*feels goosebumps sprouting on paws*
Admit, this scene gave you chills
hahah shes dead now
I actually legit got feels, like I'm only just about to start crying, you know the ones?
*raises paw*
u-um... what movie is this from?
*lowers paw*
I agree, I almost teared up. It was like those movies I loved all those years ago were being raped for nostalgia bucks.
You know nobody told me she died? I found out like last week.
not all, it was cringy to end such a decent movie with a bad cgi render of leia, it was a bummer because i was hyped that dank vader fucked all those guys up on the ship
>"What is that?"
>"It is Star Wars: A New Hopeā¢"
jfc. walked out of the theater right there and then
I just felt nothing. It was nice.
Though I might be inclined to feel something again were the theatrical versions of OT to be released.
Rogue One.
>walked out at the end of the movie
That's as good as cgi is right now.
only because I couldn't tell if what I was looking at was human.
Uncanny valley.
I was just disappointed to see that shitty round cheeked abomination after being quite impressed by somewhat too stiff Tarkin.
impressed? wtf
Tarkin looked creepy since he had long shots and you can clearly see he's cgi. at least with cocaine girl it was just a short glimipse
>impressed by Tarkin
I guess there is such thing as CGI-blind
Just because you can still tell it's CG doesn't mean it's shit jackasses. Feel free to post better CG recreations of actual humans any time you like.
Alternatively: walk into traffic
good cgi is from the Pirates the one with the squid face
No, it looked cartoony and terrible.
I will not post a better CGI recreation of a human because I've never really seen a good one. I don't need to post a good one to prove to you that Tarkin looked like shit.
Her mother, Debbie Reynolds, died the next day.
The fact you care enough to notice it's CGI is proof it's shit CGI.
And like some faggot said years ago, the reason CGI reproductions of humans look like shit is because real human facial movements/expressions are caused by the tightening and relaxing of muscles beneath the skin contorting the skin laying overtop, and CGI reproductions just move the entire face around like so much melting plastic. It doesn't matter how much time a person tries to get melting plastic to act like skin laying over muscle, it'll never look right, especially considering these people won't have the time necessary to make it look right.
Yeah I heard it all, just last week. All I saw on Sup Forums were threads like this and assumed they just made Leia CGI because Carrie Fisher was zombie tier from drugs.
how did they do the CGI so good
was it ironic?
She lost the will to live. It was pottery.
If that worked, I'd've been dead 10 years ago
That's because you've never loved.
Fucking hippie
chills for some shitty and predictable cgi? no, im not an 11 year old that learned about star wars a few months ago when she died and jumped on the bandwagon you faggot
did you not get the whole story of rouge one till the end? it was VERY obvious that is how it would end
who said chills were a good thing?
I had chills because it looked so fucking retarded
Doesn't even look like Leia. They did a shit job with the CGI, especially since Leia spends the vast majority of ANH with bitch face.
The line itself is out of place and forced, but what really bothered me is the expression she pulls as she says it. A sort of embarrassed smirk that doesn't fit the character or situation.
Anyone made a webm yet?
and he wont hear about it until sometime in June
that didn't even cross my mind when I saw the scene for the first time last night. what a pathetic starshitter carrie fisher turned out to be.
Aren't movies supposed to build into an ending? It was literally "Hope" - CUT TO CREDITS I don't even think she got finished saying the entire words.
Did you just compare a wet octopus monster to a CGI human ?????????? ??????? ????????????????
>all CGI is shit because when I know what is CGI before I see it I can tell it's CGI
$100 says if someone held up 10 photos and you had to guess which was real and which was CGI you'd guess less than half correctly
You cant compare photos to videos
Honestly nothing from Rogue One got me excited. This scene from TFA on the other hand did.
I don't see how Leia being in RO would give you chills. I was pissed off that they connected the film so closely to a New Hope. Terrible writing. All Star wars films before have had a time gap between them.
Basically the only thing that even makes the movie worth seeing (or just watching those 2 scenes and skipping the rest) are the 2 Darth Vader scenes.
>talks shit to grand commander white suit then chokes him out
>completely shitshattering all those rebels in the hallway
I just marathoned this scene. I. Demand more CGI bralessness next time.
>Admit, this scene gave you chills
It didn't. But the scene before it did.
They should've just shot the actress from the back with the dialogue.
>This scene from TFA on the other hand did.
You're a fucking woman. The exciting part was thinking Luke was pulling the saber out of the snow. As soon as its revealed the blockhead miracously learned force pull all excitement died. I wish you'd fall and smash your nose.
one of the few good scenes in the film
the sad thing is we'll probably never get a Darth Vader movie. doubly so for an actual good one.
>Disney would inevitably want to turn down the violence since Vader can certainly rack up a kill count by himself
>actors always bitch about having their faces shown in full movies and it'd likely be the same thing for whoever is the physical standin for Vader
>plot would inevitably try to make Vader some kind of antihero when it best he's a bad guy fighting a worse guy or trying to secretly usurp Palpatine in the Master/apprentice dynamic to himself become the Master
Luke never learned it. You don't have to be trained to use the force dumbass.
The Vader scene while it looks okay, it's not even close to my favorite part of Rogue One. I prefer the wide camera shots and beautiful visuals all BEFORE the return of the Jedi battle rip off. The Vader scene was just fan boy shit that added nothing to his character. I already knew Vader could do these things and he was still more terrifying in the OT.
>there still isn't a webm
>Krennic: so im still in command?
>Vader: do you feel in charge?
>Krennic: i've built you a death star
>Vader: and this gives you power over me?
You manchildren need to shut the fuck up
especially you
of a broken heart.
Only in his first scene and certain movements. He looked amazing everywhere else. Normies had no idea. Only us autistic freaks jumped on the cg because we knew about it, so we went in with the intent to criticize and pull apart every goddamn frame of him instead of just being immersed in the movie.
Someone post that screencap of the thread where someone posed a shot from the orginal terminator and claimed it was the cg recreation from Genisys and all the anons said it looked fake. Same shit with Spideys suit in Homecoming, even though he's wearing an actual suit on set and shit.
You want and need something to complain about I guess.
lmao no.
He looks great but he's aged and looks nowhere near as good as Tarkin. You're delusional and nostalgic m8
no i was embarrassed and bored because im not a man child