why did this fail so hard?
Why did this fail so hard?
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Entrapment bullshit for normies who have a penchant for virtue signalling and whiteknighting. Who knows? Glad it did.
Kaiji? Dat you?
>why did this fail so hard?
For him or Hanson?
Damn Hansen is a fat fuck now
Probably trying to eat away the embarrassment that is his "career"
that shot is distilled kino
When will America stop persecuting pedophiles?
Question for anyone who watches this garbage on the regular: why do the guys talk to him on camera? Do they ever refuse to talk and say they don't consent to be filmed and they want a lawyer?
I would not give them anything entertaining to encourage them to put me on TV, I don't get it.
it isn't a Hansen thread without the MUH ENTRAPMENT Pedo Defense Force.
I really hope this isn't b8 and pedo fucks actually come into these threads to whine that mean ol' mister hansen is preventing true love between these internet creeps and some 13 yr old mature girl out there
Did the new season air completely?
I never seen the fedora trenchcoat guy episode.
they just got caught trying to fuck a kid. apart from the fact they're pedophile morons, they're not exactly in a state to make calm and rational decisions.
No, they didn't. They got caught trying to fuck an adult woman pretending to be a kid. If anyone is in the wrong here, it's the woman.
most of these guys are fucking stupid and they think they can talk their way out of this when it's just Chris Hansen's relaxing, tranquil interrogation voice. If it were cops yelling in their faces they would be begging and sobbing.
If everyone was smart, no one would ever talk to a cop before getting a lawyer. Some guys run away and try not to talk to anyone until they get tackled.
>muh women are ruining the poor pedos lives :'(
13 isn't even pedo Reddit newfag
Kill yourself
this is what butthurt haters actually believe.
I don't understand how some people can be so heartless.
everyone should watch this show to know what not to do if u get caught
Yeah the whole thing is pretty fucking warped. If they had past actual offenses it would be different but these guys haven't molested anyone. They're just horny puds.
2017 is the beginning of the end of u sick pedo cunts
did they ever drop the fucking fedora pedo? that's the only one anyone cared about.
oh it's fucking real man. welcome to Sup Forums
because all the contestants just looked like desperate pathetic losers rather than actual criminals
>Calling someone else a hater while throwing people in jail for wanting attractive females
Dumb Reddit frog posting newfaggot
why did they not show all the new episodes?
Dangle easy pussy (the most desirable thing on earth) in front of men who don't get it, what do you think will happen?
I'll admit To Catch a Predator was a laugh, but it's shooting fish in a barrel. Suddenly the most dangerous and vile people on the planet are incels. Let me tell you, I doubt any of these guys will get pussy period if you didn't catch them.
you're baiting too hard user, subtlety is key.
people who molest children deserve no sympathy. If you want to claim that 12 and 13 year olds arent children now, be my guest
Another question since I don't usually watch this: how old do they pretend the girl is when they're talking to the dude online?
If it's 8 then I have no sympathy, if it's 16 that's just cold.
Did you read what I said. They wouldn't get to molest a 12 year old, let alone a 30 year old.
its usually 14 or younger
The decoy usually looks about 16-18. Which is hilarious.
It's not bait you newfag
I didn't know they were making new episodes.
And I don't know where to watch them
NO RUBBER gay romano is still the best predator
What about fan clubs?
t. pedo
hey guys im 13
what are you talking about? alot of the guys they catch do have prior records of molestation
Guy is literally just a manlet.
You can fucking see the shadow of his beard on his face.
I always feel being publicly humiliated at this level seems like far too great a punishment for their almost-crime. Most of their lives are probably already pathetic, I'm sure this ruins whatever chance they have of turning it around.
my mommy and daddy. lol.
8-year-olds, dude.
I've only seen it a couple of times. If they are actual bona-fide predators seeking out victims it's a whole other ball game in my opinion.
Age of consent in a lot of states is 16, so that wouldn't even work.
They're usually 13-15.
that girl's parents need to be slapped around for letting that shit go on
when was the last new episode anyways? December?
Pretty much this. They come out of incarceration more deranged and spiteful than ever. A little smarter too. So a lot more dangerous.
jesus this slut needs a thick cumshot straight down her throat
user, have a seat
People just don't care about pedoflies anymore. Blame exactly how fucked up the register is, where you end up on it for pissing in public.
>mfw I go to some house to crush 13y/o boipucci and all I find is a 30 year old man roleplaying as a six year old
somebody post that fucker with the glasses coming out of the bathroom
A little redpill for you guys: Most men who get to have have sex with underaged girls 1. don't get caught because it's a relationship that went both ways and 2. are usually alphamale dudebros. You'll occasionally see one ratted out, but it's rare.
