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Should I put it in all caps or did I miss a thread


Oh that's right, all of you are asleep

Fucking Americans

It's bad.

Personally I think it looks generic as fuck and Major looks weird but it's the American adaptation, what would you expect

looks really bad desu. Were they trying to do a innocence thing at the end there?

Be patient nigger

Just cause you can't comprehendible the situational understand in to they of those that spoke to the point in understandable to them. And then, comprehend what their said to them, and until then don't spoke. Okay?

neat visuals, bad CG

too bad it's going to be shit all around

Seems OK. I hope the normies like it.


Are you ok user

Are...Are you okay user? I'm worried about you

What is the reason they increased Motoko's (No - Mira's) body mass so much? is it so she can bust through glass etc?

Why did edge of tomorrow not get all this shitted on ?

Do people just simply love tom cruise to just accept whatever work he is on?

Edge of Tomorrow was breddy gud and the chinese cartoon isnt far as popular as GOITS

Seems ok. Just hoping there's some pretty good shootouts

What is this gun supposed to be? A pellet gun? A airsoft gun?

>Born to lead. Built to fight.
I can only cringe so much.

Edge of Tomorrow was critically panned but managed to make money due to good word of mouth and a semi-new home release campaign.

Action was pretty good they might pull this off.

Her acting? Awful. Pretty damn awful.

Wow ScarJo is even worse than I expected

>acts robotic

>cast as someone who acts robotic

Still not good

I get it though... She sounds like she's trying to be badass

They really should have made her workout just a bit.

Looks average. Johansson is so shit and is going to drag this movie down.

Looks messy.

Born to feed. Built to bite [in hamburgers].

>Edge of Tomorrow was critically panned

this is not the major

it's a glock

>That underboob.

It's this one actually.

She doesn't act robotic, she acts bland. Her movements are so slow. The part where shes scanning everything the little scanner is moving fast as fuck and she just pans her head left to right lazy as fuck.

Ahh, yes contrarian Sup Forums shitting on it!

Looks great and now you faggots are sat here not knowing what to say. Christ.

She kiiinda looked like major here. its the dead look I think. She should try to frown less

>Just to confirm, this scene has been severely cut for this clip. There's actually much more to this with Section 9 talking to Major that will be in the actual cinema release.

Why do people do this? Why do they feel the need to defend a movie?

why does she operate with a Type OB heavy body?

she has such a punchable face

fuck arise, piece of shit that cant touch SAC

its like dragonball GT, ignore it

so far it looks like they copy pasted several parts from the films/anime, somehow connected them and try to get a story in there.

its Scarlett Johansson in a skin tight suit you had my ticket when you released a photo

>there's no one who understand the risk to individuality, identity, messing with the human soul.

They really ruined the city too. It looked so gritty and realistic in the anime. Now it's plastic skyscrapers with LOL holograms everywhere.

because nobody reads light novels.

man, trying to bring that outfit from 2D to 3D was such a fucking bad idea. It looks so damn cheap, like she just picked up a 3 pack of them from Walmart

I can not wait to see this in cinemas. And more so to watch it in 4K on Bluray later int eh year. Full frame movies like this are always a joy to watch, especially with stunning visuals like this.


She used to be QT

>stunning visuals

It's pubescent retards like you that allow people like her with zero acting ability to continue shitting up movies.

Why is she so pretty?

It's nice to see Michael Wincott getting a role in a big-budget movie again.

This. Fuck this cunt, tbqh.

(((Sex symbol))) 10/10.

stop being a virgin

Do you reckon she watched the animu or did she just read the script

Anime is going to be bigger than regular tv programming by 2025.

Not wanting to go to a movie just to watch an actress past her prime in a bodysuit makes me a virgin?


you're a virgin

no it is YOU who is the virgin my friend

Shut your face tripfaggot

I'd be surprised if she even bothered to memorize her lines, let alone read the script in one sitting.

Honestly you sound really fucking stupid

Arise Nu-Major is definitely the look they're using though. You can even see Scarlett wearing the red jacket and pants in one of the trailers.

I'm a virgin, that's why I don't need movie women to fantasize over as a substitute for the real thing.

No it is YOU who is the stupid

1. All You Need is Kill is just a light novel, not an actual anime.
2. All You Need is Kill isn't anywhere near as popular as Ghost in the Shell.
3. Edge of Tomorrow wasn't a bad movie

Has anyone really been this far?

Are you gay?

it's still the worst version

regardless, her face doesnt work for the role and why the fuck is the hair so bad?

Looks alright. I'll see it because we're lacking in good cyber punk movies

hello virgin

I used to be hyped for this but most of the sets in this movie look so shitty, bad costumes, bad cinematography, bad lighting. I could go on with how this looks like a cheap fan made production.

I'm not memeing. Sup Forums is mainstream and every Sup Forums kid on the block has an anime avatar. They're gonna start watching anime.

In the mean time comic books and gaming have already been sucked dry by the SJW parasites. That leaves anime as the last untainted piece of "nerd culture" to appropriate. They're also gonna start watching anime.

Wether you like it or not this is what's happening today, you'd have to be blind to not see it.

>no SAC 3rd gig

>instead we get this shit

preddy good, even got chills at the end

t. gits is one of my favorite movies

i hope some muslim kills all these fucking normie pol kids desu fuck off riajuu

Nice try but I just saw this comment on youtube.

>live action anime

My sweet supple naive and fragile brittle young insecure and skinny weak legged quivering lipped dribbling broken shelled confidence lacking friend it is you who is gay!

Coming up next: LoGH with Scarlet Johansson as Reinhard, Emilia Clarke as Yang Wenli, and Sophie Turner as Kirchheis

It's probably not going to be good which is too bad because a Ghost in the Shell movie COULD be awesome.

Agreed. They joke that they are nazi's while actually holding mainstream beliefs. It's been run into the ground for years.

A part from the fact that it's completely unnecessary and the 95 movie still stands up well.

>"this is major, im on site"

is this the new baneposting?

>dr. batou, im major!

>why the fuck is the hair so bad
Because they're trying to make it look like nu-major hear which looks like crap.

yes xDD

ok, that bodysuit looks like shit

not gonna lie


>"this is major, im on site"
>crackling on mic
>"What site?"
>Major undreses
>Major cocks gun and jumps off roof

>tfw they'll ruin Lain in your lifetime
pls Goddess reboot this timeline already

this is the FIRST motoko cosplay result I found on google.

>scarjo was good casting

fuck. off.

Calling it now: he is going to be the Ewan McGreggor of The Phantom Menace. The only actor who puts the most emotion into the whole movie.

How can you ruin something already shit?

dialogue is god awful

>mfw she runs apple

They won't be able to touch Lain.

It's way, way to niche for any normie or hollywood exec to ever even approach it.

Also it should stay obscure and niche because it's supposed to.

I hope they don't otherwise they will ruin muh mangos like they did comic books

>live action evangelion

>scarjo as rei

at least she'd be good at acting as something with no emotion.

they wont. but if GiTS somehow succeeds (china) then eva will be next. And if eva is next I'll be fundraising ISIS attacks on hollywood desu.

looks good

>generic asian female

Glad you're not in charge of anything.

The original Ghost in the Shell didn't have a good story, didn't have good characters and had very little action. All it had going for it were the visuals, soundtrack, and characters doing nothing but preach philosophy.

Why is it adored everywhere?

Not all hope is lost brother


Nah, Lain is probably too obscure.

While it is obscure, Lain did get US tv airtime in 2003, which is more than a lot of anime have gotten, so I wouldn't rule it out completely, but it's probably not likely.