Are you a Mark, a Jez, or a Super Hands, Sup Forums?
Are you a Mark, a Jez, or a Super Hands, Sup Forums?
Mark obviously.
>Super Hands
Did you just have a bit of crack?
im jez on the outside, mark on the inside
Super Hans is undoubtedly the best character in the show
I'm always goin on about me twins
fuck i love this bit
If you're not mark or hans, you really need to go back
Mark but i wish i was Hans
Probably a mixture of Mark and Jez.
a mix of jez and super hans
>Jez seems weird but he's actually pretty normal
>Mark appears to be a normie but is actually a psychopath
it's hard to decide, really.
>Mark: You've kicked the crack?
>Super Hans: No, except now I bang a load of Valium up me arsehole for the comedown.
You should have included Geoff and Big Sews
>not wanting to be the man
Fuck me, even MARK wanted to be him.
Fuck, I put Super Hands for a laff, but this is just poor
Sober: Mark
Drunk: Jez/Super Hands
used to be super hands before I started having seizures. now I'm mark. life sucks
I don't know any of those people.
Take your e-celebs to
a male Dobz
why are you so sad?
did they stop making history books?
The twins
...the bloody twins
i'll never forgive orange if they've deleted the twins
Just a nice little relaxing smoke of crack
was the crack moorish or more -ish
Everyone here would love to be a Super Hans, but we all know we are a mix of Mark's insecurity and social anxiety and Jez's general inability to do anything.
>social awkwardness and uptightness of Mark but work ethic of Jeremy
Shit, you're right.
Hi Sophie, I'm just- in the cupboard right now
go to another board
I possess all of their worst qualities
and mark duh
but I have my jezzy moments
oh wait did i just describe like 60% Sup Forums
Barney actually
they are from the show "peep show"
lazy as jez, boring as mark