Why did Mark age well and Jez look like shitty jez? All the drugs and drinking?

Why did Mark age well and Jez look like shitty jez? All the drugs and drinking?

British genetics, at least 1 in every 2 brits looks like an unwashed asshole, and I'd hardly describe Mark as aging well, the guy has like four chins.

That's life

>Mark age well
Is this really what you tell yourself, user?
That you "aged well"?

Theres a reason why Jez gets all the yung pussy and Mark is a sad lonely loser, and it has nothing to do with personality.


i wish autism was curable guys

this kid has to suffer and we too have to suffer for his existence

I'm telling the truth.
Maybe if you lose a couple dozen pounds and learn how to talk to women, you'd see that.

But sure buddy... I'm the autistic one...

Mark had less to lose so we don't notice it.

Are the new series on Netflix yet?

>yfw Gerrard fucking dies

That is so Gerrard

Uh, if you're in the US the whole show is gone.

Jez was the better looking so had farther to fall which makes it more noticeable.

Jeff actually makes me angry

What is a bigger shame is how the two of them went from promising careers in comedy and acting and instead became just the same sneering liberal media elite. Now they will enjoy easy money and an easier life on the dreary panel show circuit.

Then you're a cuck

Jeff is the best character

you could 'ave yer cock in 'er...yer still wouldn't have the balls to fooockkhhh

>yfw Mark married a mega-smart kike qt irl

>thinking a big nosed, beady eyed, fat cheeked kike is a win

Sometimes I forget this board is populated by insufferable losers.

fat people look younger because the fat fills in the wrinkles

It's off Netflix in the US. Fuckers didn't even put series 9 up before taking it down.

At least they got him a wake cake.

>you look like shit
>ten years pass
>you still look like shit

>you look okay
>ten years pass
>you look like shit