Aint ever going away edition
/got/ general
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did you really spend the time to bring this back yet again?
azor jon
this desu
is jontron /ourguy/
Morning, /got/
Hope you cunts can keep this alive for the next few hours
>In the name of Renly of the House Baratheon, first of his name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die.
>[Stannis nods. He’s ready.]
>Do you have any last words?
>[Stannis considers.]
>STANNIS: Do you believe in the life to come?
>[Brienne nods]
>STANNIS: I don’t. But if I’m wrong, and you’re right… tell Renly I’m sorry when you get there. I don’t imagine I’ll see him wherever I’m going. (beat) And my daughter. Tell her… tell her…
>[‘Sorry’ doesn’t even begin to cover what he feels about Shireen. The thought of it brings tears to his eyes, and he’s not going to die weeping in front of a woman he doesn’t know.
>Stannis stares up at her.]
>STANNIS: Go on, do your duty.
fuck you d&d
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that he was /bestking/ and /beststark/?
They deserve another Emmy just for this.
fuck the critics who jerk off to this shitty writing and characterisation but dump on other shows for being clunky and wonkly paced even though got is always worse
anyone else looking forward to Emilia Clarke's new movie Voice from the Stone?
What happened to the jaqenfag? Did he get deported ?
>Stannis: Do you believe in life after love?
>>Stannis: Do you believe in life after love?
emmy winning writing guys, totally what Stannis would say /s
Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?
What did GRRM mean by this?
What will Jons tax policy be like
>Tolkien made the wrong choice when he brought Gandalf back. Screw Gandalf. He had a great death and the characters should have had to go on without him.
What did GRRM mean by this?
He's a fat fraud who has no business criticizing any other writer?
>mfw /got/ is still going
Why the fuck didn't they just show Brienne chopping Stannis' head off? They haven't shied away from violence before.
it was their last fuck you to the character and to troll people because they get off on that nonsense
>page 10
>an actress who can't act in a psychological thriller
well I don't see how this could go wrong
Why aren't they getting a clue and just shoving her in every meme movie where she can do badass things and smug faces.
Emilia is going out of her way to not get typecast, she's being offered tons of shit where she'd act like Dany, just like Kit gets offered tons of roles where he'd have to act like Jon or romantic comedies, but turns them down and goes for range and something different
Holy fuck I knew they cut his dialog but I didn't expect it to be this good. Fuck those Jews
Thank you Uncle Benjen
What are your favourite OST tracks?
Dany is trash, but let's not beat around the bush, she gets the best soundtracks
I do like Dany's themes but my favorites are Warrior of Light and the Stark theme.
So I know the Jews said they cut Stannis's lines in his death scene but was that before or after it was filmed? If Dillane recorded that I want to see it.
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
hopefully she's dead
Probably did film it, but you'll never see it, show sucks when it comes to deleted scenes or bloopers, only editors, insiders and people on set have ever or will ever see most of those things
Yeah true they released stuff like the Tywin fishing scene but no one has scene the original pilot. I would love to see the Brandon Stark scene from that.
no way he's a grill. he's just a faggot.
ntf myrcella best myrcella. Potato a shit.
Based user saving the thread
That one in the first episode when bobby arrives
why not both
it* is just a subhuman
King's arrival, aye it's a good one.
are you ready for it to be permanently ruined when they make a slightly modified one for Daenerys when she lands on westeros?
>We had an assistant named Bill Hill,” say Benioff and Weiss. “One day last summer he walked into our office and said, ‘You know in Season 1 there's a song called King's Arrival, plays when King Robert arrives to Winterfell? More like the Usurper, but you know who I'm talking about?
>‘Well,’ said Bill, ‘doesn’t it make sense that when Daenerys arrives in Westeros, we play the same song, it would be poetic and stuff right?
>‘You’re right,’ we said. ‘That does make sense.’
>And what if we just changed 2-3 notes real fast to make it more Daenerys-y and change the name to Queen's Arrival?
This year, Bill Hill is a composer on the show.”
Please tell me this is all made up
this is just a parody of the Dave Hill's hiring, user.
Why is GoT's pacing increasingly more breakneck with each season? Are D&D just so sick of the show that they want to end it quickly?
does seem a bit weird
shouldn't they be milking it for all it's worth?
what if twow comes in and Stannis is really dead?
what if Selmy really loses a fight and die because he's jsut too old and slow (as we've seen in his fight vs Kraaz or wtv his name was)?
what if Stannis failed so Jon Snu takes over and succeed?
what if for some reason the snek really take over dorne because Doran isn't doing enough even if using them?
what if the show messed up the details a bit but still has the big lines right, and it's fucking terrible?
