I still don't get why all the Brexiteers quit

Brits, I seriously do not understand. Why are they all gone?

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Space nazis had a talk with them. Nobody wants to deal with incoming shitstorm, death of UK, civil unrest, sterling used as toilet paper.

our media influences politics.
they would have been destroyed before a government had even been formed.
Delete Nigel though, he was never going to be in the lime light after completing his life work. mans a hero and did what he intended to do.

>Why are they all gone?
You didn't think you could vote your way out, did you citizen?

Leadsom is a literally who politician, she wouldn't be on anyone's radar without the referendum.

Johnson's situation is weird, frankly. The official story is that Gove (his campaign manager) announced that he was going for party lead himself, and this constitutes a horrific betrayal and then shortly after Johnson stood down. I suspect there's more to that story but I haven't heard it.

Farage is the MEP for Britain, he was literally campaigning for us to fire him. He was originally just a business man but got into politics because he hates the EU and wanted us out, he's done his job so he's quit.

Theresa May is the Home Sec and an evil authoritarian, anyone who is a threat to her politically will get very friendly with MI-5. Of course she's still around after flip-flopping. I'm not sure she has very good chances as she's pro-immigration and the Conservatives didn't even win last time, it's a coalition government but I think someone locked nick clegg in a closet and forgot about him because he's been missing for years.

We probably won't know in the near future why Boris and Gove just stepped aside.

Especially Boris Johnson seemed to be switching to the Leave side for purely opportunistic reasons. Why he then just stepped back to leave it to Gove, I don't understand. And Gove seemed to be a candidate with a solid backing in the Tory party. Why he let Theresa May have a go isn't clear either to me.

>mans a hero and did what he intended to do

>Farage is the MEP for Britain

And with "the", you mean one of 73 MEPs, right?

>Nigel Farrage still a MEP making sure the EU and UK gov don't pull any shennanigan's whilst help other countries who want out.
>Borris stabbed in the back
>Gove didn't gain enough support from tory MP's and was eliminated as a candidate
>Leadsom was hit by media shenanigans and had to pull out from the race, probably told to behind the scene's.

They didn't you mongrel.

>Theresa May

so the jews will have their revenge huh?

Why do people keep obsessing over Farage resigning from UKIP? Do you people not understand that he was never an MP nor officially connected to the Brexit campaign?

No, by "the" I mean literally the only one that anybody knows, the only one who got more than a random handful of votes, the only one who ever gets shown on TV and the one actually doing something.

And that's another reason we're leaving, the inefficacy of the people we actually vote to represent us there. Except Farage.

>>Nigel Farrage still a MEP making sure the EU and UK gov don't pull any shennanigan's whilst help other countries who want out.
Farage has the lowest percentage of being present in the EU parliament of all 750 MEPs. He also ties with his UKIP colleagues for the lowest percentage (0%) of voting in favor of a law that passes the EU parliament.

>>Borris stabbed in the back
By whom? Gove? Pleeeease. There is no reason whatsoever that Johnson could have not run even if Gove ran too.

>>Gove didn't gain enough support from tory MP's and was eliminated as a candidate
Yes, so? That was clear. He has the charisma of a goldfish crossed with a moth.

>>Leadsom was hit by media shenanigans and had to pull out from the race, probably told to behind the scene's.
Haha, what? If she can't even take media fire for 1 day, how was she supposed to lead the country through the roughest time since 1945?

Gove was voted out


I really believe their families were threatened. Globalists have been tricking us into following their agenda with for so long, and they're not going to stop now, they're going to use whatever methods available to make sure they get their way. The Brexit vote might have been successful, but now they'll do their best to make sure nothing important actually changes due to it.

>Do you people not understand that he was never an MP nor officially connected to the Brexit campaign?

So I imaged Nigel standing on the Brexit campaigns NATIONALLY TELEVISED DEBATES?

It's all some sort of grand plan to stall it as much as possible then in the next general election May will probably include in one of her policies she'll disregard it all together.

that would be very nice

Leadsom was too inexperienced, Boris was backstabbed by Gove, Gove was voted against by Tory MPs.

Farage is just an MEP anyway, he has no power.


He's wasn't even in parliament.

>And that's another reason we're leaving, the inefficacy of the people we actually vote to represent us there. Except Farage.

I assume you know that who is voted into the EU parliament in the UK and how they are voted in is UK law, right? If the UK wanted to vote MEPs based on first-past-the-post, it could.

