rate my drawing Sup Forums
Rate my drawing Sup Forums
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Pretty good. I like your shading.
David "For the last time, I'm not a Pedophile" Duarte
who is it supposed to be?
I want to put my face in her cunny
Pimoneva, I think.
can u teach me how to draw
Can you chose a filename how all your pictures get posted from your phone OR you have all the pics saved as "ff" m8?
The first one
isn't that just a photoshop filter?
>can't tell if typical post from pedoposter, or just a woman who's really good at looking young
it looks like the hey faggot want to pet my snake girl
Take a wild guess
it's lily you fukkin pleb
>tfw it's great having ff back
Feels almost like old Sup Forums at times.
Oh, she looks fucking old now.
I wanna duck lillys cunny!
l m or r
"i cant tell if you're the pedo or i am"
got some news for you bud
Why does this board have so many pedos?
weird alien face that idk why anyone thinks is cute
Traced shit is super obvious. These shitlords never have grasp on even the most basic shit.
"Vector art" it's called nowadays and shitholes like deviant art are filled with "vector artists"
From left to right - flick, movie, kino
No, thanks.
Looks good tbḧ
Truly flat chest is the best. But only on girls. no homo
from right to left
delete, Delete, DELETE
Because Hollywood sexualizes children.
Not true.
Children are just sexy.
Hollywood just shows them.
What do you mean?
Just to say I did and piss off her dad
Woops low Rez
No they really do. They also molest them in many cases and it has been documented. Idc if you actually do think some younger people are sexy, but you need to come to the realization that it's fucked up and most of these kids are clueless to predators and viewers of them that see their exploitation.
wew kinda pushing it here man
I don't mind pedo threads so long as they're Sup Forums-related. Sorry, boys, I'm gonna have to report this one. Yep.
This thread is getting risky
I am picking out less lewd ones how is that pushing it? I have seen zhenya in lewder stuff or as lewd to be honest.
You're so important and we all care so much. Thanks for letting me know.
>most of these kids are clueless to predators and viewers of them that see their exploitation.
Its the parents fault desu
Just do it. This thread is fucked.
Professional shots man, always risky.
>I have seen zhenya in lewder stuff or as lewd to be honest.
Really? Shes a pure angel you pedo
Um no not every time. Kids go into hollywood and get exploited and molested all the time by their agents and people alike. Once again it's been documented. There's a documentary about it I wish I could remember the name of it. It's extremely fucked up.
>Kids go into hollywood and get exploited and molested all the time by their agents and people alike.
Yeah but im prettyvsure most of the time the parents know as long as they can pimp the kid they dont care kinda like tgst girl from stranger things
Prolly thinking of "An Open Secret".
A lot of the pedos in Jewlywood are gay for some reason.
I know you've probably posted her cute little tushy in that bikini don't lie
I don't see why there's a difference sans mod reaction
Just for that I'm gonna report this thread twice. Yep.
Millie? I'm pretty sure if she was being molested she wouldn't ever look or be that happy.... Again not all the time. In that documentary it showed kids would go to these parties the agents and others hold and they would be drugged and raped. In one part it even shows the parents crying and talking about it saying they never noticed signs of the agent raping the young boys. There's more cases than you think... you can't just assume everyone lets their kid get molested. Your logic is so wrong.
Nice coloring.
what's the name of this footpussy?
Thanks for letting me know bud
Christina. She's fucking cute.
I wonder what people like you look like irl
do i need a veep for this?
normal people. Seriously, that's not a joke. Most pedophiles are not the media caricature that society stereotypes them as. Most of them are literally normal looking people, the last people you'd expect.
fuck off I didn't saved it :(
It might be outdated now but last time we checked for both sides(for Sup Forums) this was the result
or you look like Marc Collins-Rector and you just know hes a child molester
google instagram anna kapchuk
Is that Sharlotta S. with Nathan Fillion??
They look perfectly normal.
Only difference is they're furiously fucking your daughter and she just says "I met a really cute boy at school"
brighton sharbino
dont bother looking her up she's trash now
No, it's some lookalike poser Sup Forums was into.
That tushy needs some pounding
Not that user but could you post bikini pic
Damn this isn't b. Stop being so edgy you'll hurt yourself.
Nice try faggot i wont fall for your b8
that's an old meme
find davidmartinduarte on instagram. he unironically traced all the cunnybots picture and upload them on his instagram
>upload failed
Damn the Sup Forumsros got me. I'll leave this pedo thread to you faggots.
pls join the bunny room :3
I looked at it for a sec but it's full alot and it's just lesbian porn don't get it.
It's a trap!
>doesnt get it
lol I remember when child modeling was "creepy".
whole articles about pimenova.
and now the are child models all over the place.
What the pics on the right ? Same thing as here no?
*blocks your path*
*kicks sand in her face*
who is this cunny bunny?
Ok, I need her name.
they're inspired by teh works of television and film
albina somethingorother
>literally itt
op draw this
Post her instagram
>1 hour up
Hihiheiheehoeoheohe FUCK YOU
It's art, you fucking nazi.