Warrior of Light, Greyjoys and Starks
>my thieving, narcissistic, usurper brother who would have killed me if he was given the chance over a notion that he looks good with a crown is probably in heaven right now
>last thread archived with
>53 posts in 12 hours
Trailer when? Things need to speed up desu
xaro xohan in the show wanted to breed chubby, chicken eating silver afro dragon, nigger riders and set up the dindu dynasty in quarth
friendly reminder
Not until late May or sometime in June
This is why Jon is basically not gonna be the same character when he comes back. Or, what if, he doesn't come back? That would be the biggest shocker of all.
Well, Stannis is haunted by Renly's death in the books, despite all he did.
Because he didn't want Renly to die, not because he thought Renly was a good person. He even says something along the lines of "I grieve for the boy that he was, not the man that he became".
Yeah, I guess it really isn't in keeping; he arguably didn't consciously kill Renly in the books, and show Stannis' emotions surface even less, specifically nothing to do with Renly.
How would D&D handle this scene?
>The fat slobbering usurper falls off his horse and farts
>Rhaegar's entrance is gallant and graceful
>Robert keeps autistically sperging out about Lyanna saying she belongs to him
>Rhaegar says no man can force love on a woman who doesnt love him
>Robert goes charging in a blind rage screaming dragon cocksucker
>Rhaegar easily parries bob's unskilled brutish attacks getting many hits in
>Robert resorts to fighting dirty and when noble Rhaegar is distracted for one fatal second Robert gets a lucky cheap hit in
>Robert laughs heartily and declares his victory as he pisses on Rhaegar and says his children will be next to die for being cursed dragonspawn
>Robert orders Roose to finish off Barristan but Bolton shows mercy and lends him his maester
>Robert says he's going to rape and smash every last dragon spawn and supporter when he rides to the capital as he takes a fistful of rubies
>he collapses from all the damage noble Rhaegar did and has to send Ned and asks "Bring me every last chicken or I'll rape lyanna."
What did they mean by this?
>warrior of light
>knee bending intensifies
>Hold the Door
>D&D decide the show needs to end even faster
>Rhaegar has never appeared in flashbacks only mentioned so they decided he isn't going to be a show character anymore
>I mean chances are the normies have forgotten about him by now anyway
>so they devote an entire episode next season to Missande and Grey Worm
>another entire episode about boat sex
>another about the Iron niggers and the Dornish
>another to the backwoods adventures of the hound and the rest of the soon to be dead cock joke brigade
>yet another to Jaime and Brianne hopelessly wondering Westeros with there fingers up there ass
>they didn't even have time for that trivial R+L song of ice and fire shit in the first place
Would you have sex with Stannis? Why and what would you do?
>Would you have sex with Stannis?
Because you don't get dicked by your rightful king everyday.
>what would you do?
Motionlessly lie on my stomach and avoid eye contact, just how Stannis likes it.
Valid points. Also, erotic.
>He had a great death
Maiar are immortal.
>ywn see a Qyburn/Cersei/Jaime sleepover
Best trio will never have an on-screen cuddle party
JONSA bump
way to kill a good waifu (night queen, not smugface dragontits)
cuckold threads belong to /gif/
What would you do with Stannis, user?
Cast him.
Arya Stark
I'd put a crown on his head
Please, user, this is a blue board.
Obviously Sansa.
Either one is fine.
>Daenerys storms the Red Keep, they arrest Cersei
>Tyrion: We meet at last, dear sister
>Cersei: (smirks ready to die, believing in prophecy)
>Tyrion says she's gone mad, but wants a fair trial nontheless
>Cersei: "there can only be one game of thrones. Let it end then. We've been playing this song of ice and fire for far too long."
>yfw Jon's real name is Aegon
>Fucking Aegon
gay as fuck
almost gone
it should've been aemon
>it should've been aemon
it should have been bad pussy licker
Jon hasn't come back in the novels, and chances are, when he comes back he is going to be completely different and be able to warg like Bran.
will the arya kills lf scene be even more retarded than the S6 arya stuff?
who /inlovewithSophie/ here?
>Bran shows/tells Sansa that Lf is bad even though its obvious so...
>Sansa sentences Littlefinger to death, which Arya carries out.
He's like a minor nuisance in the show. Meanwhile in the books he's this epic puppet master who's playing 4d chess with Varys.
Thanks Dabid.
How many refugees do you think Sophie has fucked?
He's just a plot device to prove how smart other characters are
Pretty sad tbqh