How the mighty have declined from 2014 edition.
Also, Strawpoll:
How the mighty have declined from 2014 edition.
Also, Strawpoll:
>flip posting
bruh, it's automatically /asean/ when flips make the thread
you're fucking baiting our ass making /nusantara/ threads, bro
hisap kote boleh?
>actual gaylaysian
d-does he post here?
He's an obvious chink user.
>the mighty have declined
Bukan ke kau ade cina overlord yang kau kena blowjob skrg?
jokes on you
I am cinak babi. suck it down pribumi
t. merula
my wife chino is so cute
Tak faham la macam mane org indon boleh kasi cina berkuasa. Cina dah control everything di indon skrg. Kedai buku pun control jugak. Sangat sedih.
Ofc dear, now run along now. Mommy has a meeting with Mr. Jamal
Top lel
Could we just call the threads /aseanusantara/ from now on? Everytime I go to Sup Forums, /asean/ often doesnt show up on search as a name.
then you make /asean/ independently and the flips you love so much will lurk i bet you. just dont use /nusantara/ label like OP its because autist like him is the reason indomalaynormies lost interest in 4ch followed by other flip regulars here
Is it hard to just type "nusantara"?
There were times I typed /asean/ and found no results so I switched to /nusantara/ and I feel sad we will not see anymore /asean/ in the future. I miss the old threads.
Then go making your own /asean/, faglord.
Alasan kenapa gue gak main ke /nusantara/ lagi sih itu. Tahi emang fl*p tukang ngerusakin thread general orang.
giving Flips internet access was a mistake
Let's make a new general with a different name. Ada usul gak?
/austro/ or /ganyang/
/austro/ mah bakal keundang juga tuh si fl*p.
/ganyang/ is good desu.
>dress as wh*te person
>win the award for COTY
here's an idea, let's get off of Sup Forums and be normies again
>cuti aku pun nak habis dah
Why not using nusantara name again.
ehh, up to them la, i'm leaving
you should just hang out at Sup Forums or the other generals, or better yet contact MkL directly
Oi, gib her your e-mail
Why don't you retards go back to your /fsschan/ if you just want to circlejerk between yourselves?
Say that to other generals with their own respective *chan, retarded.
Also I'm okay with b*le and other foreigners as long as they're not fl*p. Not again I want to be in the same general with them.
The other generals don't actively changing their generals name just to hide from some shitposters like cowards. Go back to your shithole asap if you're afraid of them so much.
>le everyone I hate is from fsschink
See here (), subhuman? It's your wh*Tecocks worshiping general. Apparently your beloved slut brought it back, go there and keep asking her tits like a creep, chink.
Penat la jadi normie, duit pun banyak kena belanja.
Maaf ya, tadi malam aku tertidur
Apa kabar?