Why do the Jurassic Park writers have such an aversion to realistic dinosaurs?
Why do the Jurassic Park writers have such an aversion to realistic dinosaurs?
Why do you have an aversion to a realistic life?
Don't know what you're implying OP
because muh badass scaly dinosaurs xDD muh childhood nostalgia ;_;
>they find out between jurassic park and jurassic world that some dinosaurs had feathers
>instead of just making them correct they just double down on the retardation "uh uh frog dna"
what the fuck has science done?
srsly, is that a set with extra small everything, or monsanto really has bred turkey cockasaurus
story? is that a secretary bird? did the dude raise it from a chick?
When they made Jurassic Park, the biggest reach was in the size of the velociraptors and stuff like dilophasaurs (or whatever) spitting goo. Scaly dinosaurs were how current thinking went.
After they realized that dinos should have feathers, it was too late for the movies, because in that world they'd already created the dinosaurs, and suddenly having their "dino DNA" start crapping out feathers doesn't make any sense. So they handwaved it away in Jurassic World by emphasizing how they aren't dinosaurs as much as lab creations that are kinda dinosaurs, hence no feathers.
Spielberg was saying a while ago, before Jurassic World, that if they were making Jurassic Park "now," they'd have feathers.
What the hell is that?
They are not redditors
Continuity > Realism
Funny to see how hysterical and desperate the atheist world has been after the discovery of feathers.
They know this destroys the theory of evolution and they have no idea how to respond.
You see, the irony in that is
They're called Brahma chickens, they are the largest breed of chickens you can get
nice bait
Nice argument. You'd fit in well with your fellow atheists over on reddit.
wiki'd that shit and found out the breed originated from shanghai. that's only x kilometers where i am. bretty cool now i peephole the neighbor's wife.
>they are the largest breed of chickens you can get
Why can't you just take the biggest of these and breed them even bigger? Can we reconstruct a T. rex this way?
>cocks your path
better not
There is an organisation that is manipulating chicken foetuses to activate their dinosaur DNA. For legal reasons they aren't allowed to go past that stage and be hatched.
I saw a ted talk on it before ted became as cucked as tedx.
ITT: redditors
>realistic dinosaurs
Dinoasaurs arent real fuckwit
It doesn't cover the feather dinosaur thing specifically, he novel has a good explanation.
The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are not actually dinosaurs. They're genetically engineered approximations created by their scientists created in the image of what they assumed that dinosaurs looked like. Multiple versions, like software updates, were created in an attempt to make them "more stable" (why they added in DNA of other animals, to both fill in games AND to help them adapt to this new world), better theme park attractions, and closer to eventual visitors expectations would be. There is a big ethical debate between Hammond and Wu about engineering them in a way that would maximize profits vs historical accuracy.
This is only brought up in passing in the film adaptation, and would have been a great theme for Jurassic World to explore as it would have meshed well with their hybrid dinosaur idea. The new park is a huge success, and hubris leads scientist to create a new BIGGER AND BETTER super dinosaur (Brought to you by Verizon Wireless) with all kinds of crazy mutations in an attempt to one up their previous creations and bring in massive profits. They can't control their creation, and it sets off a chain reaction that razes all they have created to the ground.
Instead, they just made another dumb action movie with a corporate espionage plot.
>Look at that thing, it would rip you apart!
Crichton made a whole point about this in the original novel that's repeated by that scientist in Jurassic World. It's not about accuracy, it's about giving the consumer what they THINK dinosaurs should look like. It's the same reason there's shit in movies like guns making a sound when someone pulls one out.
>Funny to see how hysterical and desperate the atheist world has been after the discovery of feathers.
>They know this destroys the theory of evolution and they have no idea how to respond.
They could just say that they switched the frog dna with bird dna because it was more accurate.
Feathered dinosaurs are hard to do well. Most illustrations I've seen look goofy.
>people wanting le realistic dinosaurs just so they can brag about being more cultured than "normies"
I raise chickens and I have no idea what the fuck that is. This guy must be the result of many generations of careful breeding. Other chickens in his breed are small enough to carry, but this guy is basically a turkey.
Not only would it be accurate and educate children, it would give adults who have already seen the first movie a sense of discovery. The movie was actually way ahead of it's time.
They literally said that feathers weren't C O O L enough in JW
the first movie was actually way ahead of it's time*
were dinosaurs even real
The biggest appeal of dinosaurs is that they actually existed. If you're going to ignore what they actually looked like, why not make them breathe fire as well?
I believe it's a lawyer bird.
