People in the comments are going crazy bashing the actress even though Sophia Boutella is Algerian
The Mummy 2017 hit with whitewashing controversy
How can "whitewashing" be thing, but it's OK for Rolland the Gunslinger to be black?
I saw that in the theater and it took me completely by surprise. Couldn't take the rest of the trailer seriously anymore
I would fuck that mummy
could use the wrappings for clean up
because fuck white people, that's why
they should be more upset that she doesnt look like a fucking mummy. shes just a chick in comic con makeup
She's superfuckinghot though and good for anything require athleticy gymnast dancer girl blendy shit
Is she supposed to be a kangz?
Then again is it appropriate for a berber to play a nilotic character?
That long scream actually works better like this
White washing and black washing both need to fuck off.
If a character is white, a white person plays it. If a character is a ching chong, then a ching chong ring dings it.
Seriously. I'm fucking sick of "Hurrr lets have a black James Bond" and then this fucking Netflix "hurr its death note but in the USA xD"
Its shit. All of it.
a version with only the screaming was accidently uploaded to youtube
I normally never do this, but I feel like I've got no choice
Because liberalism isn't about logic.
It's about dogma.
here is is
there is literally no reason to disagree with this
This. White Peopleā¢ have had their time. It's not all bad for them as they get bred out and die out: they have WoW and vidya and 2D waifus to occupy their time while it happens.
Whites are a stunted, evolutionary dead-end, and on some primal level even they know it.
There's a double standard. Regardless, changing the race of any character is incredibly retarded and it shouldn't be done imo
>unironically believes ancient Egypt was black
>unironic power fist as avatar
Can't make this shit up.
>replacing based Brendan with Tom Cruz
>white pekoe will die off in your lifetime
Feels good man
>why didn't you listen?
I do wonder if any of these SJW cunts have ever actually been to Egypt and seen that blacks are actually pretty rare there, or if they're just being huge racist retards who assume AFRICA=BLACK
How come ancient egyptian artworks don't depict egyptians as black africans at all ?
>The Mummy remake
>no Brendan
Who the fuck does this?
>evolutonary dead-end
>one of the only races to not look like the primates they evolved from
I know nigger, it's old news.
Yes in their minds AFRICA=BLACK, they don't care about being racists and say that current egyptians and berbers are arabs,even when this is bs.
The new death note is such a retarded idea, since there's already a pretty decent movie adaptation. But I guess you can't shove that down everyones throat since it's in Japanese and Murriclaps are alergic to subtitles
Ancient Egypt was a culmination of different types of people. You had Arab ones, sub sarahan ones, European ones, etc.. The majority of ancient Egyptians were probably Arab looking in appearance.
here is another one
What's funnier is people think present day egyptians are arabs, even though it took centuries for arabs to start settling in Egypt after conquering it, at which point there were something like 10 million ethnic egyptians living there.
Everyone lnows egyptians were brown ! Brown skin means master race get it ? Good! cum skins! now let me fuck your women so they can enjoy the benefit of living without autism like you faggots
More and more of you are aimless, fat little cucks with pinched voices (have yet to encounter a SINGLE white male in the millennial generation with a deep voice) and zero muscle mass. More and more of you "buy into" being cuckolded every day. Your very genes are telling you its rime to go.
I want to eat nutella off the Boutella!
Even worse, black americans.
>"whitewashing" allegations in Mummy, Gods of Egypt, etc.
>Sup Forums-Sup Forums: lmao who cares it's just a movie
>"whitewashing" allegations in Ghost in the Shell
>We must stop whitewashing in movies
>But seriously we need black bond
Sup Forums w-was wrong! this tottaly isnt anti-white thing!
>>one of the only races to not look like the primates they evolved from
Primates have white skin and are hairy
Why are Americans so fucking retarded?
>tfw watching the identity politics left eat itself
Feels good m8.
If you're talking about physical features, Caucasoids are more similar to primates than Negroids and Mongoloids, especially in the area of neotenization. This is assumed to be because of Neanderthal admixture in Caucasoids.
Whites, latins and asians also tend to go full retard about race there.
Not an argument. Stay rekt nigger
I bet you had to Google neotenization.
>tfw there have been cases at these women's marches of women yelling at men to fuck off, and that them being there is just another example of patriarchal attempts to tell women how to feel and act
>even when they're just parroting the flavour of the month talking points that everyone at the march agrees with
lmao what the fuck is his screaming
Funny cosidering Egyptians have fucking murals of them fighting against the Nubians (the actual black guys).
>its rime to go
Yes it is Scooby. Now run along and collect your welfare check. Heard your dealer has less burnt crack this time ;3
Kek, you know there's a reason why no one uses these groupings anymore. They're laughably outdated, Carleton s coon didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. You can find countless skull differences between a French, swede, Italian, etc.. It's retarded and disingenuous to put people into an idiotic arbitrary grouping
>Caucasoids are more similar to primates than Negroids and Mongoloids
That is so hilariously-wrong. Blacks look more like primates than any other race.
And winning.
Didn't the Egyptian kingdom reach all the way into Sudan?
Still not an argument. You dick washers are bad at this.
You know those images were painted by archeologists and historians, right? The original murals had zero color in them. Besides the Nubians were citizens of ancient Egypt. Why is it so hard to believe that ancient Egypt was a culmination of different looking people
Reminds me of this pic
Because Sup Forums told me that negroes are literal monkeys?
American education at its finest
>triggered nigger
I see you have no argument to dispute what I said. You can find the original mural, it had zero color.
what the fuck
Is not only about color the Egyptians made a clear difference between them, black people from Nubia and paler guys from Libya and the north. The wewuzing started in recent years mostly because confusing a black nubian dynasty ruling egypt for a time with stating that all egyptians were like that. And some mummies with east african dna, even with most mummies are just like current egyptians. The arabization/islamization was a proces, not a population replacement.
truth to power
Would you, as a nigger, feel more comfortable if the original ancient egyptian artist who created that mural intended the savages to be white skinned? Would that make you feel less angry that the whole world hates you more than they hate whites?
>middle east
weren't scythians mostly red haired?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Mate, I never said all Egyptians were black. All I said was that there was black citizens of ancient Egypt. I don't know why you care so much about protecting the "reputation" of ancient Egypt, it's not like they were white either
>original Mummy movie stars a 90's man movie star
>reboot also stars a 90's man movie star
Casting Tom Cruz is literally the most fucking lazy thing any studio could do.
Why do we listen to these people? Who gives a flying fuck what they think of it, let them cry in the corner and stop encouraging them.
>larping as egyptian while ignoring his actual West African heritage.
kinda sad actually
>it's current year and they still ain't believin we wuz kangz n shieet
algeria is north africa