
Risk Thread,Japan Edition

Yellow Scarves
Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo Prefecture

Here,this will help

Blue Squares
Right the fuck next to the Yellow Scarves
Dark blue

Never done risk before,
Tosa,Kochi Prefecture

hol up user, that map is fucking awful, it's far to small and obviously a pain in the ass to fill out, you better off with a world map with larger resolution

Yeah,youre right.

want a good map, think I got some you could use


Shame, it would have been enjoyable to be like good 'ld Oda.

here you go, just so you know a pali is a number like 232 or 141, a number that can be read the same forward or backwards
single pali: 141
double: 1441
tripple 14441

That one has not enough tiles in my opinion

you op risk before? a map like this will take atleast 3-4 hours on average or more, too many tiles is bad, this one has well over a thousand, maybe 2

that will make for a smoother game though and it will go faster.

Also put me in.
>Mongol Empire

You have that one overplayed Europe Map with Bonuses?I accidentally deleted it

North Island


>Chinese Colony of Riben
>Any color

No,it was only Europe and with City Bonuses

Dinosaur Island

only copy of it I got, slightly used so would need a little cleaning

No,thats also not what i meant

i started my own thread since OP is too lazy to start.