What is the correct X-Men watch order? Also, general X-Men/Logan thread.
What is the correct X-Men watch order? Also, general X-Men/Logan thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
X2 then Logan
skip every other one
Chronologically released
I haven't seen Apocalypse, but going from its reception, I'm not missing anything.
X2 then DOFP. The only 2 worth watching. Logan is boring shite don't waste your money.
X Men, X2, The Wolverine, Logan
Not OP but I also want to know a good order.
I just watched Logan and have never watched any of the Wolverine movies.
What order for those?
Xmen, X2, Logan
So is X Men: Origins not canon after DofP and Apocalypse?
Origins and The Wolverine are in their own timeline. It's the only thing that makes sense.
>Origins and The Wolverine are in their own timeline.
I read online that the wolverine takes place after the last stand tho
It does. His guilt caused by killing Jean is a major plot point in The Wolverine, and she even shows up in his dreams
soo days of future past then deletes last stand, wolverine and origins (well it changes origins a bit with apocalypse)
1->2->3->Wolverine->Logan, but the first one is getting very dated and only the last two are any good.
Is deadpool in its own universe or is Origins null and void ?
>skipping DoFP
I saw this last week. Was confused tho, what the fuck happened to the rest of the X-men? I skipped Apocalypse because everybody shit on it. Was it something that happened in that? The last one I had seen before Logan was DoFP
I found Logan very overrated. Yes it's somewhat grown up and gritty, but the story was all over the place and the emotional moments were very shallow and unoriginal, thus feeling cheap to me.
Watch them all, it worth it
But for Logan you're good with X1 and X2
there is no need to watch them in any particular order, there is no universal consistency, and there doesnt need to be any.
Logan was shit
They talk a bit about an "incident" on the east coast one year before the movie. Once the news, I think, mentions that a lot of people were hurt and 7 X-Men died. Xavier later remembers this and feels guilty so he probably got a seizure and killed them. Since this was in USA and mutants were hunted it might've been caused by them being cornered or some such or perhaps they were just in hiding.
>Was confused tho, what the fuck happened to the rest of the X-men?
You weren't paying attention to the movie. And you are asking a question that you could have easily just googled. Kill yourself with a gun loaded with an adamantium bullet.
I'd just figured it was something that Happened in Apocalypse so I didn't try to guess what happened. Kys
It is stated IN THE MOVIE that an event similar to the one that took place in the casino happened a year before the movie took place, and it killed 7 X-Men. And Charles cries about killing the X-Men before he is killed. THAT'S IN THE MOVIE. Why are you asking questions that are answered by the movie?
Just stop, dumbass.
So, X-men are only 7 people?
>So, X-men are only 7 people?
In 2029, who knows? Who knows how many of them stayed at Xavier's mansion? More importantly, who cares? The X-Men are gone. They don't appear in the movie. This is a movie about Wolverine, in case you haven't noticed.
Autistic boy reviewed it lmfao
I dunno about a couple but it's something like
X-men Origins -> X1 -> X2 -> Days of Future Past -> Logan
All others are kinda alternative if you wanna follow Logan's story, as he's the only one who's acknowledged with what happened during X3 and The Wolverine.
If you want to get the full Logan experience
Origins> The wolverine> X1> X2> LOGAN
But this user is right In saying tgose two are the only Great tier movies
Logan was a great film. But that third act though. A little on the weak side.