Power Rangers Marathon
SPD Edition
Power Rangers Marathon
SPD Edition
First for sex face
psshhh nothing personel kid
>6th rangers always have the best zords
you can't beat them
Post seasons you expected nothing from but ended up enjoying
So why does Doggy Kruger look so..odd in SPD. I could have sworn the suit for that character in Dekaranger looked higher quality.
so did Disney reuse the white ranger's voice for Kylo Ren? It's almost exactly the same
>people want to watch the nickelodeon rangers
Kimberly who? Love it
>deep voice
Marilyn Manson voices the White Ranger
How can they afford it?
>Trent will never be as cool as Nakadai-sensei
It really doesn't
>thinking butterface brazilian can beat the cuteness and purity of kim
She was pretty phat herself for the time.
Sozialdemokraten sind Arbeiter- und Volksverräter.
>Twitch chat thinks this guy is edgy
He's just an arrogant dick, edgy would be attacking a child or something fuckn hell.
Fuck me this guy is cool
*teleports behind you*
If by cool you mean edgy tryhard, then you're right
Tommy Jobiver
How many more eps til they watch their sentai counterpart?
is there a cooldown on morphing, is there a timer being morphed? i need answers
His black ranger form has to be one of his weakest.
Dino Thunder Rangers overall seem kind of weak, maybe even the weakest rangers.
No, this would just be cruel and evil. It would be edgy if it was followed by some one-liner in the style of his current ones.
He is being a cringy edgelord with his dialogue and attitude.
In terms of ass it's my fav so far
I only watched bits of Abaranger, why was the White guy trying to kill the others with that "game" of his?
Is this what autism looks like?
Like three episodes ago he took down a giant monster that a megazord couldn't use his fucking dildo
Light Speed is for sure the weakest. Man made Rangers.
What's up with people using trap as a generic insult for girls now? It's supposed to have a specific meaning.
Britney Spears looking ass nigga
It's pretty nice so far, lots of room for them to ramp up if that's what they're gonna do.
I actually care about the entire cast for the first time in many many seasons.
8 more eps including this one
>white power ranger
>only one color left in the rainbow
how did they get away with this
>White being the only colour left is coming from the evil person.
mmmmm that delicious multicultural garbage
You forgot the most important part her ass was actually real
fuck do you people have to ruin everything
did you skip ninja storm or not like it? felt it had a good cast with actual development
We need more goofy Abaranger webms
God I hate autistic weeb dweebs
This woman playing Haley is fuckiing terrible
How long does the graduation of paleontology last? Is it possible or not Tommy to be a doctor?
yeah it hella had good development bruh, it was sick and if you dont htink so you must be mad twinked
She's brazilian
It's cheating
>literally saving the white race and by proxy - all of humanity
>ruin everything
Humm,I wonder (((who))) can be behind this post...
Do the bitchy reporter and dorky cameraman sidekick fuck fuck by the end?
She better have nudes
is that kid OK?
brazilians are known for getting ass implants so I guess you're right
What the fuck was wrong with that kid
Why does the kid sound so weird?
Did they move the filming of power rangers to australia or new zealand or something
I visit Sup Forums you cunts, so before you start spouting buzzwords know that RULE 3 exists for a reason
this is a FUN only stream no politics
>Kid is NZ
>Have to dub him for the american joke
That was pretty great
No, the americans is most famous for plastic surgery (butts included)
better than ninja storm and wild force
probably had to voice over him
New Zealand yeah
Brazilians tend to have big asses naturally, and she's a fit chick.
makes perfect sense
Just do 50 squats a day and you are gona have an ass like that too.
Try 10,000
I just realised they had to dub him because he couldnt fake an american accent
no because you can't wide your hips
> turning kids show into tool of political propaganda
> reeeeee why they are talking politics? it is fuuuuun
ninja storm was fucking great though
>50 Squats per day will get you a clearly surgically altered ass.
You either weight 100Lbs. or 350.
Her hips aren't the impressive part
>dat Mesogog evil lair theme
>dat White Ranger theme
And they'll both never be released. Such a shame.
>he thinks he is red pilled
Just do 50 sit ups a day and you are gonna have abs like these
Nah, she's Avril Lavigne.
Ninja > dino.
Anything is better than wild force, probably even turbo.
What are you even on about, they are just loosely following the original japanesd plotline.
which ass?
I had these toys, and the spinny arm zord.
Even the white rangers stego and drago. Hope next seasons have cool zords.
>50 squats
Is this a meme I don;t know of?
What series does SPD compare most closely too? is it still very disney feeling or does it feel more like older seasons?
Well what is then?
>hips doesn't affect the aesthetics aspect of a good ass
virgins please leave
No. Just a DYEL being Retarded.
>it's a zeltrax gets btfo season
...The ass.
he's just retarded
the ass obviously. look at those meaty cheeks
these zord battles feel like a turn based rpg
Give me back Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder is boring.