What did yours turn into?
What did yours turn into?
Other urls found in this thread:
A place that has over a 100 flavors of wings
Dollar Store
Pizza Hutt/Verizon Store/Tanning place hybrid
a really comfy local pizzeria
a mattress discounters
It was just an empty building with a faded sign for a few years. Then in early 2016 it became some random local company that teaches teachers.
A pizza hut.
I know two other people who said their's turned into Pizza Hut. It's weird.
Sells home appliances
Chucky Cheese with a kickass Star Wars game
First a thrift store. Now a dentistry.
Chemist warehouse
They didn't even bother taking down the blockbuster sign, they just repainted it.
A Petco.
Wonder if they ever found the copy of Monopoly I hid.
it's been several things, right now it's a Panera Bread
Thats a big Arbys
furniture store i think. went in on the last day and picked up all of their stock of dr pepper for 15p a bottle and a bunch of free posters i never even unrolled
for you
It's one of those emergency/urgent care companies that have popped up everywhere.
Hog Wild Pit Barbecue
kek where did you hid it?
It's split in half. Now a bank and an "interior" store.
pet store, then candy store, then pet store again. My neighborhood sucks for all businesses.
Vacant building in a bad part of town
Starbucks and a paint store.
A fucking smoke shop.
From one dying business to another.
Dry cleaning store owned by chinks.
mine turned into a virtual jet flight simulator store then it turned into a virtual golf simulator store.
have not been back lately, wonder what it is now
a pizzaplace/tap room
also a fair amount of these
What's a Blockbuster gramps?
Anyone over 20 should not be allowed to post on Sup Forums
Pizza Hut made a deal a year (or so) before the closings started to but out a lot of locations, if I remember correctly
The East Lansing one turned into a Gamestop.
Seasonal Halloween warehouse store then a beauty supply shop. Really weird seeing it go. Never forget the day my best friend got mugged in front of it at knife point.
they split it in half and now it's part subway part tutoring center
A nail salon.
We had two within miles of each other. The first turned into a bank, the second finally fell and is now a mattress store.
The only other one I can think of is one in the city that lasted longer than many of them. It's currently nothing.
>millennials will never know this feelio
A bank branch. It's funny, I thought the Internet would have radically reduced the number of bank branches everywhere, but instead it's been the opposite case, and they're all shit banks like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc. It makes no sense.
Don't you mean Gen Z? I bet $100000 you are a Millennial
A shit tier franchised grocery store. Employees take for ever to charge you for ur shit and altho they claim to have delivery service they never pick up the phone. Seriously fuck those slackers.
Eastchester, NY Blockbuster turned into a CVS. Larchmont, NY Blockbuster turned into a Walgreens.
One into a filling Station and the other into some insurance building
>he doesn't know the definition of millennial
fyi it's extremely broad.
>a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century.
So we're basically all millennials.
a japanese steakhouse for suburban yuppies
a money lending place.
I thought we lived in an autonomous collective.
betting shop
I feel as though I need to clear some things up about why Blockbuster Video is closing, and why they went chapter 11 in the first place a few years ago
>Blockbuster Video used to be owned by a Jew owned company named Viacom
>Viacom are money-grubbing whores
>Viacom buys all of blockbuster's rentals and merch with loans, instead of profits
>every year use profit to pay off loans, take out new loans to buy new merchandise
>blockbuster decides to split from viacom because they are tyrants
>viacom takes all of blockbuster's profits from that year, but does not pay off the loans
>the loans were taken out under blockbuster's name, not viacom's, so the loans technically belong to blockbuster
>viacom does not tell this to blockbuster corporate
>when blockbuster finds out, there is already a shit ton of interest, and viacom has all of their profits
>desperately try every quarter to pay off loans
>1 mil loan becomes 3 mil then 5 mil, finally tens of millions of dollars are owed
>go chapter 11, file for bankruptcy
>Dish network buys Blockbuster Video, because they want to use the iconic Blockbuster Video logo to sell tv subscriptions, plus wants brick and mortar stores to sell tv subscriptions
>closes unprofitable stores that were still around after chapter 11 closings
>has 300 locations left
>all are profitable
>blockbuster is profitable as a whole again, especially in the North East
>fast forward 2 years to 2013
>Dish decides to go exclusively to streaming
>considers selling BBV
>no fewer than 3 companies are interested in buying
>but Dish wants to keep Blockbuster logo for streaming service, cant do that if they sell the company
>decide to liquidate stores, put 3000 people out of work, all over the rights to a logo
>tell employees they are being laid off AFTER telling the news networks
Blockbuster's problem was it was owned by two shitty corporations.
virtual plane simulator
buisness school
Mine is still open. AMA.
