It's practically common knowledge at this point that it exists.
What can people do to stop it? The
Pedophile ring in Hollywood
one of the more ludicrous antisemitic canards you stormweenies have ever dreamt up and that's saying something
>It's practically common knowledge at this point that it exists.
try leaving your echo chamber
trying to snuff out an argument as hard as you can, try not to get too butthurt
>saying pedophilia exists in hollywood is anti semitic
>how dare you disagree with me
>muh free speech
y'all are cringier than the SJW I'm serious now
did op get murdered while posting?
"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
>echo chamber
>"how dare you disagree with me"
no, u. my friend
just stop
>"muh free speech"
oh crist, i think you havent played the race card yet, try that now, youre running out of stupid arguments to try
I don't think you quite understand, the scumbag parents essentially sell their kids to these people so they don't have to work or support them. These rings only exist because the parents enable them.
There can't be a pedophile ring in Hollywood. That's like saying the Jews run ev
I seriously assumed this was sarcasm at first.
people don't want to sop it because deep down everyone wants to be famous and on the off chance it does happen they want to be able to fuck children
ask milo yiannopoulos to expose them since he goes to those parties
This board is infested with SJW, Zionist-thought Policing, Globalist-Satanic-Cult supporters
They are so try hard to push agendas & bury open talk of shit like this. Sup Forums is the pretty bad when it comes to it since they have so much 'mind-control' tactics at steak with their Hollywood meme of films industry
Just keep posting & spreading awareness, they can kick & scream but nothing is going to change the curtains falling
i think you have a problem with reading. also, what is the first two greentext lines in your post supposed to imply? that there can't be antisemitic echo chambers?
bizzaro tumblr at it again
Pretty much. Michael Jackson never lured kids to his house. The kids were brought to him by their parents.
Kill them.
I find it so fucking hilarious how these Soros funded shills go on the defensive at the mere mention of the fact that rich people might be raping children.
Are you seriously being paid so much that it enables you to disable your moral compass and defend this degenerate behavior, regardless of the fact that the evidence to support these claims is overwhelming.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: the only real 'echo chamber' that exists, is the one being relentlessly pushed by these braindead shills with the use of these stale buzzwords such as 'conspiracy', alt-right' and 'fake news'.
Please take a step back from what you're saying and look at what your life has become and who you're trying to defend, because these (((people))) hate you, they think you're a piece of shit and frankly so do I.
you don't belong here
We know who you are and where you live.
This pedo-crusading by Sup Forumsbeards is a false flag attempt to hide their real pedo ops.
as we know, Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler were all homosexuals and/or pedophiles. There have been numerous scandals involving white supremacist leaders in both Europe and the US being outed as gay or pedophiles. Recently the leader of a white supremacist cell in Dallas turned out to be a gay porn star by the name of Cameron Diggs.
"""white nationalists""" are sexual degenerates and perverts to the extreme
They are so try-hard
Just remember to not take their bait either, most of them are apart of the intelligence community who are provided with all sorts of 'methods' to play with peoples emotions & attention
SJWs hate zionists (pic related)
A Zionist is in the whitehouse and you shilled for him
your whole worldview makes no sense
well said, fwends! Remember that this is OUR board and George Soros and Mossad will never take our cartoons. Kek wills it!
Being homophobic while going on anti-racism crusade, priceless.
What's next? Misogyny with a tinge of zoophilia mixed in?
The sjw phenomenon is penetrating new layers of self-parody.
Just opinions, ultimate Zionist dont have favorites & use them as tools for pusing agendas & breaking down culture
This board tries so hard to post as much 'Anti-Trump' content as possible because they are the same party behind funding Killary campaign
Theyre still buthurt
wtf with you newshits that came after the elections calling everyone Sup Forums?
literally everyone is a pedo
people need to stop pretending that children aren't sexy
clearly you know so much about zionism when you unironically support a diehard one
If you express political opinions, you need to go back to Sup Forums
If your political opinions differ from my own that makes you a shill.
reddit literally thinks anyone that mentions anything political is from Sup Forums
>women are getting giving birth later and later in life
>anti-pedo campaigning
I smell a correlation.
I smell a brainwashing.
wtf i love the global elite now
Reminder: this type of discussion is even frowned upon on Sup Forums.