Blaming the EU for the decision of the UK using a proportional voting system for the EU parliament election is beyond retarded.

all bark and no bait, they probably didnt even have a plan for what to actually do in case they won, i have a feeling they just talked shit because they are politicians and that's what politicians do

>He also ties with his UKIP colleagues for the lowest percentage (0%) of voting in favor of a law that passes the EU parliament.
Why would a party for leaving the EU vote for more EU laws?

>did what he intended to do
Except when the government make deals to keep sucking on big momma Merkels tittays and they might as well still be in the EU.

Nigel wasn't even in the main leave campaign, everything he did was separate.
He ran Leave.eu, the official one was Vote Leave

They were told to quit by their corporate masters.

Large majority of the media was behind leave, though.

>the tories can ignore it when half their MPs are diehard leavers and half their remain people were still eurosceptic but just stuck with Cameron and Osbourne
Are you retarded?

>he was never an MP
He tried and failed, though, didn't he?

>Why would a party for leaving the EU vote for more EU laws?
I don't know. You just said Nigel Farage will stay in the EU parliament and getting paid for it, because he will be "making sure the EU and UK gov don't pull any shennanigan's whilst help other countries who want out. "

You do know that the EU parliament will have to approve the new UK-EU trade agreement?

No it wasn't.

Media backed leave. Why would they back a remain PM?

bullshit. British media is the worst on the planet.
a disgrace.

hes still got 2 years left I thought\?
hes also stated he will be watching the exit "like a hawk"

>they probably didnt even have a plan for what to actually do in case they won
The leave campaign is not and never was a political party, it's the government's job to plan for either eventuality.
Cameron is the real shit here, said he would stay and take us out of the EU if he lost, then immediately resigned when he lost.

>He ran Leave.eu, the official one was Vote Leave

How many Brits knew the difference between leave.eu and vote leave? Who cared about who ran the "main" leave campaign and who ran the other one?

This wasn't an election of parties, it was a referendum.

I just have no idea why Farage resigned. Truly no idea. His job isn't done. It is complete bs that he left.

He's a Brexiteer. There's no point trying to use facts and logic and reason. He will side-step them and appeal to his own sense of entitlement instead.

So what's next for nigel? I saw him host a couple of radio shows and being pretty good at it but that's it.

>You just said
Check IDs you mongoloid kraut.

>You do know that the EU parliament will have to approve the new UK-EU trade agreement?
Without our MEPs

haha are you fucking serious? The man has been the face for Brexit for decades, saying he wasn't officially connected is just a linguistic cavil and you know it

the media did not back leave though.
a few papers does not trump the ever moving BBC machine.
people rely on moving image i.e. video and internet.
the sun newspaper can say what it likes, it only effects a small group imo.
bbc itv and 4 plus twitter were vastly more powerful than any other outlets during the ref.

The biggest newspapers in the country backed Brexit. Or are you in denial about that as well?

But he wasn't, the Labour and tory leave backers literally shat on him for the whole campaign and all said he wasn't in any way connected to them.

>How many Brits knew the difference between leave.eu and vote leave?
It was pretty important, since vote leave got all the state help and the free mailshot and so on.

I wonder how many of the leave campaigners will commit suicide or die in tragic accidents.

>implying anyone buys the papers anymore
Their circulation is down to about 10% of what it was 30 years ago

hopefully a well earned rest.
Id love to see him in a pertinent role but our media and retarded population wouldn't stand for it.

>Farage has the lowest percentage of being present in the EU parliament of all 750 MEPs.
Why would someone who wants nothing but to destroy the EU keep attending EU parlamentiary sessions?
He opposes the whole political structure of the EU. Why do you think it's a treasonous act to not appear for its lawmaking sessions?

> He also ties with his UKIP colleagues for the lowest percentage (0%) of voting in favor of a law that passes the EU parliament.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

no one reads the papers and believes what they are told over here.
i think the t.v debates and twitter were the main forces in the ref.


no need to buy it, senpai

>Why would someone who wants nothing but to destroy the EU keep attending EU parlamentiary sessions?
Because it is his job? He gets paid for it.

>He opposes the whole political structure of the EU. Why do you think it's a treasonous act to not appear for its lawmaking sessions?
It is not treasonous. Still, I think the point of being an MEP is showing up and making yourself heard, no?

