Death Note Trailer

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Oops, you accidentally tried to make a Sup Forums thread about a show that has a black person in it.

I'm assuming you meant to post this on a board where film & television discussion is actually possible.

Weebs deserve this.

white wash etc

>takes place in America

This makes it look like they gave the killer some Irish chick's name

It's everything I never wanted and more

He looks homosexual.

Wtf, why did they cast white american actors for a Japanese story?

It might be barely watchable thanks to Dafoe. Barely.

t regressive leftist newfag

That looks terrible. HBO was adapting Monster

Weird that it took this long considering the director got his office/studio robbed and all they took was stuff related to this flick




i don't think it's set in japan

>responding to shitposts

>Dafoe Ryuk is literally the only good thing about this
Also Light looks like a fucking faggot and Misa looks like a complete Stacey

I hate Light's look in this.

No one deserves blackwashing

>Also Light looks like a fucking faggot and Misa looks like a complete Stacey

sounds like they made all the right casting moves

Adam Wingard is absolutely fucking based and makes kino

this will be great

I'll just wait for an editing of all scenes with Dafoe together. That'll be this shit adaptation for me.

So they are changing how people die from heart attack to lol random final destination type death?

Looks pretty bad desu

Only because of the GDT involvement.

did I miss Dafoe or was he not in the trailer?

Did you watch the show?

This us what you wanted cancer and this is what you get.

How is Misa gonna be handled in this? She doesn't really make sense outside of a J-Pop culture, is she just gonna be a Miley Cyrus type because that really doesn't make sense,

>source is just Light sitting in his room writing in the note
>adaption somehow puts Light in an action set-piece on the top of a ferris wheel

not that I care, its just that it never ceases to amaze me how American adaptions always amp up the action to keep the ADD audiences interested

The rules are the same in this movie as it is in the anime you dumb Sup Forumsetard


Jesus fuck Light looks even worse than L. What a disgrace, also why does it take place in america ?

You hear his voice as Ryuk at the end

He's the one who said "Shall we begin?" at the end.

She`s going to be Selena Gomez, bro.
She`s going to get blacked in front o Raito.

can't wait for the weeboutrage. looks good.

>a netflix original film
So it's a movie?
I thought they're doing a tvshow

Because it's a garbage story that could even take place in poo in loo land

For this guy:

She's going to be a famous Youtuber.

>L is black

I would actually prefer they make Light black, a black guy can play a highschool chad

no black guy can play L, that neurotic NEET autism is something only white guys can pull off

and a vague outline and glowing eyes

They used the full model in a parody of that pineapple-pen shit. Model looks good, but really uncanny in motion

Ya' know

You have three live action shitty movies, a 20 episode anime, and 17 volume manga that all take place in Japan.
THis is called an "adaptation". You fucking retard.

They're trying to up the stakes. The average episode of Death Note is Light talking to Ryuk about how L is trying to screw with him, then he makes some moves. That isn't exciting enough for an American movie I suppose.

Sup marketer, can you explain why L is black ?

Actually... that makes sense. It's got the narcissism, the disconnection from reality, the immaturity, etc. etc.

>somehow they managed to make it gayer than an anime

Sup fucktard weaboo, no I can't. Casting decision? Idk. Havent seen the movie.

Shouldn't you be on Sup Forums explaining how you LITERALLY CANT EVEN because of "fucking white people desu fampaitchi, yo"

Yeah but people on my social media feed don't take me seriously about my pleb fuck cartoons

Don't forget the tv show from 2 years ago
How was it anyway? All I know was Kira is just a normal guy in this, not an evil genius

the tv show was pretty good and Near was cute as a girl

There was another TV show. Any good?

do we know if the police investigation sub-plot is still in?

>also just read that based Shea Whigham is playing Light's dad

I'm hyped for Dafoe's Ryuk

>that L
what the fuck
he`s way too "cool" to be L

why did they cast a heroin addict to play Light, i thought he was supposed to be a chad highschooler, look at those fucking eyebags jesus fucking CHRIST


Looks beyond awful.

Actors looks out of place and miscast, cinematography looks lik garbage, hell even the score has gone from sweeping orchestras to wub-wub.


So it's going to feel incredibly rushed without properly building up the mindgame between Light and L.

This is approaching pic related in terms of sheer awfulness. We may seriously have a new contender for "worst anime adaption ever".

I hope it's better than the liveaction tv show Japan did. I still enjoyed watching it though.

I thought the japs did a pretty good job with it. The L actor nailed his role, and the alternativ ending was a neat twist.

God, what a fucking joke

>shall we begin?

Isn't Death Note one of those inherently Japanese concepts like Akira or Godzilla?

Like it's about how fucked up and driven and pressured young Japanese males to be perfect so it's slowly turning them all into psychopaths?

