What was the message of the movie?

What was the message of the movie?

Don't fuck with humanity

How to ruin a twist ending in the first five minutes.

that kids are retarded and can be used

Don't make crappy adaptations.

Stop casting Harrison Ford


Like, if they can fuck up something as simple as Ender's Game.....I'm truly concerned about the fate of Dune.

That humans are the bad guys.

It was an alright adaptation overall except for messing up Ender's motivation to blow up the planet.

It was fucking garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Please elaborate on the specifics of why it was garbage.


Dune is far more cinematic than Ender's Game.

How about you read the book then realize how wrong you are.

Enjoyed this a lot more than Ender's Game adaptation.

I have, as I stated in my first post. So go ahead and elaborate.

>Bonzo is 3ft all
>Harrison Ford phoning it in again
>lack of tension regarding anything
>completely fucking up the reveal

I could go on for weeks. Frankly I don't have to. Everyone I know (I also live in Greensboro NC) fucking hated it. Even the plebs.

I guess, but he's a minor character
I don't even know what this means
Yeah he's a bit weak
I think it had about as much as the book
I'll give you that

So you've got one valid complaint. Good job.

I wonder If the producers who green lite this didn't know that the sequels are nothing like the first book.

The sequels would be literally unfilmable. They are boring slogs which get increasingly crazy and disjointed.

pubescent boys are mad sexy

Not him but you agreed with multiple things, do you know how to count?

I agreed with what he said, not that they are valid complaints.

You have to come to UNDERSTANDING.

it's Fuck Trump and Fuck White People

I enjoyed it. Reading is for faggots.

t. amerikek


Nintendo generation can beat the Viet Cong.

Shitty child actors and wafer thin plot

This film was crucified by SJW's because the author of the book said he was not pro gay marriage.

Enders Game the book is slightly overrated anyway. The follow up Enders Shadow is much better.

The movie itself takes a bit from both books.


Your forgot they fucked up the entire motivation for the buggers thus fucking up the entire thematic point of the book. But you know, that's not important...

I think you mean

What's their end game?

live on welfare & get prescribed meth on medicaid so you can stay up for days writing delusional ubermensch fanfiction for 14 year olds about a futuristic world without support systems for old shrivelled-up dykes with psychosis from the war

Stop trying to adapting novels to film.

>The follow up Enders Shadow is much better.

Nah man. Maybe you could argue that the Bean books are better than the Ender sequels, but not the first one. (Even though the Bean books are basically right wing fever dreams)

No its not. Its closer to a stage play than a fucking movie.
The entire book is monologues and two people having a conversation while all your big action set pieces happen off-page.

>but he's a minor character
He was one of the major antagonists in the book, and was a "point of no return" for Ender.


Video games are real life

Never watched it because I loved the book and I knew they would fuck it up

This is very true. Sadly, the first book is the weakest in the series in terms of real, interesting discussion.

>Your forgot they fucked up the entire motivation for the buggers thus fucking up the entire thematic point of the book
What. Wasn't it the same as in the book? I.e they have a different understanding of how minds work since they're a hivemind so they didn't think their killing was killing individuals?

That's not in the movie. In the movie they want Earth's water.

"don't watch movies like this again"

Seeing the "down is up" shot realized where he tilts the fleet from a third person behind the back perspective made it worth watching desu

Hitler had his reasons.

Stop raping science fiction classics, even if theyre written by mormon shitfucks.

Stick your dick in Hailee.

The only sequels worth following up on are the Bean books. Orson Scott Card pretty much singlehandedly predicted ISIS. Although they are not totally evil fucktard faggots in the books like they are IRL.

The only sequels worth following up on are the Bean books. Orson Scott Card pretty much predicted ISIS 20 years ahead of time. Although they are not totally evil fucktard faggots in the books like they are IRL.

That Abigail Breslin needs to be bred thoroughly


s roastie.


I read Ender's Game in Middle School, then I tried to read Shadow in High School but always stop right before Bean goes to Battle School (when he kills that kid in the street)

What happens in the sequels of the Shadow series? I kinda get what happens in the Ender series

Asa butterfield shower scene


What did she mean by this?