Nobody had a real plan what to do in case the UK votes leave. They just wanted to shitpost, not take any responsibility.

because Brexit would be a disaster and no one really wants to manage and be attached to it and held responsible

Resigned after achieving his life long dream. Has no power in further negotiations.
Backstabbed by Gove. Defeated. Not a true brexiteer anyway. Probably voted remain.
Proved herself a media lightweight. Also didn't have parliamentary support and didn't want to be Corbyn 2.0
I noticed you left out Gove. He was also defeated.

>It was pretty important, since vote leave got all the state help and the free mailshot and so on.
So you seriously think that more than a few people in the UK public actually knew that there was a difference between the campaigns? I mean, seriously? Most people don't even know what the EU is or can name a single MEP or can name a single EU law that impacts their daily lives.

its the discussion that follows after an article or video thats important, no one accepts the news without validation from their friends afterwards..
talking about my generation, obviously.

>the EU is undemocratic
>I'll refuse to partecipate to their elections this will show them

Yeah you're right tbf and I trust you on this one since I browse way too much Sup Forums and everyone kept talking about him. What about before the campaign though? He was the most prominent brexiter iirc

Nige fought and won his war. Rest easy Nige, the once and future lad.

Conservatives have a majority government, it was last last GE where they were coalition w/ Lib dems

>What about before the campaign though? He was the most prominent brexiter iirc
Well yeah, UKIP is why the tories promised the referendum in our last election, they had 2 MPs defect to them and more threatened (rumoured up to 50, would have caused the government to collapse) to follow

>or can name a single EU law that impacts their daily lives.
Free movement of people was known by all though :^)
>can name a single MEP
Farage is a household name

Older people, 90% of whom voted, still read newspapers. their mindset is different.

>Gove was voted out
Shit. Didn't know that.
So May had a firmer standing in the Tory party then. Hmm.

>Free movement of people was known by all though :^)
That is true. But has it impacted your life? I mean, seriously? Has it?

>Farage has the lowest percentage of being present in the EU parliament of all 750 MEPs. He also ties with his UKIP colleagues for the lowest percentage (0%) of voting in favor of a law that passes the EU parliament.
Yet he's one of the most successful by taking the UK out of the EU. Other countries will soon follow. The EU is a mess if you haven't been paying attention.

>By whom? Gove? Pleeeease. There is no reason whatsoever that Johnson could have not run even if Gove ran too.
Gove running directly takes away much needed votes for Boris especially when the Tory party was mainly remain and gave May overwhelming support.

>Yes, so? That was clear. He has the charisma of a goldfish crossed with a moth.
So how exactly did he run away?

>Haha, what? If she can't even take media fire for 1 day, how was she supposed to lead the country through the roughest time since 1945?
There was nothing wrong with what she said it was accurate, however the media was doing everything to discredit her. She was likely to win by the vote of regular Tory members but the conservitive party will end up like Labour currently given that most of the MP's do not support her, this would be disastorous for the country and her career.

Continue jerking off Abdul instead of pushing baseless propaganda.

details do not matter, when something stinks so much people just get it. dont ask me how


Farage did his job. Never he promised anything else.
Boris Johnson, that guy is a legit populist who chickened out when he realized he should actually do something. He probably didn't guess it would actully happen.

May had support of many leave campaigning MPs, she was for remain but did literally no campaigning for it. She was probably weakly for leaving but stayed loyal to Cameron.

Yes, the BoE released reports saying that EU immigration has driven down wages in this country. Not to mention pressure on schools and public services, along with inflated house prices.


they have their own reasons too though..
my nan for example, she can actually see through the BBC now, took a while and I know it hurt her but she can recognise a liar from a mile off now.
I respect her for it..
The media was a JOKE during the ref and thats why I'm saying it was not the main force in people deciding which way they would vote.

>Yes, the BoE released reports saying that EU immigration has driven down wages in this country.
>Not to mention pressure on schools and public services, along with inflated house prices.
Link? Are you saying that EU migration to the UK has been the main (or one of the main) reasons that schools and public services are under pressure and that house prices went up?

You're welcome to have American media if you think British media is the worst.

Who cares. Someone claimed the media backed remain. It clearly did not.

