/nwg/ - Non-Wh*Te General

A general for all fellow non-wh*Tes of Sup Forums to discuss wh*Te hatred, post pictures of themselves, have cultural exchanges, etc.
Latin Americans
Arabs (And any other middle easterners)
Not Invited:
Asians (SEAsians are allowed)

Other urls found in this thread:


ayo brothas

hello my fellow non-wh*Tes


Hello to my fellow BLACK brothers, kys to wh*Toids


There is no god but KARA BOĞA and Yakub is the messenger of KARA BOĞA

We meds are white, fuck off shitskins

You *nglo subhumans are the worst of the wh*Tes. At least g*rmans may be spared and allowed to live on a wh*Te reservation for all of this "ruined europe" (aka wh*Teistan) talk and graciouslly inviting ARABs to live with them, while all *nglos must die. Do not try to disguise yourself as a superior MED, wh*Toid, for we can see through your lies.

I'm 11% non-white, can I join this thread?

>tfw half white half SEA

you must give up your wife's first son to a BLACK bull first

you must marry a non-wh*Te, but as long as you do that, halfbreeds are accepted with caution

>tfw indian
Even wh*Tes are superior

I can see through your mask, wh*Toid. Do not degrade our Pooish brothers.

Listen, I'm Brazilian, I don't tolerate cuck shit. Not being cucks is a source of pride among muh peepul.

I'm med but everyone things I'm an Arab because the only non-blonde blue eyed men around are Arabs.

Jokes, on them cause I have Jewish blood.

No niGGa you get it wrong, Yakub (piss be upon him) is the creator of wh*Te subhumans hence evil. KARA BOĞA is archnemesis of Yakub and wh*Te subhumans.

Post anti-white pics.

>I have Jewish blood.
i.e My grand-mother on my dad side is jewish and I pretend I'm jewish


>everyone things I'm an Arab
Whats the problem exactly? You don't believe the wh*te supremacist lies of racial hierarchy, do you?

What do you have against Asians? we kill down white menace too

white people are our friends



das rite

Wh*te people go back to Europe.

no, it belongs to the Afroeurasian master race now

I don't care white people get off native land right now


Asians can join if they bring us the head of a wh*Te

How many wh*te women have you raped today, brethren?
3 for me, but I'd hardly call it rape if they were willing.

sorry, vikings discovered the Americas way before you native subhumans. Go back to Asia mongoloid

Can a wh*Te sissyboi like me find a strong BLACK bull here?

Brazilians are non wh*Te in all cases so you are fine

>O B S E S S E D

No superior BLACK man would ever touch a wh*Te """man""". You can, however, watch him fuck your girlfriend/mother/sister, providing you promise to provide raise their children.

Disgusting wh*Toid BTFO once again.

post your favorite wh*Tey getting BTFO video


BASED Black Aboriginal stallion once again leads the fight against the angL* mongrel

reminder that wh*te women are the property of the BDC (BIG DARK COCK)

Wilder fighting more cans rather than top opponents again

are north asians invited?

That's interesting. I have often thought that the Atlantis legend might just refer to America


nigga got heemed

Depends on your percentage of European blood. Anyone above 9% is NOT welcomed in this thread.

>has nazi thing on the wrong way
>talking to random black thugs on the street

What was his endgame

>invited: meds

>He's non-white but lives in a white country

idk about you guys but I love wh*Te girls

didn't mean to quote you nigel i click on random posts to bring up the legacy captcha

We don't rape. Back to Sup Forums, cracker.

The national past time in this great country involves giving disgusting wh*Te subhumans internal bleeding.
FACT: Atlantis is where the SUPERIOR black man originates from, it sunk when we were betrayed by Yakub who made the wh*Te devil in his basement.
He forgot he wasn't on Sup Forums

This. Let's not stoop so low to the level of the wh*Te MUTT.

you wh*te shitposters are either one of three things:
1) cux
2) insecure literal niggers who in reality don't get any "snowbunny" pussy
3) memers with shit taste
now kys

All majority white countries,pathetic white cucks pretending to be black. Sad!

Asian man here

Just fucked a white girl.

Literally lmaoing at (you)

haha I would normally call you a wh*Toid but you're a fellow BLACK brother, embrace your identity :)

How did it feel to fuck that literal MUTT, my Yellow brother?

السلام عليكم يا اخوة في السواد

Stfu wh*Tebois. Don't even talk to me.

Look how easily upset they are. Their only argument is we don't gey any pussy. Blacks get a lot of white pussy, more than you.

give me your crushes address so I can let you watch me fuck her wh*Toid

Felt okay

Going to impregnate her with my superior Asian seed. Am doing my part in killing the w*ite race


Why don't you cuckies go jerk it to vids of us ploughing your women? you're welcome to worship us but dont pretend to be us,wh*Te bitches.

>be paki
>move out for uni
>first week of frosh
>wh*Toid sluts everywhere
>got laid every day of the week
>get laid every friday or weekend now
these wh*Toid women are animals with no morals, they just lose themselves in lust and fornication

>some beta wh*Toid will get my sloppy seconds

Hey bro that's not how you're supposed to be memeing


White women were made for the BAC

you’ve got it wrong brother

انتي النصر في وقفتك
انتي الفجر في نظرتك
صحاب الارض نحمي الارض
بنت القدس لبينا
بنت القدس لبينا
فوق السماء تحت الارض
والعدو حاير فينا
حاير فينا
بنت الشرف صاحت فينا تلقانا
وين الرجال؟
اللي ع اللي رضيانا

جينااا جوا النفق فوق الجبل
بساحة الاقصى لاقينا

Disgusting wh*Toids cannot produce something as beautiful as this.

Thumbnail looks like a door and wooden floor

Better video, one I linked was stolen by wh*toids (no surprises there).

Who else /superiorbrownrace/ here?

Stupid wh*Te bitches. Especially you A*stralian mutt. You post a pic of one of us trying to be us. Kill yourself pathetic wh*Teboi. You;ll never be us.

Why is finnish music so good lads

>wh*Te humour

Cry more wh*Tie. You're pathetic.

wh*Teys BTFO

>they still aren't immune to bullets
HAHAHAHAHA, I LAUGH in the face of the Wh*Te SUBHUMAN race, PATHETIC.

KSI is perfect example of uncle tom. Look at all the wh*Te friends he has. You;re probably one of the fr*nch mutt.

Why are Arabs so masculine and alpha and wh*Tes so effeminate and weak?

East Finnish Anthem:

Is there a more pathetic race than the wh*Te """man"""?

Watch the way the woman grabs his shirt at the end. She slows down when she feels his muscular body. Another wh*Te women in the bag.

Whites and Asians will create the superior space-faring race. Browns will be purged.

*blocks your path*

I am Jewish.

t. Elliot

Fuck Sup Forums nothing but stupid retarded memeing shitskins. You ruined the whole board. wh*Te should be banned on spot. Turkey will be nuked and you cockroach slimes will die. And remember white people made everything. You're not even human. Kill yourselves sad pathetic turd looking scum.

>be l*af
>get cucked by BLACK jamaicans

>all these posts about white women

>meds are brown

>monkey beaner think's he's white

I don't?

don't listen to the digusting wh*Toid my brother

Elliot was an incel that worshiped blonde roasties like you. I have a gf.

>worshipped blonde roasties
I can tolerate being called an incel, but a blonde roastie worshipper? Literally go fuck yourself