Sup Forums was a mistake from the start

Sup Forums was a mistake from the start

nah it was good around 2009 - 2012


you were a mistake from the start you fucking pansy


>le "i'm a oldfag meem"

Part of the problem

Go back to plebbit then faggot.



Sup Forums finally died in 2011. maybe mid 2012 with Joot's "better moderation", /q/ and the faggots mods that fell for all the false flagging like the 125x125 image waifu spam


The fag from Dallas Texas is the biggest cancer across the board

blame the jews

>that arab kid getting beheaded


i bet all the /q/babbies don't even post on Sup Forums anymore

>the harry potter movies which had a drastic tone change are childish
>proceeds to have mighty morphen power rangers threads
>logan threads
>star wars threads
>king kong threads
>godzilla threads
Cancer to the idea of art

getting stale and mainstream was the mistake. moot should have deleted the site when he quit.

>Power Rangers general
>Sup Forums garbage like Samurai Jack
>constant Sup Forums reject threads
>star wars

All the mods need to do is block phoneposting and remove reddit.

I 100% guarantee the quality of posts and content will sky rocket.

The only people who disagree to this are apart of the problem.

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>movies women will never understand
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>Me on the left
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>is it kino?
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Recommend Trumpkino
>Watch it
>daily John Oliver life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue
>blocks your path
>white genocide
>hmmhhm nootka
>what's next for her career?
>*blocks your path*
>pic of white woman standing next to black man
>daily Amy Schumer life update

This is what you post every day. user.

God, I love this board. Thank you for reminding me how great this place is.

*blocks your path*


Bro, I fapped to a shemale without balls wtf

Lmao Sup Forums 2015-2017

you forgot the rare actual film & television recommendation/discussion thread


Lel. Top quality post

Copy paste?

This. I miss the pedos, tripfags and waifuists. They made this place interesting and fun. Now it's just a bunch of anonymous 14-year-olds regurgitating the same boring memes in every thread. And even less Sup Forums-related discussion than before! Bang up job, mods. I hope you guys got a nice Christmas bonus.


You are the problem.

Can't wait for the power rangers fag shit to be over

Nobody watched it when it aired in the 90s

reddit nigger

kids under ten 10 did, but none of those faggots in that retarded general were even alive then.

im only here cause the mods on Sup Forums turned gestapo back in 2012/2013 and Sup Forums became the defacto funposting board

It's gotten worst lately with the obvious /asp/ crossposters trying hard for attention

>Nobody watched it when it aired in the 90s
i was a kid in elementary back then, i watched it and even had some of the toys

youtube/podcast/e-celeb shit needs its own board. joe rogan is trash

you are part of the problem

went for shaider, ultraman and kamen rider instead

fuck tripfags unilaterally but the other two are essential to a non-reddit ecosystem

Getting upset over tripfags is a sure sign that you're either underage or autistic.

No, Sup Forums now is very similar to what Sup Forums was in 2010/2011. More moderation will kill this board.

t. ex-tripfag
>le r u upset
it's like watching rasslers posture over a microphone all over again except on an anonymous board

>he wasn't here for the golden age of Sup Forums
>he wasn't here for the LOST threads
>he wasn't here for the Sopranos finale
>he wasn't here before Game of Shit generals
>he wasn't here before Doctor Shit generals
>he will never know the glory of a Sup Forums without Bane shit and Sup Forums memes
>he will never know the greatness of Sup Forums before faggot redditors

I feel sorry for newfags. they probably think Sup Forums was always this bad.

>hurr durr i'm an oldfag

go back to redit you fucking queer

I regret taking part in killing /film/.

>salty newfag tears
it's ok man.

>Predictable response from underaged b&

Thanks for proving my point, m8.

it would've died on it's own. Sup Forums is a fast spreading cancer.



All this generic post lacks is a smug anime girl but paunchy mastertroll can't post it because he's on a phone.

>hurr i'm not


nah im a premium poster whose quality is matched by few others

>Only an ex-tripfag or Redditor would defend tripfags.

This is the mindset of a child. Reported for being underage.

that faggot spammer was horrible. take your nostalgia goggles off

>trying to salvage his b8 with more deft roleplay
Pinpoint-the-cancer threads sure do excite the tripfag vaginas


All the mods need to do is go away. We got along just fine with little to no moderation back in the day. We didn't need it then, we don't need it now.

third world scum, abatap was a goddess

My goggles are just fine, you just need to recognize that Abatap was /film/ at its best.