Does anybody else feel like depression is a made up illness? Or at least much...

Does anybody else feel like depression is a made up illness? Or at least much, much rarer than what doctors today are suggesting.

I think SSRIs are being pushed on people for no reason other than because the pharmaceutical companies want their profits.
I became very suspicious of depression meds after a doctor hinted that I should try SSRIs because of a prolonged FLU that might be partly caused by "psychological" issues. These people have no shame honestly.

Finland has a very low population, yet there are 250,000 people here that are taking SSRIs for prolonged periods of time.
And looking at the side effects of these meds, that among others include weight gain and limp dick, you'd think that they just make you feel worse.

Why do people today think that if you aren't absolutely happy all the time, you are "depressed"?

Proper Depression is a muthfucker, it's a full-on headfuck.

But yeah, there's a lot of blues being misdiagnosed as full-on depression too, probably way more than the real thing.

A mass media telling us that we should feel happy all the time to seel us junk doesn't help; we're supposed to experience negative emotions occasionally to change our situation.

Made up? No. I've been through it, and trust me, it's not the same as just being sad. Sometimes there'd be no reason for it. I had a wonderful day, my family loved me, my friends cared about me, and I had a job that paid well enough for the simplistic lifestyle I would want to live, but I would just lose all the motivation I should have had in an instant.

Is it totally over-diagnosed on people who actually do need to just get the fuck over themselves? Yes, but it's difficult for outside eyes to tell the difference between the two scenarios.

it's the result of Internet and technology addiction (among any number of other addictions including sex, porn drugs etc)

its a symptom not a disease

you probably still fapped to porn and spent hours online on those days.

it all comes down to media influence.

spend less time on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and you will be less "depressed"

I think the majority of """""""depressed"""""" people are just fatasses who don't even lift. I used to feel pretty sad but now that i'm fit it's nowhere near as bad.
I also think you've got a point about the media pushing the "you deserve to be ecstatic ALL THE TIME" bullshit on us to sell us shit.

I'd love to see some proof for this.


there's tons of studies for porn out there.

but really I think it extends much further than porn, to the whole Internet and screens in general.

when I spend a long time outside/with family and no access to Sup Forums and internet I automatically feel less "depressed" once I get over the withdrawal.

I don't think nofap/noporn is a cure-all for every mental problem but it does help.

Really I think limiting or abstaining from technology is the big step, and returning to nature in multiple ways. I'm not claiming I've done it either.