This looks really bad

wait its a movie LMFAO holyshit this is going to be a trainwreck

The tv show was shit. They had a grown Woman play near, but they didn't change Near's character into a Woman. So it was a child being played by a grown Woman. And Mello is turned into a puppet/split personality.

This is what I mean.

It sounds like something Holywood could have written as a "killer catchphrase".

The "hanging out of the ferris wheel also screams of "we don't know what subtlety is!".

>garbage series for teens gets garbage adaptation for teens
What's the problem?

Wingard is such a hack.

you can't be serious adam

>garbage series for teens
Nah, Death note is pretty solid, contrarians hate on it because it's ultra popular

It has 0 chance of hitting the same cultural audience as it does in the west, but it honestly doesn't really have to.

The original anime was huge in the west, despite not really applying to stereotype you describe.

Seriously most weebos you'll meet are willing to crusade for Death Note. Unless you go to Sup Forums.

That's a nice forest, is that a good place for hang out?

>The L actor nailed his role,
They changed L from lazy slob who ate sugary food into some clean guy who wore slippers and drank juice. I don't even remember if they kept L's bad posture and weird way of sitting.
I honestly like Kenichi Matsuyama performances better.

I still cannot believe they actually made a westernized horror film about this forest

Feels like they were too late to make this adaptation, the Death Note craze has already died out

>get Japanese actors
guaranteed none of those white guilt babies watch modern Japanese live action. they fucking suck. also, same director is doing a remake of I Saw the Devil. dude's got no shame

No it isn't, underage Sup Forums. Also if you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's a concept invented by idiots with reddit sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.

It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively. If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Kanye, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there. Or kill yourself.

you could make an ok argument for that sort of thing. It could be that its channeling a lot of the angst in modern teens: angst about crime, unfairness, and generational tradition. Its no wonder that a story about a kid on a crazy power-fantasy became popular

>the Death Note craze has already died out
In America, but it's still thriving in Japan. They just had a movie come out last year, plus a television series before that.

Come the fuck on, not like the anime didnt have neon lights, speedlines and dramatic music

He was falling off his table just by the momentum

Even eating a potato chip was so dramatic it became a short lived meme 13 years ago

huh? You sure it's not the model from the japanese films?


>criticism of mediocre
Except you didn't criticize anything, you just called it garbage like a contrarian redditor. Also you seem very mad and flustered AND projecting hard. Sad. Stay angry contrarian.

Wasn't this the one with fat Misa

That's pasta, user.

>it's a white male
every time.
i'm sure his black friends respect him now and there's an asian girl who would die to have sex with him for it

yt link

Why strictly complaints about white washing when there's also a black guy?

And as always I'm right.

The Sup Forumseddit scum always shows its true colors and nature.

>gits live action
>death note live action
Are we living in the age of animekino?

So some neckbeard spends his days alone forever, never really trying anything, never really risking anything, but also never coming closer to what he wishes for so much that he convinced himself that he can't possibly have it ever. You may think that the source of the problem is found in society, just look at Sup Forums and other boards that try to nurture this illusion that everybody is wrong but you, even though the odds are absolutely against that possibility. Women are cruel subhumans, jews are controlling the world and immigration is ruining your country. That may not solve any problems for you, but at least you can feel special and "redpilled". And that's the real problem right there. You guys have reached a point where you are not even trying to actually solve your problems, but instead invest all your time and effort into trying to feel good about it. Sup Forums is nothing but a huge circlejerk of failures convincing each other that YOU are the ones who are right and the rest are wrong, despite the obvious evidence of your own unhappiness. When you arrived at that point of alienation, then you are truly lost forever.

But what's the story to tell here? That you are all failures and buried yourselves into your own sorrow and made sure it's deep enough so nobody can save you? Because that is what a realistic, true to life depiction of that topic would give you. It would completely unveil that what you are living is a self-fulfilling prophecy. For some reason you ended up where you are now, but instead of getting out, you dug deeper and deeper. How could you ever be happy when you convinced yourself that being happy implies that you become part of everything you concluded is wrong with this world? It's a story that is divergent in it's nature, it ends nowhere. Should we all feel sorry? No, we don't. You never tried and secretly you are very happy with where you are right now, so go ahead and drown in your own shit, nobody cares.

tell me more about your french art house films fedora faggot.

First 10 episodes of Death Note were highly enjoyable, and I pretty much hate all anime aside from Akira and GITS

But it doesn't seems like this adaptation is marketed towards japs

When did american white males as a whole lose their balls? 2002?

L is black lmao

because it's probably marketed internationally in general

Grow up dude, this is getting pathetic

they are going to have to cut so much to fit this in 90 minutes

And he complains about Sup Forums ruining his board when his kind is ruining this art board

Very interesting.

>Wingard applying that neon cinematography to Death Note for no reason other than to "look cool"
