Finally watched this gem. Holy fucking shit this was fucked up yet amazing. This actually lived up to the hype. What does Sup Forums think?
Those damn gooks copied a Spike Lee joint.
Damn nigga that movie was made back in like 1946. Get with it.
Yeah I just realized their was a US adaptation. It looks too much like taken and looks no where as good
it was meh at best
Didn't really think it was good anymore when I rewatched it in my 20s.
When I was 16 or whatever it blew my mind and I thought it was awesome.
>implying it isn't just thriving on sensationalism
>implying it doesn't have melodramatic acting and weak direction with a few good shots
>implying the violence wasn't just shock value for its korean crowd
>implying the silly one-take hallway scene isn't actually mediocre and poorly executed
>implying even josh brolin wasn't much better as oh dae‑su than the choi min sik
The korean is trash tier for the average movie Sup Forumsuff
I wasn't really impressed by it.
Wait until OP discovers Battle Royale
Did you get the thing about the ants?
Battle Royale is shit, only good things about it are Kitano and the crazy chick
OP, watch Thirst. Nobody liked it, but I thought it was almost as good as this one. The others in the trilogy weren't that good
That twist hit hard, and I really liked this film. The American one is just tremendous garbage.
Nice try mongrel Americuck
Watch the other two in the trilogy, both great films
mr vengeance is the best one
Mr Vengeance is almost a normal movie. It's good, but it's nothing really special. Mrs Vengeance is too much, I didn't ike it.
Thirst is almost as good as Old Boy.
What about the Handmaiden? they never released it in my country
>There's more
Fuck yes. Thank you for sharing.
I will check out those two as well. Never heard of Thirst though
Check out I saw the devil and Memories of murder as well
>it's a OP watches his first foreign movie episode
It is however a great movie. I suppose Amelie is next?
So far I've seen Ong bak, 13 Assassins, and Fearless to name a few, the Mexican and French Ones I've watched I can never remember the names of. Amelie is on my list through
Lady Vengeance is the best one, by far. Both are good.
Gotta watch the whole Trilogy, OP.
Amelie is shit
Will do
Oldboy and Vengeance duo
Memories of Murder
The Chaser
I Saw The Devil
A Bittersweet Life
A New World
A Tale Of Two Sisters
The Yellow Sea
The Man from Nowhere
Train to Busan
The Handmaiden
The Housemaid
Seriously, if you've not seen one of these, see it.
>no mother
my fav of all, good list tho
Dude I could've added hundreds.
The Message (Chinese)
Miracle in cell no.7
Barking Dogs Never Bite
Any Korean kino charts/recs?
I like it, but prefer I Saw The Devil. (Same actor, similar themes)
Killers also tickled my fancy alot thematically. Plus it had the added novelty of being a Japanese/Indonesian crossover joint
>Train to Busan
Fucking stop, that movie was horrible.
>My Sassy Girl
my guilty pleasure movie for a while
Gooks are Viet you retard
Literally the best zombie movie since Dawn of the Dead (2004)
You cry?
Did you mean to type I am a hero?
never seen it, is it actually good? Or is it just weird? Does it have good pacing and camerawork?
Are you implying TtB has any of that?
Alright. Be sure to see the old classics by the likes of Bergman and Kurosawa as well. If you're looking something more modern, check out Wong Kar-wai.
Reddit likes it so I hate it
Kinda yeah, only the ending was the weak part for me. It also had a very hateable villain.
Train to Busan was a good movie. It's better than 99% of Zombie movies and that's a fact.
Name 3 better ones... go!
I was bothered every time they stopped giant hordes by pushing at doors.
>no dirty carnival
Mythbusters tried it out and a big horde of zombies, pushing against each other, would be able to break through a barn door reinforced with steel with very little effort.
This movie was pretty shocking when it came out, at least for western audiences. Nowadays people have 'seen some shit' already so the shock factor is much less. Still a good movie though.
Anyone who eats dogs and has slanted eyes is a gook
I Saw the Devil was fucking rubbish dude
I didn't understand the movie.
Why didn't he and his daughter stay a couple if they fell in love?
you sure are implying alot
Garbage, literally any other Kitano movie is superior.
We got a Lannister in here folks
zombies automatically make a movie shit, yes even night of the living dead is garbo frommagio
he didn't want to be fucking his own daughter, so he got his memory erased so he did not know it was his own daughter anymore, so he could keep on fucking her (this is how I remember the movie ending, but i was really super high, m-maybe need to rewatch it)
Says anonymous no-taste internet dude.
Literally nobody else ITT thought so.
is that a Games of Throne reference haha ?
Battle Royale is one of the worst Fukasaku films beside that Green Slime sci-fi shit movie.
And oh hell the sequel is fucking garbage
Why did he get so upset about finding out the person he fucked was his daughter though? I mean, i can understand being affected by it, but didn't he kind of overreact?
>he didn't want to be fucking his own daughter, so he got his memory erased so he did not know it was his own daughter anymore, so he could keep on fucking her
Yup, exactly how it happened.
Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? I completely misread that scene. I though "erase the monster" meant forgetting all the bad things he did, like being a drunk. Holy shit, its even more fucked than I thought it was.
Your're baiting, right?
Obviously, the right thing to do in that situation is kill yourself or vanish forever. Personally, I'd have kill myself.
Korean kino is best kino.
Its a great movie and indicator that Korean cinema surpassed Japanese (I'm talking about live action) and made small revolution in that part of Asia (as a source of flicks watchable by Westerners ed. Malaysian etc), but I honestly feel like posting pic of slowpoke
Agree OP. I was shocked at how much of the hype it lived up to. The hubdred man brawl was a little out of place in what was otherwise a slow and methodical neo-noir but that fucking ending.
Probably the #3 greatest twist of all time
Don't tell me the twists but what movies take #1 and #2
Pretty standard ones you already know but
1. Sixth sense
2. Fight Club
Before you cry pleb just take a minute to think of the cultural impact they had
Memories of Murder is everyones best K-movie.
#3 is, pick one from this list.. There are dozens of great korean/jap/chink films. It's impossible to argue which is top 3.
Maybe the movie leaves open your interpretation for people who can't handle the real truth.
Twist wise... No.1 is A Tale of Two Sisters. People literally don't get the final twist until about a week after they've watched it. I'm not even joking.
No.2 for me is The Game with Michael Douglas.
Sup Forums really has the worst board culture
>cry about Sup Forums
>cant admit a film is good because its popular
>condescending about literally everything unless its some bullshit french arthouse from 1925 no one has seen or heard of
I thought it was interesting how a person can take things to that extreme.
Do you know the movie about a hotel that was haunted? I know that one had a confusing ending?
I know I'm behind. I still have a ways to go. Especially since I'm a film graduate and just saw Fight Club last year. And I've never seen the Shining from the beginning. But I'm trying to change that this year
but french arthouse from 1925 no one has seen or heard of is fucking terrible, m8
>no handmaiden
1408 with John Cusack?
>1408 with John Cusack
No i got it. it's called the quiet family.
even in a train cart?
>Watched the Vanishing with my gf and she says the ending wasn't crazy enough
>She likes black mirror and specifically brings up how she likes how fucked up it gets
>She likes psychological thrillers
>Watch this with her
>It's too fucked up and she doesn't like it
Fucking women.
Nah she just has shit taste.
28 days,28 weeks,day z,Fido, tuthancamon....
Busan is just too long, brings nothing new to this tiresome subgenre, actors are NOT charismatic (be realistic), it doesn't even work on some B-flix level, its literally like some Korean f2p mmo turned to film