On Thursday I'm going to my local recruitment office.
I want to serve my country as my grandfather (navy: Cold War), great-grandfather (army: WW2), and great-great-grandfather (army: Boer War & WW1) did before me.
Should I join the Army or the Navy?
I think I've already reached my own decision but I'm interested to hear alternative arguments for either.
Navy you'll get called a bumder and get stuck at HMS Collingwood for an eternity. But you'll make loads of shipmates and all have sex.
Army you'll get called a nonce because they're all nonces. I advise you join the tug of war team because you'll get out of doing anything.
But jobs for life. Both will see you a good life. Both with give you a decent set of skills. Up to you.
Brayden Morgan
In the navy, roughly how much time would you say is spent at sea vs how much is spent in a dock or base?
Gabriel Peterson
Hunter Myers
depends and I don't know exactly, I think maybe 6 weeks tops? but you get loads of runs ashore in places all around the world. plenty of opportunity to catch the clap off your shippers.
Colton Campbell
>I want to serve my country Do you mean you want to become a glorified welfare leech? If so, go ahead.
Jacob Torres
Whatever will kill you the fastest you dirty Brit.
Wyatt Diaz
I'm joining the army planning on Infantry (east anglian)
Either way, match up your career prospects and have an idea of what you want to do whilst serving.
18, 5'6 /fit/
William Taylor
That actually sounds pretty comfy tobehonest.
I am leaning towards navy because the stories my Grandad tells about his service are great and I want to gain experiences like that.
Brody Cox
>mfw someone is trying to be edgy but ending up like spewing general faggotry.