So, who was the Zodiac killer?
Rafael Cruz
several different white men working independently
These guys are full of shit, it was me
I'm Zodiac and so is my wife
I've watched the Fincher film Zodiac and I still have no clue who the killer was
Protip: Neither do the cops
Ted Cruz's daddy
Glen bishop
Matthew Broderick.
The zodiacs Donald
Oh come on
Probably two separate guys operating independently of each other. Arthur Allen and someone else.
all the murders were committed by different people and the only thing tying any of them together was the press coverage of the separate murders.
I wonder how many uncaught serial killers exist.
Independently, but in collusion?
Or independently, and it was just a coincidence that more than one person was sending near indecipherable clues
and that's just a theory
he wasn't even the prime suspect irl. Fincher pulled za Hollywood warudo.
Wasnt it that gay guy from Brokeback Mountain? Jake something I think..
I guess he is dead whoever he was
The guy who wrote the book the movie was based on was convinced it was Arthur Allen. I think the movie even says so at the end in some text card
Bernie, there was a point in time when he just vanished when the killings went on
It's fucking Leigh Allan. Like it's not even close.
Leave the Zodiac to me.
Yea the film implies it was him. The card said something about new evidence discovered like in the 90s but Allen died before they could bring him into to answer for it. Been awhile since I've seen the film.
At this point any lead has gone cold.
Has there ever been any major case solved that long after the fact? I think Stephan Bourguoin convinced the FBI with his theory about the real Black Dahlia three years ago, but it's possible the bureau was fed up with people writing their theories so they declared the least retarded as canon.
richard gaikowski!
from wikipedia:
>In February 2014, it was reported that a man named Louie Myers had confessed to a friend in 2001 that he was the Zodiac Killer, after learning that he was dying from cirrhosis of the liver. He requested that his friend, Randy Kenney, go to the police upon his death. Myers died in 2002, but Kenney allegedly had difficulties getting officers to cooperate and take the claims seriously. There are several potential connections between Myers and the Zodiac case. Myers attended the same high schools as victims David Farraday and Betty Lou Jensen. Myers also allegedly worked in the same restaurant as victim Darlene Ferrin. Myers also had access to the same sort of military boot whose print was found at the Lake Berryessa crime scene. Furthermore, during the 1971–1973 period when no Zodiac letters were received, Myers was stationed overseas with the military. Kenney says that Myers confessed he targeted couples because he had had a bad breakup with a girlfriend. While officers associated with the case are skeptical, they believe the story is credible enough to investigate.
and then there's this:
it could have very well been allen, however
>Kenney says that Myers confessed he targeted couples because he had had a bad breakup with a girlfriend.
What a petty little beta bitch
only zodiac killer would do this on live tv
they were all elaborate suicides
It was Allen, the DNA didn't match because he didn't use his own saliva to seal envelopes.
>yfw it was his pet
This guy was the Zodiac killer
Guy hijacked a schoolbus filled with kids and slapped them around. Shot a woman whilst she was swimming, killed a black kid, targeted a gay black dude, insulted a black dude, targeted a priest, kidnapped a teenage girl, raped her and pulled a tooth out. Did some other stuff too. He has got to be the Zodiac killer