this is what being a constantly high 50 yr old looks like
Kek, a real life version of Logan and Laura.
If he took that jacket off, would he freeze?
Dafne is cuter.
His name is Wolverine faggot.
Why does Ben have such big tits?
Real life versions are never better looking in almost every story depicted in the screen.
Smoke too much pot in his younger days.
Also he got fat after dealing with drinking.
Based affleck. Is he tapping that?
He's too big for her.
Who's this cute?
That brother Bin Al-fellecki
I'm pretty sure that pervvy user was talking about about that ugly ass little white girl.
> I just want my kids back.
fell for the SS + GOMAD meme
>tfw going grey at 28
feels bad man, doesn't help that I always look tired as fuck too even when I'm not
Don't feel too bad, I just turned 27 and half my hair is grey, and I have naturally narrow eyes with permabags. Get mockingly called Clint Eastwood and Chink Chinkerson at work, but they annihilate the fat guy so I can't complain.
>Chink Chinkerson
Shut the fuck up m8
Lucky man tbqh
I want a girl to hold onto me like that.
The only unconditional love a person can get is from a parent or a child.
She really loves her dad
>all daughters
It's the fighter's curse. He's a fighter.
Those are very nice pictures.
>the man just loves his kids
>his ex is reconciling things with him to better strengthen their family
>he's going to rehab for alcoholism
Why is this man hated again?
He is cosplaying as casey in manchester by the sea
I hate him for helping ruin Batman
Why do the two guys on the right look related? They look like a different species from Ben Affleck. That can't be possible though. They're all white men... right?
so is he going to murder his kids by leaving the fire on without a screen too?
Has Sam Harris ever been wrong?
He wasn't wrong though
His discussion with Jordan Peterson was pretty retarded. They spent 2 hours of the podcast disagreeing over the meaning of "truth".
this is why I hate him, and I hate that I loved the accountant
Yeah the accountant was a good film to just relax and enjoy the action. The story wasn't great, but it didn't really matter to me.
>Ruining Batman
He was the only good Batman since Keaton left,
I would feel dat cunny!
of course they are white, fellow white man, but in all seriousness, we can't let trump get his hands on the nuclear codes.
>Ben, you still have time.
"I wanna fuck dafne's"
Based Affleck vs the Jews.
he's a big guy for her
i want to fuck that pepe!
I had grey in my teens.
Receding hairline is the real kick in the balls.
Ben Kenobeer
Jack, Marguerite, Zoe?
What does this mean?
Hope this cunt gets raped by a pack of dindus
BEN? He's a big guy.
Picture from right after he dropped his kids off at school and got back in the car.
Is Ben, dare I say it, best DILF?
Kek he's wearing the same clothes.
bump for based ben
Find a picture where the gun presses against the skin. This looks obvious
their clothing/hairstyles are reminiscent of a vidya game
Because he contributed to Marvel's BTFOing and shills can't handle that
10/10 workplace
>brave enough to seek help
>getting his family back
>making kino like there is no tomorrow
>triggering jews so hard that they run a smear campaign on all his movies
Just how much of /ourguy/ can this guy be?
that's not Kevin Smith/Johnny Depp
what did he do to trigger Das Juden? Argo seemed pretty cucky to me...
He said that Islam is not inherently more violent that *other* abrahamic religions
He used to be hated a long time ago. He's not really hated anymore.
how dare he
er, that's a line generally repeated to as a way of insulting Christianity, though i goes in a VERY specific context it might refer to Judaism
What happened?
I got nothing but hate from Sup Forums for arguing the same thing
you just know
>loves his kids
was he thinking about that before or after he stuck his dick in the nanny?
Know what?
God damn that was hard to follow.
>I never stuck my dick into an actual woman so let me act morally superior
honestly nanny's seem like some insidious biological trap. its like:
"hey, i love your kids, and am great at taking care of them, by the way have i mentioned I'm also younger and more fertile then your current spouse? I'll just spend hundreds of hours in your territory, circumventing more and more social boundaries everyday, teehee!"
It reeked of pretentiousness from both sides.
>have a hot wife, mother of your kids
>fuck a trash tier nanny after your wife gives birth to your kids
what could the problem be?
That Logan movie looks pretty good. He really pulls of that dying old man look.
>nearly half grey
>only 26
>hair starting to thin
>have slight baby face
>can't grow facial hair
its not about whether the nanny is less hot than his wife, the idea of a doing something forbidden was the lure.
Some guys just love to chase women and wont stop. They just got to find a way to not cheat
>It reeked of pretentiousness from both sides.
People over-inflate the intellectual merit of both of these men to ludicrous heights because of this us v.s them cult of personality crap but neither man is particularly pretentious.
If you think it "reeked" of pretentiousness then you are probably the sort that doesn't read all that much and feels intellectually threatened over it too much.
Delet this
I refuse.
Is that his daughter?
Why she dressed like a 50 year old receptionist
Better than dressing like a slut.
Would you rather your kids dress like sluts?
holy shit you fags call that "JUST"? board's getting more ridiculous every day
>>the man just loves his kids
>destroys their home by cheating on his wife
>blames alchohol
>defends pedophile worshipers
I think the problem with them is that they're both nothing but rethorists that don't really have interesting ideas of their own, so pretty much all they do is pull up shitty analogies and argue semantics.
This is what I meant when I said they reeked of pretentiousness. Then he had to go assblast me.
Hahahaha, you're pathetic
He use to be, before all the drinking and hot bimbo fucking.
He was an Adonis.
I want to save Ben.