They should, Godzilla is way better than any Jurassic Meme anyway
>muh feathers
>autistic screeching ensues
Jesus that thing must weigh 20 pounds. Can you imagine? Jamie......
beak not long enough
Jesus Christ
BD Wong fucking explains this all in Jurassic World when he's talking to the Indian Company President guy.
He flat out says something along the lines of, "You didnt want realism you wanted engineered: bigger, faster, stronger, scarier."
It doesn't directly reference feathers but it's implied that the scientists brought up feathers and the higher-ups said no.
Jurassic Park struck lucky with it's half Frog DNA angle. Which explains why they're not feathered then Jurassic World made it clear they're not interested in Paleontologist accuracy just footfall into the park and people want to see the Dino's of their childhood or bigger meaner nastier shit they make up.
I think feathered Raptors are cool tho. I hope one of the inevitably endless JP sequels of the future will introduce them.
Reminder that Michael Crichton was a board-certified ED Physician.
Jesus, that must be like what, 400 pounds?
That's an in-universe excuse.
The real reason is that they are just stubborn manchildren who refuse to change things because of nostalgia
electronic dance?
Erectile dysfunction?
What do you bros think was the bigger joyj kill
> finding out dinos had goofy fucking feathers
> finding out based roman statues were pianted up like an elementary school art project
What do you bros think was the bigger joyj kill
> finding out dinos had goofy fucking feathers
> finding out based roman statues were pianted up like an elementary school art project
Both of these things aren't really bad. If anything, it's exciting that we continue to find new things
>> finding out based roman statues were pianted up like an elementary school art project
It was bad until I realised the feathers were pretty cool and the Ancient romans probably painted them really fucking well.
>People are from the past so they probably didn't do shit as well as we do.
The best part of the feather thing is that Jack Horner and friends are already seeing some success in reverse evolving bird embryos so Jurassic Park could be real one day just by a different angle.
Idk I was born in 1992 so didn't really hear about the feathers thing until I was a teenager, i wanted to reject it at first but the more you hear about it the more obvious it becomes, also seeing artist renditions of carnivores with feathers was pretty neat
>Jack Horner and friends are already seeing some success in reverse evolving bird embryos
>so Jurassic Park could be real one day just by a different angle.
If that shit really works, it would be even better than the literally fake meme dinos of JP
>Jurassic Park writers have such an aversion to realistic dinosaurs
[citation needed]
His TED talks are much better than Jurassic World.
My fave. I could watch him all day.
Denks, will watch right now
I bet you the Cassowary is much stronger and could kill whatever bird that is. Listen to the fucker
>people pretend dinosaurs died out completely when these fuckers exist
yeah I agree, they have a certain look about them thats unsettling. plus, how are giant birds not terrifying?
the shit growls?
Why do these harvard faggots assume the romans create such master pieces but then back down and painted them like amateurs? They probably looked much better
>The color reconstructions are based on close examination of the originals and on scientific analysis of the scarce traces of paint remaining on them. Ultraviolet light, says Ebbinghaus, “brings out ‘paint ghosts,’ differences in the surface structure of the stone caused by different paints and by the weathering of the paints. It can often give you an idea of patterns, even if no pigments survive.”
seems like they weren't leaving all too much to imagination for those reconstructions. Greeks and romans apparently had a different sense for aesthetics than we thought. Our view of greek/roman beauty is heavily rennaisance influenced and they only new the white marble themselves
because the dinosaurs in jp were never meant to be realistic in the first place.
they were scientifically bred for an amusement park
because birds are not scary nor cool
Not all dinos have feather though. I'm not an expert but a lot of them are close to reptiles like crocodiles.
Also pterodactyl didn't have feather either
A good portion of 2 legged or theropod dinosaurs had feathers or similar features.
Also, you are right that pterosaurs did not have feathers, but some did actually have a covering of fur-like filaments called pycnofibers.
There is also some fossil evidence that suggests some relatives of the triceratops had porcupine-like quills on their lower back or tail.
>tfw she will never stomp you in the nuts
jesus what the fuck
Also the CG department probably wouldn't be very happy rendering a trillion fucking feathers
>these dinosaurs are real
>these dinosaurs are not real
what the fuck Wu
The latter, feathered dinosaurs still look cool
Thread needs more shoebills, they're big comfy motherfuckers who love bowing and headpats
How can Usain Bolt even compete?
>Dinosaurs had feathers guys I swear
and you fell for it entirely by giving him the you what the duck is wrong with you
had a good kek
>a guy called Wu struggles with English
Come on, user. Don't be rude