I'm not a feminist or anything, I'm just curious

I'm not a feminist or anything, I'm just curious.

Other urls found in this thread:


Both are right.

The first one nullifies the second

One of them is correct


Both are attention whores playing the gender baiting game.

one is a journalist and one is a Kickstarter scammer

there is no difference. Sup Forums (and the alt-right) are reactions to the extreme regressive left. They brought in identity politics, called everyone racist, and eventually some people said "fuck it if your racist why cant I be"

two sides of the same coin

I still hold Sup Forums to a higher standard though because there is a definitely a contigent here that doesn't give a shit about either but wants to watch the world burn for the inevitible violent racial conflict between both of them

case in point: Dylann Roof and Micah Johnson

Okay, but how are their arguments different?

They're both shit, why does anyone act like Milo has anything intelligent to say?

He's basically Ow The Edge: The Person

inb4 "leftie btfo"

I'm voting for Trump.