>Asians claim to have a higher IQ than whites
>90% of Asians live in poverty and most Asian countries are third world shitholes
If you chinks are as smart as you claim then why is Asia so shit?
Checkmate Asiafags, the White race wins again
>Asians claim to have a higher IQ than whites
>90% of Asians live in poverty and most Asian countries are third world shitholes
If you chinks are as smart as you claim then why is Asia so shit?
Checkmate Asiafags, the White race wins again
EAST-Asians, you doofus.
I always thought that Asians figured out long ago Western materialism isn't worth the trouble. They seem happy. They live long lives.
If east-asians are so smart, how come 90% of all scientific innovation and discovery was done by whites in Europe?
>stormcuck moor worshiping taytay
>not realizing she is just another degenerate liberal fag enabler, like most magical white girls
Watch common filth faggot
A common theory is that Asians are less creative than Europeans.
This would explain why they're fucking beasts at maths and other logical actions but haven't invented much
So their intelligence is useless? Guess they are inferior to whites after all.
>whites need affirmative action to compete with asians
whites are literally niggers to asians.
Asians seem to make contributions only in tech fields and never in philosophy, art or anything else
Mfw white people invented everything we use today I.e everything from plumbing to smartphones
Mfw they say white people dont have culture, not realizing that white culture is the culture of the entire first world
In my observations, Asians are excellent and much better than Whites when it comes to improving and perfecting already-existing inventions (pure cognitive ability), but Whites make the most inventions thanks to more creativity.
Might be genetics, but also culture and historical circumstances. Asian schools emphasize test taking and studying, so the drive for doing new things is rather low there.
Also, China did invent a ton of things in the past... not sure why their innovations slowed down by the middle ages. Probably complacency and corruption of general society.
Guess that's why there are so many asians living in Europe and the US compared to whites living in Asia.
Mfw when I forgot to
So what you're really saying is, asians need whites to do shit, but whites don't really need asians (it'll just take longer to improve the inventions).
Whites are superior.
The ancient Indus-valley civilization had the earliest plumbing and toilet system, which is extremely ironic...
If you need to confirm yourself, be my guest.
>Asians claim to have a higher IQ than whites
No they don't stupid whites parroting a stereotype made by whites claim that. If you spent time around Asian people you'd know that they just as self conscious about educational short comings as anyone else. Difference is they have a social pressure to do their best regardless of being stupid. That's why so many Chinese and Japanese student kill themselves when transitioning form high school, college, and joining the work force.
If whites are so smart, why didnt they invent civilisation?
Why would it be useless? Japan and South-Korea are doing fine and China is developing at a rapid rate. Corruption exists but is must less prevalent and their societies are stable overall. Their IQ is a huge benefit even if theyre less creative overall.
Ever done a university project with an Asian? They're fucking idiots man! If you think an iq of a cockroach is higher than white people than your statement is true.
I'm confused, are you a nigger role playing as an ethnic swede or are you just a newfag? Welcome to the latter, and of course the whites are master. Don't worry user, this white liberalism egalitarianism won't last much longer. The west will rise again. You and Germany better genocide quick during this future war if you want to still be a thing.
> be asian.
> inherit balance.
> observe chaos.
> contribute nothing.
> achieve everything.
>they're fucking beasts at maths and other logical actions but haven't invented much
call me when you realise IQ tests are bullshit
I remember hearing a theory that the reason why China never went through heavy industrialization by itself was because it wasn't necessary. Unlike Europe, it had a wealth of resources and so didn't necessitate the kind of innovation the West had.
If whites are so smart, why didnt they invent civilisation?
We did.
Why would it be useless?
It was a bad choice of word.
>Their IQ is a huge benefit even if theyre less creative overall.
That's only because of white people. If they didn't have whites, they wouldn't have made any inventions to improve upon. So yeah, without white people it's practically useless.
asians are the most materialistic race on earth
So that pic is saying brown-eyed European Whites are inferior and not White?
"It really makes you think..."
