>"Come out sir, we know you've been illegaly downloading movies."
"Come out sir, we know you've been illegaly downloading movies."
Other urls found in this thread:
>land of the free
>except for movies
>Implying my country cares
>Implying anyone actually gets done for illegally downloading movies
i've been streaming them you have no proof!
You wouldn't pirate this post
>excuse me my fellow american citizens, but how exactly can you determine that it was me downloading the movies and not someone else using my IP address?
>Also am I being detained?
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as pirating, is in fact, sharing, or as I've recently taken to calling it, sharing plus previewing.
>don't mind me, just pirating a few HDTVs
>not downloading cars
They do in France. Guy got fucked over for pirating the last season of Sex and the City.
>TIL France has a "tv shows taste" department
It's mildly entertaining. Movies were absolute fanfic-tier dogshit though.
thanks for seeding
Please do not post my daughterfu without permission, thank you.
Good thing I pirated a gun just for these cases
>not taking an actual picture of the post
V: 6/10 it's watchable for screenshot
A: 2/10 can't hear shit
thanks for the upload but i'll wait for better release
>You wouldn't download a machine gun
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
You wouldn't steal a policemans helmet!
would you pirate this?
I use a stolen netflix account and private trackers, i'm safe
You wouldn't remain a virgin
>"stealing is okay if it's music/a movie"
>one think legitimately terrible about millennials and specific to their gen
>Sup Forums bends over in defense of this mentality
you mean i cant clone the girl i want?
I live in Brazil, literally no one cares. Probably the one good thing about this country.
>fire my airsoft gun at the guy in the back
>he freaks out and fires his gun, shooting the guy in front of him
>sets off a chain reaction making each guy shoot the guy in front until they're all down
who here likes to /mess around/
if those pigs come into my house without a warrant then I will not hesitate to KILL them because the constitutional right will protect me.
I would either grab my semi automatic AR-15 and pop those fuckers right in their thick skulls
>Oi, we've detected a telly in your home yet you haven't paid your tv license. Care to explain why?
why is that anime drinking semen through a straw while a loli is dangled above her head?
she's thirsty
I did, just a few weeks back.
Wasn't quite as good as I remember.
Do British police honestly do this
It's not the cops, it's a separate thing. Also they don't actually have any legal power so only dumb fucks get caught by them.
No idea, pirated it when someone else posted it here a while ago
>only dumb fucks get caught by them.
Well then, thanks still.
>only dumb fucks get caught by them.
cucked britbong damage control
Only after the goons take a try
I don't live in a free country so I can download movies for free and no one would care.
maybe not you, Ahmed
tell it to the judge dirtbag
>"Officer, I'm a Muslim refugee from Syria and a strong practitioner of Islam and Sharia Law!"
>owners still have their property safe and sound
Whoa...so this is the power...of...mental gymnastics
Shouldn't have created this pointless comsume driven society then, grandpa
Don't mind me, just pirating this turkey.
>Current year
>Pirating movies
>Not streaming them
This is actually pretty smart.
>Tell them some bullshit so they go away
>remove any cable that allows you to see live broadcast and insert some console or dvd
>next time they come, they would have to go away with empty hands
Did you bypass the supermarket mainframe first?
oi m8, it's easy to find videos of the tv police showing up with real police
>be British
>forget to pay tv license
>get run over by muslims
>Be Swedish
>Forget to pay the tax that taxes the tax
>Get raped by muslims
Don't forget to pay your raped by muslim tax
What's the Stockholm's muslim mayor's name?
See this won't happen in Norway.
I pirated the Pirates porn films.
Dunno. Ours?
>The Lord Mayor, Andrew Parmley. The Lord Mayor is the head of the City of London Corporation, based in the historic financial district of London which is also known as the Square Mile.
>just a moment officer
>N-no *hides behind curtains*
*tack tack tack tack*
*tack tack tack*
come on, come ooooonnnn
>Preparing File Deletion...
>Deleting Files...
>Paul Blart Mall Cop 2
>Grown Ups 2
>The Mask
>Son of the Mask
>Jungle 2 Jungle
>Miracle Dogs Too
What are other movies getting deleted?
Real pirate guns.
>steals income
But they wouldn't get a cent from me anyway, so this is wrong
Iron Man 2 and all of the JAV
>this cuck meme pic again
>having to do all this for a fucking tv
How do Brits not commit mass suicides?
No clue, not from down there
When will you redditors learn?
reminder that people are literally being paid to try to define piracy as theft in the common mind