>They say that life is the best drug, Ray. But I'm Pablo Escobar and I'm going to cut off everyone's supply. Caspere knew this.
They say that life is the best drug, Ray. But I'm Pablo Escobar and I'm going to cut off everyone's supply...
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone has the guide to Rayposting ?
>Ray, when I first got started in this business they told me: "never bite the hand that feeds you." So instead, I went and bit down on the leg. And now I'm opening up my own fucking Chinese restaurant.
>It's a dog eat dog world, Ray, and I'm a fucking chink.
>It's been said that there are more stars in our galaxy than atoms in the known universe, Ray. Well I'm the fucking star, and you're the fucking atom.
i honestly can't tell if this is made up or not. Does he really say this shit?
OC vinceposting is fuggin hard, man.
Caspere knew this...
honestly tho the ruined TD is it even getting a third season?
They say that blood is thicker than water, Ray. But I'm menstruating and we are in the fucking desert.
>They say giving women the right to speak freely was progress Ray. But in reality all it did was bring about more opression of free speech.
Jesus I love this
>make proverbial metaphoric comment on some random obscure topic
>draw a nonsensical, absurd parallel with said topic with a remark to a completely unrelated matter
>caspere knew this
I heard S2 was supposed to cover all of the rampant political/hollywood elite pedophilia and it got shut down and they were forced into a rewrite because 'reasons'.
If you look at what's going on in the world now it seems like they hit a little too close to home with the original script and had to replace it with this run of the mill horse shit with some tragedy thrown in
I remember an user making an in depth analysis of the meme with all degrees and variations that worked
>pizzalotto is not a hack at all! he's actually TOO GOOD at writing! that's right! his writing had to be suppressed because it's so DANGEROUS!
whatever you say pizzalotto
>Ever hear the saying "a stitch in time, saves nine?" Well I'm the needle Ray, and I about to sew up the problems we've been having in this town. Don't wanna help? Well suture self.
Caspere knew this.
>Bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush? Fuck that. Throw a big enough stone at that bush and you got yourself 3 birds. But you know what Ray? Even that isn't good enough for me. Any two bit chump can throw rocks at bushes. I take risks, Ray. So while everyone else is out their with their fucking pebbles and canaries, I'm on my own choking a fucking ostrich. Do you understand me, Ray?
>They say "ne'er cast clout till may is out". Well I'm fucking global warming Ray, and I'm about to bleach all the coral, you get me? Caspere knew this
>Caspere knew this.
Does he actually say this in the show? I've watched up to the last episode, and didn't notice him say this.
Is Galveston going to be better than this?
>Y'know Ray, they say time is money. Well I got all the time in the world but my kids can't eat watches.
the best fucking one yet lmao
>Ray, you ever hear the saying "pack up your troubles in an old kitbag and smile smile smile"? Well I'm about to stuff a suitcase full of fucking frowns.
They say there's two sides to every story. Well guess what Ray? I can't read and I'm a triangle.
>honestly tho the ruined TD
They didn't ruin TD though, the second season is fantastic.
If anything mainstream critics have ruined TD, because the writer will feel like he has to keep the same format as season 1, until it gets stale.
>They say two's company but three's a crowd. Well this orgy just got crowded and I'm the cuck
Only good thing to come out of S2, Vinceposting. Nearly saved the show because it made me excited to see every episode's cringe shit tier dialogue for him.
>t. Redditor
>Looking at cough syrup bottle today Ray and it said "shake well before using." Well I'm the big cough in this town and I'm going to be doing the shake well, and it's going to be like nothing this town is used to. Caspre knew this.
>They say waste not want not. Well I just wasted a nigger, Ray, and I sure didn’t want his bike
t. redditor
Lurk more - maybe you'll learn when to use greentext
>You know Freud believed every man want to sleep with his mother. Well I was raised by the streets, Ray, and you're the condom
>You ever hear the expression too many cooks spoil the broth, Ray? Well I prefer working alone, and I'm about to make some clam fucking chowder
>A Roman emperor once said "The corpse of an enemy always smells sweet". That's why I don't shower, because I'm dead inside.
>season one is better than season two Ray? Well I'm the fucking cancelled movie. Caspere knew this.
>They say beggars can't be choosers, Ray. Well I just got raped by a hobo and he sure chose me
Go fucking blow yourself contrarian retard. There is no way a narrative focused writing as TD should have so many absolutely meaningless parts of story that could be removed and nothing would change in the grand scheme of things.
This wasn't experimental Brakhage/Benning combination kino, this was a fucking pleb tv-show that failed at every basic cornerstone of storytelling and ripped off James Elroy hard.
>You know Ray how they say you can kill two birds with one stone? Well I say fuck that, im a pigeon and it's time break some fuckin rocks.
>t-these fucking newfags amirite g-guise?
>When I was a kid my parents told me to follow my dreams. That's why I don't sleep, Ray because I can't risk them following me.
only good one in the thread
Fucking kekm8
>There's a small cafe near my place, Ray. I've driven by that joint every day for the past 20 years. Then one day I decide to walk in, and you know what I realize? It's a fucking hardware store
The best ones like these remind me of the writing in the videogames Max Payne 1 and Max Payne 2 which was a wonderfully silly noir story that was overly grim and poetic.
Fucking kek
>They say it's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get back up again. Well I fell out of my crib as a baby, Ray, and I've been crawling ever since.
Nah. Vinceposting isn't about puns, its about ridiculously overwrought and pretentious sayings.