One of those rent-to-own furniture stores where you end up paying at lease 5x what the shit your bought was really worth after all the interest has been added in (assuming you don't get more than half way just to miss a payment and get it repossessed with no refund).
>Dad pulls his truck up to the Blockbuster and has me run out and drop the movie in the slot
Childhood kino
1982 to 1995/6/7ish = Millennials (remembers 9/11)
1995/6/7ish to CURRENT YEAR = Gen Z (doesn't remember 9/11)
There, simples.
people 2 years older than me definitly remember 9/11 we're british
Literally sat empty for 15 years. Still had the sign and even the fucking shelves inside.
Just recently turned into some bullshit I don't give a fuck about.
>mfw I will never rent a PS1 game for $5 for 5 days ever again
there is no consensus about where millennials end, and where Gen Z begins. Personally I prefer if Gen Z starts at 2005, and Millennials starts at 1985 for that nice autistic-approved 20 year gap.
>Blockbuster has late fees
>eventually get rid of them because it's actually losing them money
>Works out okay for a while
>online streaming services come along
>BB is losing even more money
>Jews decide to re-instate late fees to try and recoup some of their losses
>Ends up losing them even more money and killing the company that much quicker
The stores are gone, but BB has had their own streaming service for a while. It's total dogshit.
We still have a Family Video for some reason.
I think I read that Family Video bought the real estate for their store locations instead of leasing, and that is what allows them to remain in business.
Millennials are 1992/3/4/5 to current.
Gen z is a season of power rangers
I decided to google Millennials and this is what I got.
Because as we all know, 22 year olds and 40 year olds are so TOTALLY the same in terms of upbringing and personality, while 21 year olds and 22 year olds grew up SO TOTALLY DIFFERENT WOAH. I mean it's not like they were in the exact same school graduating class in the same circle of friends who consumed the exact same popular culture growing up or anything, nope, they're different.
The Jew media needs to stop with this generation crap.
emergency veterinary clinic. it was a good change.
the building is just abandoned, it's been empty for over 10 years and it's actually in a very active shopping center. It's kind of funny too because the B L O C K B U S T E R logo is engrained into the structure from how long the letters were stuck up there protecting those patches of cement from the elements
A hair salon
A Taekwondo dojo.
A fucking bike store.
a bakery
>demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years
I rented The Orange Box, you know the 5 in 1 Valve game. I rented it for one day and never returned it and then within the next few months it closed down. I probably owe them thousands of dollars
THIS. Do you live in South Jersey, by any chance?
A tire shop I think.
Comfy times
same here, with a panera attached to it
My local store rented a dumpster and just threw a bunch of their inventory out, but I didn't learn about it until after the fact. My ass would have been swimming in that shit.
>My local store rented a dumpster and just threw a bunch of their inventory out,
pisses me off when that happens. Like they've given up making money of it, so they just throw out.
Artisnal burger place
Its shit
You're in denial about being a millennial.
>he wears white socks
For what purpose?
Stop projecting
Closest one by me turned into a market i believe
I live in a similarly depressing area of NY
last time i saw it, 1 year ago or something, it still had blockbuster signage and was boarded up which is weird since it is on a little arcade of open businesses next to a supermarket
>Millennials are 1992/3/4/5 to current.
Source that isn't your ass?
some inner city community thing,
Auto parts store
A Trade it which is a really shitty pawn shop.
Shakey's pizza
I must've been 12 when they started shutting down the blockbusters. I only went there a couple times, but it I had my fun. I haven't visited the place in a while, but google maps tells me it's a Gold Standard Mortgage now.
A Chipotle
My town never had one, but our Hollywood video became a Qdoba.
anyone from that time that can really describe what it was like?
Like the best orgasm you have ever had, only better.
dickey's bbq I think, was a pizza hut for a while before that
A chipotle, I think.
It's a Five Guys and Jersey Mikes
we pushed the tape through a lid, and the vcr would receive the tape and load it into itself (sometimes this didn't happen, so we had to take it in and out a few times for the vcr to "catch" it). then there were some sounds, latching onto the tape itself etc before the tape would play. our vcr would automatically play the tape after putting it in.