American """logic"""

>American """logic"""

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do americans really do this?

>american """""speech"""""

walk around without a gun?
absolutely not.

why the fuck did this make me laugh

proven true at least once a year--but eventually someone with a gun always shows up to stop him.


please respect our Germanic tradition of dressing up as animals

>american """""women"""""

>take shrooms
>run into battle naked
>fuck some dudes in the ass
>fuck some dogs in the ass
ah the proud germ*an race

>las vegas shooting
>1 shooter vs thousands of unarmed people
what if he had thousands of barrels aimed towards him instead

let it rip
roll call
high speed

I dislike you


>Pulse Night Club shooting
>guns are banned
>shooter had one of the guns Obama had illegally sold to mexican drug dealers


someone make an american orcface gun

>the government and police are fascists!
>only the government and police should have guns!
[spoiler]American[/spoiler] """logic"""

I love Americ*ns slowly turn into orcs.

Maybe they would have a gun if schools weren't gun free zones? With the possible exception of Vegas I can't think of one mass shooting that didn't happen in a gun free zone.

yes, omg...that's the solution.
make guns MANDATORY by law.
if everyone owns one and wears it all the time, nobody will ever use them!

whats with the shitposting today? This board has gotten fucking terrible

they don't though

People drive cars around all day long, how often do people plow into pedestrians on purpose?
Not very often. You can safely walk the streets with very little fear. Same thing with guns

Mass shootings are a daily event, Tyrone. And it's pretty rate some random onlooker stops the shooter, usually it's the police or he shoots himself.

>make a cartoon that repeats exactly what American gun nuts say
>american gun nuts itt get upset

That's literally NRA's solution to school shootings, sid.

school shootings get a lot of publicity, but they really are insignificant to the statistics

Most years 0 cops die due to shootings in the Netherlands.

The last time a Dutch cop was shot and killed was in 2011.


>there are too many shootings, we need more guns

>usually it's the police
and this negates my statement how?

It's not much better with knife attacks,
In 1985 a cop got stabbed to death.

>cops kill to many niggers therefore we need to disarm the population

In 2005 a cop also got shot and killed, as he commited suicide with his gun.


user, you have to understand that Euros have been trained since birth to default to someone else's authority. Many are willingly owned by Big Brother (and, increasingly, Big Sister) who provide cradle to grave security in exchange for obedience.

We are the exact opposite, so cannot expect to understand each other. Enjoy the banter, but don't let it get you wrapped around the flag pole; y'know?

>yes if we give everyone guns noone gets shot

>be american
>disobey authority
>get shot
>NSA search your ass

>massive spikes when certain things become prohibited
Really makes you think

You can say that cause you ain't in front of the gun, nigga. If you wuz in place the children you'd love to have a gun to defend yoself yo.

You can kill with literally anything. The difference is that guns are designed with the purpose of killing people.


>cars and guns are the same bro

Hit a little too close to home?

Guns are designed to shoot bullets.
You decide where they go.

>let in rapist illegals
>get his people raped and murdered
Peon logic

Why do Americans feel they *need* to own a tactical strategic assault weapon?

>I could kill you with a butter knife maybe we should ban butter knifes LOL

because other people own tactical strategic assault weapons and retards have it in their head they can be the next national hero by shooting some schizo

How many mass shooting have been stopped by civilians people with guns? Seems like a lot either end with suicide or the police shooting them.

>owning a tactical strategic bread buttering knife
Get a loif

No, guns are specifically designed as efficient lethal weapons, so don't try to play semantics, you intellectually dishonest piece of shit.

"X was designed for Z" is not actually an argument, it's just a statement from which nothing of importance follows. So don't talk about intellectual dishonesty as though you're above it, when you're very clearly not.

So is it fine if I stab you in the face with a fork? It wasn't designed to kill, after all.

i heard that british forks can't kill

it is not "semantics". it doesn't matter what anything is designed for. depends on your intentions. anything could be a weapon if your intention is to kill with it.

not all of them though. finns own a lot of guns. not sure about other nordics.