Is this the most overrated film of the year? It appears a masterpiece to anyone with videgame "reddit" sensibilities but is actually a 6/10 at best to people with actual taste in cinema
Well I liked it.
Let me guess. Your favourite films are pulp fiction and the Avengers: civil war?
It was shit, barely any minorities or strong female characters other than Laura. Not enough quips, there were times when 20 minutes would go by and not a single joke was made. And no romance subplot, they should have had Laura fall in love with one of the other kids and spend a good chunk of the movie developing their relationship.
Shit would be 10x better if made by Marvel.
What movie was better that came out this year Gaylord OP?
Get Out
No, absolutely not. La La Land is probably more so.
I'd say it's rated exactly how good it was.
Nah Batman V Superman and Hateful Eight
I haven't seen it nor do I want to see it. Couldn't care less about super hero flicks.
Civil War was a Captain America movie you fucking retard.
Power Rangers
If you had 'actual taste in cinema' why did you watch it in the first place?
No it literally is one of the best films of the year.
Top action and am so happy it was R Rated. It has the best child actor ever and Jackman as Old Man Logan was brilliant to see be made.
I hope they make a sequel with Laura.
The salesman, my life as a zucchini and personal shopper to name a few
How is Civil War at all related to Logan? Completely different form of movies.
Apologies for not having the time to follow this juvenile rubbish for mentally stunted manchildren
I spent $100 taking my kids to watch it (popcorn and all) and didn't feel ripped off after it was over.
It did the job. I liked it.
I usually avoid these types of films but i had a recommendation from a friend that this picture was somehow different to the traditional supehero fare. Needless to say i was gravely disappointed with how bad it was
t. miserable hikki incel neet whos only just watched it now its out on torrents
How many kids does your wife have? Does the dad at least pay you child support for raising his kids?
>hikki incel
Don't know what those words mean, but i have a family and a high paying job
>I spent $100 taking my kids to watch it
I hope they are at least 13 years old user. Don't wanna take very young kids to an R Rated movie.
I agree, can't believe I spent 7€ on this pretentious capeshit
I haven't seen it so I have been avoiding most threads about it where people talk about the story, because I'll give it a shot before it leaves theaters. I've heard nothing but praise for it here on Sup Forums until recently. Now I see trickles of people being the opposite and saying it sucks and is overrated. But its impressive that it took this long for that to even happen. I noticed people were randomly making threads for it on unrelated boards for the first couple weeks after it came out - not sure if they were shills or they just really liked the movie. I'm inclined to believe the latter because you really don't gain much by shilling to cheap ass Sup Forums users where half of them blindly hate all Hollywood, capeshit and western media in general.
For me, it failed to do anything with Logan's character that was unique or interesting, and failed to communicate any sort of real motivation for him being involved with the plot. He says multiple times he doesn't care so he may as well just leave since there are no stakes or any loss for him.
The fact that they relegated the responsibility of killing the X-Men to Xavier was wasted and barely implied. Instead, having Wolverine tricked into killing his friends like Old Man Logan would have provided more weight to Logan's regret, sorrow, and especially to his words at the end of the movie to Laura, "Don't be what they made you." Instead of having X-24 as a representation of Logan was meant to be, a weapon, the guilt of killing his own team would more directly relate to what he says.
As much as people get emotional over the deaths, there really isn't much weight to them.
This movie isn't an end for the character nor does anything interesting with him, it's just a sendoff for Hugh Jackman and Stewart.
I am paying to see it a second time
This time I am getting popcorn because the cinema I saw it at had no popcorn for a 9:00 session CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT!
There is basically zero quips in this movie and it's a violent serious movie from start to finish.
Ignore the idiots on Sup Forums calling it "overrated" and "trash" when it deep down is a very emotional good movie with a great story.
imo the movie was way too short even though it was 137 mins (seriously? it felt like just under 2 hours).
Pay very careful attention because a lot of blackstory can be missed if you don't properly listen.
so you're saying it's a good film because it has zero quips? It's only considered good because it has superheroes in it and isn't utter shit. The villains were cliched and severely underdeveloped as were the side characters
Two of those movies are from last year.
That's nice. What other popular movies do you hate (but not because they are popular of course)
I don't consider Logan a super hero movie at all.
>but it has super heroes in it
doesn't make it a super hero movie
It's a movie about a guy getting ready for the worst.
hikki as in hikkimori
Incel... no idea.
>No popcorn
Jesus, what the fuck. That's fucking nuts. It's like burning their money.
>videgame "reddit" sensibilities
Wow, that is actually gibberish. Pure gibberish.
Id rate it 8/10, but I agree normies should stop overhyping it.