet and start doing my exercises"
>"you want to do them right now?"
just watch the other ones that are successful
He had four Chinese take away meals piled onto a huge plate, then a cake with ice cream for dinner/ dessert
You haven't even started, don't delude yourself.
Good on him. Every bit helps. If you keep that up most days you'll definitely start to build up some muscle in your arms and maybe burn some calories.
Don't be a faggot, self improvement is always a good thing
those poor girls. What a miserable life he's giving them.
please someone tell me how to boil out calories
i need to know
Why? You want a hugbox instead of the truth? Pushups aren't gonna do shit. And self-improvement isn't some huge feat to praise, it's simply a directly self-serving activity. Every animal does "self improvement".
how do you boil fudge?
His facial aesthetics are so chadlike, how did he end up turning into a blob monster?
that's pretty edgy, user.
>it's simply a directly self-serving activity.
normally I'd be absolutely disgusted by this, but after seeing how pathetic james is shes just so much more humble and grateful and it makes me realise that james is barely even human anymore and the best thing for everyone would be to just shoot him
>eat a lot
>don't exercise
>tfw to intelligent to get fit
>you cant be a creative, interesting person and also be in shape
how asspained do you have to be to make this image
guys I think James might be legit retarded
He's just a man baby, he gets everything he asks for and LITERALLY screams and cries when he is refused.
Someone needs to take his toxic 60 yr old gf with a baby fetish away, and slap him across the face every time he asks for food
Give him nothing but the 800 calorie diet and he can lose hundreds of pounds in a few months
>numale: the comic