>world power by 2020
>have to put safety nets outside slave labour factories while all the rich ones move to hongcouver
Possibly, but consider that Japan and China already had written languages, paper and multi-story buildings before the whites discovered these countries. They had large orderly hierarchical empires with occasional infighting (warlord eras and warring states period). Having a few outliers that invent good stuff like medicine and rockets is good, but having a high overall IQ allows you to maintain a society in an orderly fashion with low crime and a good teaching of virtues.
this is WE WUZ KANGZ tier
The Bible confirms that plenty of the egyptians were white.
Well yes. It's not such a noticeable difference though.
if they had slave labor how do they buy all your houses and frances houses and germanys houses and houses across america?!?!
i mean that apple probe showed no slave labor but im sure you think canada isnt sinking further into the abyss or america is still a super power
Keep telling yourself that. The Bible confirms all of it.
What about this:
The asians with the "high IQ" are people who spend their whole lives after turning 4 doing tests, so they can escape from their shithole.
In practice these people are completely inept at everything else.
>common filth
Despite being 12% of the world, europeans and north Americans combine for 90% of the world's technological advances. Now, Im anti industrial revolution, but if I were to embrace it I'd definitely leave the Hwyte race to figure it out. Theres a reason Chinese and indians with money come here. Theres a reason they put money into developing Africa. They make their oodles elsewhere and come abuse our systems. The western world is a lavish place. I truly hope our Degeneracy brings them down with us at the very least.
This entire thread is filled with WE WUZ KANGZ nonsense. My race is barely above niggers and I am ashamed of myself and what we have created.
1st generation westernized chinks are nice people t b h
This is a meme created by shills to keep whitey from knowing his people's real history. It work much like the conspiracy shills, who shit out millions of ridiculous conspiracies to brand a follower of ANY conspiracy a tinfoiler.
Been to China?
Most of it is a hovel.
>to keep whitey from knowing his people's real history.
Listen to yourself, replace "whitey" with "the black man" and it's literally WE WUZ KANGZ. Just let the fucking East Asians take over already, we fucked up. We fucked up so badly.
Look at Death Note. If Light is so smart then how come he dies in the end while Misa survives?
Like I said: Shills. Look at the last part of this post. It couldn't be more obvious.
We fucked up because we didn't kill the Jews, we let our birthrates drop, we let in shitskins, and we didn't force ourselves through rigorous eugenics to ensure that the white race would become the intellectual/general powerhouse it could have been. Now we're like the fucking niggers. Just fucking end me.
>remember hearing a theory that the reason why China never went through heavy industrialization by itself was because it wasn't necessary.
They were fucked over by their writing language poorly compatible with printing press.
>all this defeatism
Just fucking do it already you pussy.
>Misa survives
Tip top shitpost guv'nah!
He's a shill.
Because we make more money than you on average.
the rich communist party officials that own the slave labour do that. too much cheeseburgers in your brain
Because they recognize that there has to be poor people for a society to get shit done.
I know the answer:
Even though east asians have a tiny bit higher AVERAGE IQ, their standard deviation is WAAAY LOWER.
All the great things are done by exceptional people.
If you look at people with an IQ of higher than 120, whites outnumber East Asians 8 - 1.
Downside is that this also goes the other way with low IQ.
So what you're saying is... they are inferior?
Why is Sup Forums so insecure?
If asians are so clever, why do they keep using this?
If whites are so smart then why do they import shitskins in their countries?
>maths does not require creativity and inventiveness
On a side note, however, Asians didn't invent that much in math either. Most mathematical breakthroughs were accomplished by European mathematicians, although there were a few absolutely top-tier Chinese and Japanese mathematicians over the last 50 years or so. Also look up this guy: en.wikipedia.org
They live longer because they don't develope as fast as whites.
It doesn't. Inventing mathematical equations does, but not counting it.
t. Bradford Ping Lee
hapas aren't asian
Because the current state of the world is people believe science has proven racism wrong, and all human beings are simply blank slates that are products of their environment, therefore to the average goy not being racist does in fact seem like a logical decision. Of course they couldn't be further from the truth, but the truth is hidden from them and propaganda reigns supreme.