>Advent Rising wasn't that good in hindsight

>lying to recruits because if you revealed the true gravity of the situation they would never agree to join up

Just like the real military!

that Orson Scott is homophobic

Wasn't the Buggers' First Invasion just a small exploration fleet? And we attacked them when they started killing people because they didn't know the value of individual lives to us? Then, the Second Invasion was the big war, with Mazer Rackham defeating the queen and ending the war. Ender's 'Game' was the Third Invasion. It was us invading the Buggers' space. It didn't have much, if anything, to do with getting Earth's water.

I actually liked that Bonzo was a manlet with a Napoleon complex. It made him seem more off-kilter and dangerous. I wish they had kept the fact that Ender killed him in the movie.
Actually, I wish they had kept most of what they cut out of the ending. It would be great to see an Extended Edition with the whole Demosthenes and Locke storyline, but I'm sure that was the first thing to go from the script. It cuts off the possibilities of a Speaker for the Dead movie, but it streamlines Ender's story quite a bit.

>>Harrison Ford phoning it in.
I hated this casting from day 1. I always wanted Graff as an older guy who's getting old and fat. I really wish they had Paul Giamatti as Graff.

>>Completely fucking up the reveal.
This. This was retarded. This was like seeing Bruce Willis dead at the opening or putting "and Kevin Spacey as Kaiser Soze" in the opening credits. That scene should have been an absolute thump to the chest. There should have been 30 seconds of silence while Ender comprehended what he just did. It should have been devastating.
But, it was lame, and foreshadowed to death. Also, they made the computer graphics way too good for his "game." It looked like someone was shooting the battles with a camera. It should have had a more fake, "simulated" look to it. Maybe some quick flash cutaways to the full-res CGI ships during the battles, making the audience think Ender was projecting himself into the game to play better. But it always looked like he was directing real ships.

I actually really enjoy Speaker for the Dead. The sequels, less so. Ender's story goes off the rails when they build a spaceship that's just a box literally powered by imagination and wishes.


the rigidity of her activity or business prevents deformation

MP EVA are such perfectly designed monsters


In the book, there were two prior invasions, and they're as you described - the first was a relatively minor conflict where the Buggers killed some humans and the humans scrambled to kill them back. The Buggers learned next to nothing about humans then. The Second Invasion was an actual invasion led by a queen, and they did it because they didn't realize humans were sentient at all; just a particularly fierce native animal or something. Mazer Rakham's victory was a shock to the Buggers, but they also realized their mistake in that moment - they were warring against another sentient species. It's why they made no plans to attack again, but they knew the humans would likely retaliate. Hence the hidden Queen.

The movie lumped that all together into one Invasion. Which wouldn't be a big deal to conserve on exposition, but it excises key emotional impact from the story, which is what ultimately caused the movie to fail. Ender's Game is decent sci-if, but its enduring success is because of the humanity of the story and the discussion of right and wrong, aggression and compassion. Valentine and Peter represent the failure of being too much of either. The movie lacks any of that emotional impact and just has the surface-layer sci-fi story.

The message was

>You should let your country be totally fucked by a foreign invader because the people you use to prevent it ever happening again suddenly have their balls drop

that the book is better.


Not only is the term 'sentient' wrong, sapient is the term, but it's faux tension. Why? Because it's basically going 'you should let your home be fucked up twice, thousands of people killed and trillions of dollars worth of damage because a species, who did not attempt to go 'oh sorry guys, we thought you were just animals' decided it wasn't worth it any more".

It is literally World War analogies of the Germans thinking that the British Empire won't honor their pacts with, in comparison, vastly irrelevant nations. Then finding out they do. The Buggers wanted easy victories, didn't get it, then started to panic they were going to get fucked up for pissing off somebody better.

You know what would have been a BETTER book? The aliens asking for resources or whatever in return for technology or other resources. The humans going 'sure, we want [insert culturally significant Bugger shit for minor resources] or [unbalanced trade deal]'. The Buggers going "That's too much for reasons. We really need this guys, we're going to slowly die if you don't give it to us. You're the only people we can get it from before we've past the point of no return". The humans go 'No, sorry, fuck off'. Then the Buggers invade, our of pure desperation. Get defeated. Then invade again with a much larger force knowing the weakness of humanity. Get close to winning but lose to a similar Rakham event. Then flee. Only for humanity to use Bugger tech and massive global united funding to get tech to go and find them and finish them off.

End it with the Buggers being destroyed and having Ender go 'Why did we do this again?' and seeing the still unrepaired destruction on Earth and still dying people and ending with whether killing the Buggers was worth all they spent. Or something like that.