Thoughts on this kino?

Thoughts on this kino?

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Kino?? really? It's more like (Kino) ^ -1

Predicted the future pretty well.

This and children of men, practically predicted the situation in Britain.

The first one was better.

>it's a life imitates art episode

this never meant to be real...

>one woman dies
>meanwhile we have 911 and act like the world is ending in london

My favorite movie set in Europe.

Do liberals ever get tired of being btfo

Another exhibitionist flashing in public.
White people are fucked in the head.
Should've stayed in Africa, this shit is starting to it's toll on my sanity.

cannot recommend this flickino enough

it's the die hard of our generation


wow people dress quite nicely in london


>whites: trying to help
>Muslim: fuck this kaffir, I need to pull up a buzzfeed article about how persecuted I am

>Donald Trump in film form
So a fact?

Is this the Bong version of that blond woman walking past those BLM protesters lying on the floor of a mall?

How edgy do you have to be to genuinely not care about human lives
Fuck that """"asian"""" terrorist and fuck you


>Only 4 dead
who gives a fuck

>white people

>80 something in France
>"who gives a fuck!"
>Single nigger in America
>"Stop the world!!! whites are rasist!!"

This current event
London riots
Lee Rigby

theres more but that off the top of my head, but you have selective amnesia so there is no point


yes if the white woman in the mall had been walking over black people literally murdered by other white people

((fake news))

1 white life is worth 1000 nonwhite lives

>1 white life is worth 1000 nonwhite lives

Remember when Europe used to mock the United States because out of more than 300 million people there was some kind of shooting every few years, and it was proof we needed to give up all of our freedoms.

Now Europe's having a spree-killing every fucking month, but it's apparently not proof that they need to change their immigration policies or attitudes towards """multiculturalism""".

the london bus bombing was 12 years ago, we're over it, we don't expect anyone to care like america does with 9/11 after all this time

riots was mostly nogs looting, not a terror attack

lee rigby yeah fair enough, it was brutal, but people get murdered every day, it didn't rock the world.

this is a pretty minor attack in the scheme of things.


The double-standard of outrage is fucking amazing.

>They killed this poor soul instead of understand him
Europeans are animals

>there was some kind of shooting every few years
yeah ok

oh well silly, me

we should just ignore the rest

you are an idiot

>some kind of shooting every few years

as if there aren't gun death statistics updated daily in america, every few years, get to fuck

The difference is that the people of America say they don't need to give up weapons and that mass shootings aren't much of a thing, while the people of Europe SAY the immigrants are a problem and this is out of hand, don't believe our politicians and media, they're all cucks, the general population is against this shit

Whoever is washing his butt. She is not getting paid enough

>any "gun death" = a spree-shooting

Nigs shooting each other in a deal over crack gone bad =/= some guy mowing down classrooms full of kids with a machine-gun.

Hotpocket still hasn't deleted this thread, at least move it to Sup Forums you lazy bitch

You rip what you saw

>Americans killing Americans
>should we do anything?
>no. muh guns

>Mudslimes killing Europeans
>Europe now has a nationalistic Renaissance and a huge anti-immigration/Muslim wave that has changed even countries like Sweden to a huge degree

Really makes you think.

>gun violence in my country doesn't count when it's a race I don't like


>Europe now has a nationalistic Renaissance and a huge anti-immigration/Muslim wave that has changed even countries like Sweden to a huge degree

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

He wasn't muslim, not even Middle Eastern

>Ban guns in Yurop
>People still get shot
>"B-B-But banning guns will totally work, guys!"

>pretty minor attack
No, this was a successful attack in the most secure part of the country. Nothing about it was minor.

>Le national Renaissance is real meme

yeah I guess we need more guns so people get shot daily and we're desensitsed to it, instead of it being a rare thing that causes unrest.

Except I didn't say that you fucking stump. I said that a spree-shooting and an altercation between criminals involving a firearm are two different thing.

I know you Bongs have incredibly low rates of literacy for a supposedly 1st world country, but please tell your government-appointed handler to read these comments to you a little more slowly and carefully before you give them a response to type for you.

Only 4 (four) dead



Who gives a shit?

>Most secure part of the country
>30 feet from a road blocked off by a metal railing and 10 cops

right outside one of the reportedly most secure areas of the city

someone fucked with a bike rack outside the white house last week and the secret service mobilized in seconds

If they were blacks in a America? millions would give a shit

To be fair there are a fuckload of guns in parts of Europe. Like the Nordic countries are some of the most gun heavy among the first world.

>Le meme post meme

>car running over people on a normal public street
>most secure part of the country


people on this site are reactionary morons. no one in the real world cares

>yeah I guess we need more guns so people get shot daily and we're desensitsed to it

You realize that parts of America with the most guns and laxest gun-laws are the least violent parts of America, right?

The city in Texas with the highest number of guns per capita in the entire US was like the second or third safest city in the entire United States.

Yeah I don't see any other reported terror attack on the parliamentary building of any other country. You can downplay this all you want but it's a massive failure. That should not have ever been possible.

They think that parliament is walled off and heavily guarded and not just a random building on the side of the road. My college would be more secure if you put the same amount of cops outside

This is fine.

>no one in the real world cares

Funny how you proudly apathetic liberals are the ones that shit your pants with outrage when ONE black American gets shot charging a police officer.

>no one in the real world cares

Yes, keep telling yourself that.

I'm sure nobody will be talking about this tomorrow.

Yeah and the general population can't do anything about their open genocide because they don't have guns.

the guy was shot as soon as he tried to enter parliament.

the rest of it is up there with a bad car accident on any city street, but yeah BE AFRAID GUYS.

>England decides to put their main legal center on a main road and lets anyone get near it easily
This is obviously a proof that Europe has fallen

it's not the fucking whitehouse mate, it's rigth there on the street, you don't need an elaborate plan to get near it.

>leaving the seat of government that has been used for more than 800 years because of skawy skawy peopow

Maybe Brits just aren't as unpatriotic and cowardly as Americans.


what about Canada ?

I seriously think people keep forgetting all the preventions and attacks over the past 10 years

Hands down and unironically one of my favorite action flicks of the 2010s

Weird how it got 1/5s across the board... Really makes you think...

But one was a French schoolgirl with a pretty nice ass


So three dead people then?

What about Canada?


Well one was the Islamist attacker, so it may only be two people.

Blue board. So check dis thread

Diversity is our greatest strength.

Imagine if four people were killed right outside the White House

It was alright.