Average IQ of Northeast Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans) is higher than average IQ of Europeans, but the standard deviation is narrower, meaning there are less geniuses and less idiots.
The reason why whites are culturally and scientifically more dominant than Asians is the same as why men are more dominant in those fields than women; the type of person that is required to push society forward needs courage, passion and extraordinarily high intelligence. Among women and Asians those traits are less pronounced than among men and Europeans.
As a race: yes.
There are less stupid east asians and less brilliant east asians compared to whites.
On average they are only a tiny bit smarter.
Civilisation is build by brilliant people. That's why (as long as whites will survive) white civilisation will always stay superior.
Amen Finnbro
What is hapa? Half Asian part American? I Don't get
Whites didnt even have civilisation until romans gave it to them
Asian woman / Weeb mutts
Sounds like something absolutely retarded people would believe. It's not like majority of people in Europe are creationists. How can a man who took a basic class on evolution believe that all people are born the same? I mean, even fucking Slavs don't believe in this shit.
Romans are white, you asian nigger.
Well, the Japanese and Chinese I mentioned sure did invent some highly important and ingenious stuff. It goes to show that Asian dedication combined with a certain amount of boldness and creativity can work absolute wonders.
The propaganda is too strong m8, the current state of "the west" is that we have all been raised in mostly all white childhoods but at the same time having "le diversity is the greatest thing ever we are all le same" shoved down our throats from a very early age. This creates a situation where during our childhoods we were never actually around non-whites that much so never saw how terrible they were but instead got convinced there's nothing wrong with them. What you see today is direct result of that situation.
It wasn't "necessary" in Europe either...
I think it was more luck that the innovation ball somehow started rolling, and due to Europe being fractured into many competing countries the ball rolled faster and faster.
Lol, I call them that to their face and all they can do is seethe, the little yellow potatoes.
BTW, they aren't smart, not at all.
We had a nice quiet little town and then these fucking skumbag churches staryed importing hundreds of chinksvand niggers. Now we have heroin, theft and murder.
Thanks obongo and you stupid church fucks.
And when we talk about subgroups of white people, Ashkenazies, without a doubt, take the 1st place in being the most dominant demographic group various scientific, cultural and financial fields.
>getting hurt at being called a chink
we get verbally abused by our family everyday. words wont hurt unless they're westernized
Literally Jews, friend.
>they say white people dont have culture
Exactly. It's like a fish not knowing that water exists because they've been immersed in it their entire lives.
All I know is that every single chink I went to college with cheated on everything. It didn't matter how stupidly easy the assignment was, they bought/torrented the answers online or from other chinks. The only Asians I ever saw actually putting in the effort where the Indians. The chinks and arabs where massive fucking cheaters. Not only that but they would get physically violent when found out.
t. Computer Science degree.
I don't understand this meme, I've never heard gooks say whites have no culture because at least asians can understand that "whites" aren't a collective entity. If anything, they go after Americans for not having culture.
Then why the younger they are the more left they vote? You can convince people that communism works. Because philosophy and economics is mostly unprovable bullshit until it hits hard. But you can't convince people that a nigger in Africa is the same as them except for education if they think about it for 5 minutes. That doesn't seem like something smart people would believe.
If europeens are so smart then why are all your best scientists Jewish?
checkmate eurofags
>Short version
>Long version
thats communism for you
mystery solved, i guess
East-Asians seem like an ideal workforce, I wonder why the Jews aren't trying to tame that steed as we speak
Lol it was trade routes cut off by the Ottomans that spurred Europe to colonize the west and look for other trade routes/lands for resources in the first place. Colonization really got the ball rolling on the rule of the west. They needed resources to amass wealth for their sovereigns, unlike the orient where they are already quite wealthy.
Whites aren't doing that.
Kikes are.
You mad cause swedes coming and fuck your thai girlfriend?
>the KGB convinced our governments to import niggers
Are you saying that whites are retarded enough to be outjewed by Slavs?
He is actually right. A damn lot of competition between lots of small nations drove the need for innovation, its quite simple.
No one is above psychology.
white america is in debt to Jewish masters.