>y'know Ray, they say if you win the toss on a dry wicket, you should bat first because you don't want to be chasing 150+ on a fifth day pitch. Sure, batting'll be easier on days two and three, but you've gotta get on with it. Get your front foot to the pitch of the ball and pad it away if it's outside the line. But you know what - I've got no front foot and I'm already 8 wickets down.
It feels like blue balls in my corridor of uncertainty.
>Neil Armstrong said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Well I've got moon rocks up my ass and I'm not walking, I'm running
>you know my mom used to tell me to stop watching tv or else my brain would rot. You wanna know the kicker Ray? We didn't own a fucking TV, and she rotting in her grave.
>They say what goes around comes around, Ray. What they don't know is I'm a fucking boomerang
This is why it never took off
There's too many people who don't get which ones work and which ones don't
It's too obscure
>They say life is like a box of chocolates. Thing is; I'm lactose intolerant and I don't see anyone offering me any gummy bears
the core of it is making a pun with idioms
>They say that when a nuclear holocaust destroys the world, only cockroaches survive, Ray. But I was hit by a fucking Tsar Bomba and I have no Turkish heritage. It's time to do some fumigation - Caspere knew this.
>They say everyone has their 15 minutes of fame, Ray. Well my audition's in 5 and I slept in
>They say it's not how hard you hit that counts it's how hard you can get hit. Well my opponent's Mike Tyson but I'm fucking Ghandi
All of this horrible samefagging in the thread, jesus fuck.
I didn't say I preferred it to season 1 or anything non, I just really enjoyed season 2, calm down.
Were you one of the people that found the show too difficult to follow, or couldn't wait to have a noir get to the end to have things explained? The characters and acting were great and the tone kept me intrigued.
And since when did TD care about meaningless parts and ripping people off? All that shit people were pretending was Lovecraftian, only for it to amount to nothing, and the build up of a conspiracy barely having a payoff since the characters are left in the hospital. Not to mention eveyrone seems to say The Yellow King heavily inspired the show, though I can't verify that myself.
>says reddit
>expects to not receive an equally meaningless retort
>reddit spacing
>incorrect use of greentext
wew lad
>tfw a meme is too high brow for the average pleb.
>t. autism
>There was a kid I knew back in high school, Ray. Kid was 60 pounds of nothing but skin and bone. He'd always let himself get pushed around: friends, teachers, me, hell everyone would do it to him and he'd thank them. Then one day I grabbed his wheelchair and threw it down the stairs. Figured it was the only way to get him to stand up for himself.
Really activates the almonds
>It's said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Well I'm going on a road trip Ray and nobody wants to be where the rubber meets the road when I'm coming because it's my way or the highway and there's no hitting the brakes on this one because Free Bird is gonna be blaring on my radio and the dial is broken so you can't change the station. Caspere knew this.
I think you might be bit stupid, if you took from my post that I had difficulty following the show when I clearly pointed out i dissected it and came to conclusion there were great many parts that could be removed and nothing would change in other words I had no trouble following the awful writing (I don't think anyone should this was some really awful simpleton crap)
I didn't even like TD S1 anyways.
>reddit spacing
You have to go back
>I didn't even like TD S1 anyways.
pleb detected
damn I was just typing this one out
Dunno why but I laughed
Jokes on you bucko, I've never even been there.
To be fair that one was only gold in the context of the thread it was in. It doesn't really work on its own.
Well first of all nothing in your post indicated you felt positive about anything when it came to season 2, so "great parts" is coming out of nowhere.
And I obviously don't disagree, I thought it was generally very easy to follow, ad you obviously weren't meant to put everything together immediately because it's mystery/noir. Doesn't stop people bitching about not understanding it, or not knowing who a character is despite them being mentioned repeatedly. Look at the Guardian recaps for an example.
>They say every dog has his day. Thing is I'm a coyote and I'm still chasing my roadrunner. Bow wow, Ray.
>About anything.
I already admitted Vinceposting was a good thing.
>They say life finds a way. Well you're my whole life, Ray, and you found me
>They say you can shear a sheep a hundred times but you can only skin it once. Well I shaved my asscrack this morning, Ray, and it was no skin off my back
>They say Jesus' last meal was the Last Supper. Well I stole the Holy Grail and I'm about to have brunch.
>They say a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, Ray. But after that nigger stole my bike, I pushed three live salmons up my ass and now I'm ready to transition.
>not "and I'm the fucking chinaman"
desu senpai
fucking kek
>They say don't count your chickens before they hatch, Ray. Well there's a fox in the hen house and those chickens are omelettes. Caspere knew this.
>teleporting Mexicans and Ray getting into a car he knew was bugged because season 1 had a bittersweet ending, so season 2 should have a bad ending
The last episode shit the bed so hard.
>teleporting Mexicans
now that was just shit, why couldnt pizza just have the mexicans show up at his place or something believable. Get the drop on him. Why did we have to witness the contrived shit? Did velcoro really have to show up to see his stupid fat son one last time before dying? Why when he already said goodbye? Why do we need this shit?
pizza planned to off the characters from the beginning, his thinking was distorted though:
why didnt annie die?
>because she is a woman, and this is feminist TD
>because she has already suffered directly (rape)
>ray's and frank's indirect suffering doesnt count
>because it would be genuinely bleak if the woman died
>because he had a great green aura, he will be reborn in his own son
"You are getting a taste of your own medicine!", that's what they say to me. Well guess what, Ray? My medicine is Viagra, and I'm not gonna fuck around.
>They say she sells sea shells by the sea shore. But I've been to that beach, Ray. And I'll got was a case of crabs.
>You ever hear the saying "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"? Well I ain't offering a helping hand, Ray. And I voted for Gore.