Im not taking advice from Duke Nukeem again
What ever happened to Mr. Fedora?
I would be riding right behind her and fingering her like Theon did to his sister.
no Idea. They just stopped showing new predator stuff without explanation
No, she doesn't.
But she does.
Why? There's videos like that all around YouTube from Brazil. I jerk off to them all the time.
he's so obviously an alcoholic
what do you think happened to all of that mike's hard lemonade?
who was your favorite predator?
mine was "Tag Along"
>13 isn't even pedo
When you have the balls to say that in public then I'll grow a modicum of respect for you
But you won't because you know you'll get your ass kicked and receive dirty looks
Seriously though, there is no reason you shouldn't be chemically castrated
I do all the time retard your normie hysteria doesn't change real definitions of words.
>Chemically castrated for thought crimes
Welcome to Hillary's America.
Im sure all your pedo friends dont care, fair enough
>lying on a Sudanese cooking board
Much like Trump stops muslims entering the country so that Muhammad doesn't bomb a nightclub, pedo's should be castrated so that they don't rape a small child
Pls go pedo redditor.
you can't be posting this
I do all the time dumbass read the definition of pedo you dumb Reddit fuck
>It's a """cunny"" cuck episode
Kek. How did it end, who was arrested?
everything about it is shit except hansen
5 minute segments every 2 weeks will kill it hard.
It's because they don't have the girls sit in a couch and talk to them for a few minutes.
The hot girl Casey wasn't even supposed to engage in conversations and did it once by accident - then they made her keep doing it for ratings.
They likely cut that shit out to avoid legal trouble, which is why it's so bland now.
>watch TV
>shown an innocent man in an interrogation room, dimly lit, giant one-way mirror on the wall, an angry cop in the chair across from the accused and another standing in the corner, his features invisible
>"oh god", thinks johnny everyman. "I never want to be in a room like that with those people"
>but the world is a bitch and johnny commits a crime of some kind or is arrested for attempting one, or whatever
>and he speaks with cheery cops in a brightly lit, albeit small room
>the primary officer appears to be just as uncomfortable in that shitty room as you, and they keep insisting they just want to go home and they want to send you home
>all you have to do is sign this paper that says you'll cooperate without a lawyer present. Easy, right?
and then the hammer drops. Variations on this scenario happen constantly every day, and can easily cause innocent people to be locked up simply because they're too dumb not to run their mouth and say something incriminating.
I made damn sure the less capable people i care about know full well not to ever speak to the police no matter how innocent they are and how nice the police are. The cops want someone to pin the crime on so it can be wrapped up and forgotten. It's their job. They have no obligation to protect you and your innocence, no matter how valid it is.
>keeps calling people reddit to pathetically defend his degenerate, socially unacceptable obsessions
we're here with you forever, user.
both were but Tag Along was released shortly
Go back to where you belong redditor.
>Muhr degeneracy hurr
Back to /r/the_donald
Nothing changes the fact you're ignoring objective definitions redditor.
Right here Reddit cuck
I'd say it's cause most peados have smartened up. The only guys they catch now are the real bottom of the barrel.
>much like Trump stops muslims entering the country
You know how I know you only read sensationalist headlines from CNN, MSNBC, ect?
>Paedophile, noun
>1. Someone who is sexually attracted to children and adolescents; presumably because they're too socially retarded to interact with girls their own age and idolise their childhood where they felt less awkward around their peers.
>Not to be confused with gremlins.
Because they didn't release the cape and fedora guy ep.
Pedophile is attraction to prepubescents. Average age of puberty is 11. Tell me then what being attracted to a 13 year old is 99 percent of the time?
>Sup Forums faggot criticizing someone for not revealing their edgy opinions in real life
go outside and call the biggest, blackest dude you can find a nigger, do it internet tough guy!
>Tell me then what being attracted to a 13 year old is 99 percent of the time?
A disgusting fetish that literally puts getting your rocks off above a child's safety and well-being?
Why not a small black dude? It's much less likely that I'll have to shoot him out of self-defense.
>implying i'm racist
>"muh labels!"
>Muh chilluns
Okay Tumblr not an argument
Literally objective word definitions you weasel kike
I know enough about niggers to not call niggers niggers. Their inferior intellect can't respond in any way other than violence.
>a child's safety and well-being?
You do know 13 year olds are literally having sex the second we speak right now right? It doesn't hurt them. I mean virgins sure but after that not so much.
>Okay Tumblr not an argument
Why would I need to argue against you trying to call yourself a special snowflake?
Paedophilia is attraction to children
>paedo - child
>philia - sexual attraction
Every person in the photos you've uploaded has clearly been a child
ie. you're a paedophile you dirty little wannabe-kiddy-fiddler