what is Sup Forums's opinion on Triangle? is it kino?
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I like circle better
i love time travel kino
this one?
I found Timecrimes and Triangle to both be obnoxious because you know what's going on extremely early in the film and the rest is just seeing specifically how the film will play it out.
Square was much better, though.
Melissa George has 10/10 legs in this
>i love shitty time travel kino
yeah i agree, but still especially timecrimes was a fucking great movie imo
this tbqh
that's because you tools look up the movie before watching it
it's like reading the tagline of soilent green and being like "huurrr i'm so smart i figured it out!!!"
First time I saw it I had no expectations. Never seen a trailer or heard anything about it. Blew me away.
When that one stabbed chick crawls into a pile of herself to die... Best death scene ever
yeah, was an amazing experience seeing it without knowing anything about the movie, really exceeded my expectations... and the ending was superb too, stopping herself from killing her autist son just for him to be killed later in the car crash and then the loop starting over..
The whole movie is a death scene, she won't accept it and will keep living the cycle
the cab driver is death right? i really hope she breaks the loop eventually through sheer determination but if "death" exists, then probably not
if (and thats a big IF) she could change the loop (i.e. her son not dying) then what would happen? she would have no intention of going thru it again, so would death claim Jess automatically or is there another possibility?
yeah dude, the cabbie is death
End was stupid. I liked it up until that part.
we need more melissa george in movies
what happened?
Life happened. She had two kids and went through a second divorce.
aw shit i feel bad for asking now
It was surprisingly good.
Primer was terrible and you know it