If you think you're speaking freely when you come on this website think again.
>thread slides into oblivion...
someone post that pic of the gay pool orgy at Bryan Synger house. As usual people dont care because its 17 yrs old BOYS but it it were girls instead...
those sneaky jew bastards are trying to keep all the sexy children for themselves
Getting people to believe there is one is gonna take a bit of effort m8's
Either that or Candlejack got hi
You can't run for pres unless you support Israel and the apartied retard. aipac controls congress
>There have been numerous scandals involving white supremacist leaders in both Europe and the US being outed as gay or pedophiles.
List ten.
>What can people do to stop it?
You're all shit-eating commoners, there's nothing you can do. Just go back to work and keep consuming, goyim.
Is that real?
I'll just leave this here.
and this...
>autistic screeching intensifies
oh god
Drew is a libertarian why is he with them?
This m8
Oh shit, I just got that the cake is supposed to be a brick wall.
Because fucking lolis doesn't violate the NAP
A prominent participant on either side would have to provide significant, near-irrefutable evidence (videos, written notes, etc.)
The public, even today's ultra outrage public, is very out of sight, out of mind when it comes to this kind of thing. Only when it gets shoved in your face do they actually demand action be taken.
>A board filled with pathetic incels cares about pedophiles.
what the fuck is this post supposed to mean
Honestly if teens want to fuck off to Hollywood to get touched on by execs and try to become famous that's their business.
You dont just get to leave this shit, explain.
It's pretty self explanatory.
>Tom Hanks
>always the ones you least expect.
My world is shattered.
Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, any other example?
Stop watching movies
;Dan "ooh so tight inside her cunny slider" Schneider
the guy that directed Powder and Jeepers Creepers went to jail for fucking kids
Rob Reiner
Serves him right
I'm a big fan of genuinely crazy people on Instagram who try to start a relationship with a celebrity through Instagram posts/comments:
Which is why you take action yourself.
Tbqh I'd take a dick if it meant I got to be rich and famous in the future.
>woody Allen
nice fake news, pal
>Hollywood has one of the largest known pedophile rings for decades
>everyone keeps hush about it
I just can't buy this conspiracy.
It would mean the complete collapse of Hollywood and entertainment.
Well sex is the biggest high known to man. And following the logic that money can buy anything....and the filthy rich have tried it all....its likely that some of this people have payed for younger prostitutes but i dont think they go bellow 15-16......
in other hand tho who know what happen in this filthy rich sex parties on private islands and shit probably the real degraded shit are happening there and how can police bust them when this is like a private club that almost no new and random people can be accepted and everyone there is rich as fuck.......
daily reminder that this old rich fagg who was running Formula 1 years ago got exposed for regularly having young prostitutes dress in nazi uniforms and dominate him while he was dressed in nazi camp jew clothes and shit if this happen in town imagine what kinda shit goes on this private islands and parties
>fake news
Tom Hanks
There's one right here, but Sup Forumsedittors don't seem to care or even notice because they are not famous celebrities. They are as superficial and air-headed as the hollywood liberals they hate, only that on top of that they are ugly and poor.
but you CAN run for pres without marrying your daughter off into the tribe - so why did Trump do that?
What can people do to stop the pedophilia ring on Sup Forums?
man wtf i like tom hanks
is this for real? Christ
Why are you hot heads so triggered by kek?
Back to /r/the_donald cancerous newfag
>everybody I don't like is an SJW, even if it makes no sense!
I don't have 40 minutes to listen to this guy drone on. Can someone summarize the evidence he presents?
>starts a relationship with a woman of legal age
It's not only teens you ignorant ass we're talking infants, toddlers, kids.
How can one go back to whence one has never been?
me too but some random guy on youtube talking about shit dosent look legit at all not to mantion he must be pretty stupid doing this because he can catch such a case that will leave him homeless on the streets for life
Never said that. Try playing another card
>when you've got nude pics of your step daughter at a questionable age
>Tom Hanks
I refuse to believe this senpai, I just can't.
Sup Forums have censorship for a long time now its nothing new they
Are you implying father's should have the last say in who their daughter marries? Do you realize how fucking sexist that is? JESUS
I accurately described your post. How is that "playing a card" you goddamned retard?
Damn, OP tried to do something about it and already got snatched just as he finished typing the captcha