>characters play chess
>it's a metaphor for something else
Characters play chess
Other urls found in this thread:
>character puts himself in check deliberately
>other character won't take the win
>film takes place in New York
>characters discuss baseball
>character poops his pants
>it's a metaphor for something else
Name one example of this.
>user shitposts
>its a metaphor for his loneliness and frustration
>characters play poker
>hero wins with a royal flush
>characters are walking in the park and pass a chess game, the antagonist interrupts a strangers chess and places a random piece on the board and says checkmate.
>character bites into 'mess' food
>it's metaphor for something else
You see da king stay da king,
if you take a shot at da king you bess not miss
one of the jackass movies I think,
>Writers need a way to make a character seem smart
>Show him playing 3 chess games at once
>Antagonist think they're playing chess
>Its actually 5D Parcheesi
Why do they never play actually difficult games like Shogi or Go?
A lot of western moviegoers aren't really familiar with those games. Besides chess may not be a hard game to learn but it is a hard one to master. Go is pretty much the exact opposite.
House: episode "the jerk"
The last castle
That pixar short film with the old guy
>characters ironically have gay sex
>it's a metaphor for something else
TNG episode with Data learning to play.
>scene ends with checkmate
>main character sleeps with the villan's wife
its the only one people play that doesnt have copyright besides checkers.
>she betrays the villain
>gets killed for doing so
>characters play poker, underestimated player bluffs best player in the room.
Fresh did this right
>mfw black side starts game with all kings!
Why are you so obsessed with black people?
Independence Day!
they wiz kangz in sheeit.
this guy makes the worst "analysis" videos. how does this 12 year old pizza face idiot have so many subscribers?
Code geass .-.
that harry potter movie
Star wars a new hope.
>Go is pretty much the exact opposite
what? go rules are even simplier, and the number of combinations larger
it's pretty hard to be just a decent go player
How will you ever compete?
What's worse is when the chess part of the metaphor makes no sense, even to an absolute amateur who'd played maybe 20 games of chess.
Read one book where a military genius basically said, of the chess game, 'the purpouse of a sacrifice is not always to gain a tactical advantage, but often to unsettle, panic and shock your opponent, and to radicallly change the character of the game.'
Like, a)in a casual game you have practically infinite time to examine the situation, you can't really make your opponent scared of you with a sacrifice because they can take their sweet time and damn near make sure they know what your options are, and b)changing the character of the game is pointless if it's not in your favour. And this was an author who's usually quite good.
Same guy said 'if you overthink things you'll paralyse yourself into inaction, be daring and don't think things through to an inneficient extent.' Again, it made perfect sense as a metaphor for fighting a war, but chess is all about being absurdly careful and conservative and taking your time.
>quads, straight flush and royal flush in the same hand
>tfw too impulsive to be good at chess
>but chess is all about being absurdly careful and conservative and taking your time
unless you play blitz
>the frog isn't dead
Well if there's even a situation where there are several players in and there are cards in the table for royal flush it's not exactly an anomaly that several players have great hands.
I was thinking about the scene in Maverick where they play regular 5 card draw.
I thought everyone would think about Casino Royale when talking about poker draws like that. But yeah, that's obviously much more unlikely and much sillier writing.
take the "red" pieces and build up a coordinated defense and just wait till the black Kang pieces start jumping each other and making a mess of that side of the board and then take over.
Now that I think of it that wasn't the worst of it. Now the game was a chess analogue so it took some guesswork, but here's what I think happened at one point to demonstrate the power of sacrificing pieces. The genius moves a piece forward to where it can obviously be taken. His opponent takes it. He makes his spiel about sacrifice, then moves a rook across the board to take the piece that took the sacrifice piece. He is portrayed as super smart for this, for laying a 2 turn trap to get his opponent to take a piece to move into the attack line of his rook. That is a move that could never work past someone's third game of chess but this proves he's a tactical genius.
It's the Emperor from 40K by the way.
>it's a fantasy mystery movie
>youre so smart u can actually come up with a non-magic explanation for everything
>everyone calls u dumb
>frog is alive
>it's a mephor for her death
every X-files ep ever as well
>mfw I will never have a scully gf
>cuts to a scene involving flowers
>100% of the time it's a metaphor
This photo makes me so angry. Paper? I mean it's 2017 come on it should be an iPad at least
Literally the first post user.
That's my shit.
>car chase on dirt road
>tire squealing
sauce it bro
burn notice
gotta be a little more specific, I could comb over hours of ep or you could find a clip.
>horse walking on grass, dirt or snow
>clop clop clop
Go to bed, Battler.
>edgy character throws the chess board off the table
>mommy mommy please spoon feed me! feed your baby boy!
>character folds the chess board in two and sticks a pen through it
season 5
>character unsheathes sword from leather sheath
>takes gun out of holster
>it makes a cocking sound
You come at the king
You best not miss
>sci-fi movies set in the future
>they're playing some retarded mutation of chess that doesn't make sense
Look if I don't get my tendies at 6pm sharp I would never survive
>Character pulls out a double barrelled shotgun
>sound of it being pumped
>sci-fi movies set in the future
>people carry futuristic looking axes in spaceships
>A meta phor for
Fuck off, of all the things to complain about in that film why that?
It's a perfectly ergonomic design.
never seen the show, but I believe it's probably crap. however that being said the burden of proof is on you so you should provide a clip. just saying
meta 4 you
>characters play poker
>I don't understand what's happening because I don't know how to play
if you think about it...the game of chess...is like the game of life...
>characters play ps4
>atari 2600 sound effects
>character wakes up from his bed in the morning
>there's a naked hot girl besides him
poor Pepe! wtf happened in pic?
>hes a good kid just a little hot head
>then get him outta here
Bravo christopher
no worries user, his name is tyreese and he's your wife. Just the new facts of life as taught in the new common core curriculum.
>movie shows character slowly decline as a human being due to depression, war, and/or addiction
But those are sexy noises
>main character wins with 5 aces
Dats it mang.jpg
Best post in this thread.
most obvious samefag in this thread
>Character enters and becomes his own cock
Dumb frogposter
>Hes not cool and witty enough to post frogs
Which book? Is that from the story the Last Church?
>character puts himself in check deliberately
Literally the first rule of chess is that you can't put yourself in check
figures that it'd be a shitty anime
>rival character appears in the TV show for the first time, unannounced
>instantly ruins the mood trying to be obnoxious
>studio audience boos