>Someone claimed the media backed remain. It clearly did not.
Correct. The media that the masses read were the ones that all were 100% for Brexit.

im a builder, mainly plastering and painting..
London is FULL of poles and Romanians who are willing to do my job for half the price...
work that one out...

also people are getting called racist left right and centre for even Noticing this...

would you agree it has effected me, personally?

my friend is a head chef and he has been prevented from hiring an English kitchen porter..

that effects the english kitchen porter and my friends kitchen.

i could go and on and on...

saw a muslim in the street the other day and it made me feel unsafe

good thing we're getting even more of them thanks to brexit now famalam

>Because it is his job? He gets paid for it.
Nope. That's not how Volksvertretung works. You can represent your electorate however you see fit.

>Still, I think the point of being an MEP is showing up and making yourself heard, no?
And that he did. But he didn't appear for every banana and lightbulb regulation to shit on the EU. I wouldn't attend EU parliament when I don't think the laws should be made in this very parliament in the first place.
He could use the time more effectively to convince people to leave the EU altogether.
If he did that, idk. It's not my point to defend Farage, just the duties of anti-EU parties.

he didn't refuse to participate on the EU elections, just on the EU lawmaking process which he fundamentally opposes.

fuck them all. alternative media and a little research of our own is whats important now

>Are you saying that EU migration to the UK has been the main (or one of the main) reasons that schools and public services are under pressure and that house prices went up?
Yes, immigration has made all these problems worse


says who? we shall see

>im a builder, mainly plastering and painting..
>London is FULL of poles and Romanians who are willing to do my job for half the price...
>work that one out...
So, I assume you are unemployed? Because if London is full of them, then you should not get any business, right?

>would you agree it has effected me, personally?
If you tell me that you are unemployed and unable to find a job, sure, I will.

>my friend is a head chef and he has been prevented from hiring an English kitchen porter..
By whom? By the EU?

>could go and on and on...
Yes, please. But please in a coherent way.

like i said you can read it but its the validation on twitter and in your own circle that will cement opinions... the media suggest a load of angles and its up to the individual to make his mind up and see through the lies.

fuck off back to Sup Forums you thick cunt


Have fun watching the EU crash and burn cucks

are you even aware of whom the next PM is? has your 'alternative media' not made clear to you her record on immigration?

that boris guy is just strange to look at. he looks like a monster hiding in a human's skin.

its day one bro. things will change again and again in the next few months and years.
Im aware she's bad news but there are hopefully people out there who will hold her to account..
not to mention the country has 'woken up' to a certain extent at least. stay positive

>he's done his job so he's quit.
i'm gonna miss him boys

could he have been the PM if he wanted? i don't know how bongistani politics go.

Ok, from that link:

"According to the Bank of England report, some 0.5 per cent of the fall in wages is the result of the lower wages immigrants are paid, which has dragged down the average wage of low skilled workers.
Bank economists said that it was "striking" that this impact was so small compared with the overall effect."


Ok, but there is that then:

As recent research from University College London shows, European migrants are not a drain on Britain’s finances; what is more, they actually pay in more in taxes than they take out in state benefits. That contribution – valued at £2bn a year – is helping to fuel Britain’s economic growth.

Their studies also explode the myth that they are all Polish plumbers undercutting honest British workmen.

More than 60% of new migrants from western and southern Europe, who account for 900,000 of the 2 million who work here, are now university graduates. For eastern Europeans, 25% are graduates – similar to the proportion in the UK-born workforce.

Possibly the worse comment I've seen this year.

I doubt it senpai. The area I live in is swarming with muslims now. It was fine twenty years ago when the whites were still here, but now it's getting worse and worse. I literally fear for my life whenever I go for a walk. I see them in the high street with their turbans and khanjars. I feel like something big is going to happen and I just don't feel safe any more. Even my sister married a black man recently and it made me so sick I cut all ties.


>could he have been the PM if he wanted?
Only if UKIP got a majority of MPs in the commons. They have 1 out of 650 right now. Farage is an MEP, not an MP.

low wage workers contribute to the top of the economy, making the rich richer

sorry to here that mate.
will you move eventually?
Im in london, its such a big place you dont notice it all the time but thats why i voted leave, A hopefull vote trying to preserve whats left of this great country.
I wish you luck user. move somewhere nice and start again!

Someone bite the bullet and assassinate may

If they don't undercut then why would they hire them in the first place?

unemployed for 2 years lad and no degree. don't think i'm going anywhere just yet.

how about this one?
fucking mug