/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

Missoula, Montana edition

Other urls found in this thread:


you're going back


New England states

1.New Hampshire
2. Maine
3. Vermont
4. Shit
5. Massachusetts

Connecticut might as well be New York and Rhode Island isn't a state

Now I feel kinda bad for shitting on your state.
It's pretty comfy in the winter.

>posted about specific things
>other posts that happen to meet the criteria for said posted things happen to happen
Am I a meme incarnation or is someone just that autistic


You are retarded or drunk.

If it makes you feel better, Wyoming is just a shittier Montana

Haha, I would almost agree with you except it has fewer hollywood fucks.


wouldn't mind being stuck in a flyover state if it had an ocean


>Missoula. Montana
Actually a decent community. Very robust and active subreddit as well. Great edition all around. Fantastic work, everyone.

I want to ravege a cute american twink, make his cute tight hole stuffed with my burrito and make him cry from pain but i would calm him, give him a massage, give him confidence and whisper at his ear that the pain is only for a few days while liking his tear drop away from his cheek while hugging him.
But im not a faggot tho.

Rhode Island

Don't care about New England

Mid west the best

They're blueberries marie!

>But im not a faggot tho.
not even having some self respect and making gay jokes s m d h

Give me a quick rundown on Missoula, MT, please. It's one of the PNW communities I'm considering.

welcome to our club
welcome to our club
welcome user
welcome user
welcome user
welcome user
welcome user


*investigates thread*
ah yes very good


>Postgraduate candidates will normally be expected to hold a BA or BS with a grade point average range of 3.0 to 3.6+/4.0 or equivalent GPA.
so that's why there are so many americans there


smart cat

I can change to brit if you want, but you have to speak with you accent everytime I thrust my burrito inside your little hole

wtf I hate italians now

The Wikipedia definition for PNW says that Montana is sometimes included, so I include it

Thought about it but probably won't

Get ready for Montanans to tell you to fuck off then

>middle east
1,000,000x shit
>middle earth
homosex dork shit


nah dont like gays who make exactly the same gay jokes as straighty
simple as

i've been wanting to read Tolkien's works for the first time but they're in the attic and thus too far away

Why are Canadians included in /cum/
people can't distinguish them between being american or european, they should just go somewhere else

t. fat dork

They wouldn't dare, they'd respect their natural superior


I work for a big government agency and the jews don't want me to tell you this but lead paint is the absolute best paint you could buy


Managed to lose the "dane" and foot"kraut"
Suddenly a "limey" appears


Yeah you're really gonna get respect with that attitude

What’s the difference between a gay and a freezer? – The freezer doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out.

I didn't know mexicans could count that high

I'm going to bed now, working hard for Mr Shekelstein tomorrow so I need to make sure I get enough sleep. Goodnight xx

Why aren’t there any gay elephants?
Because an elephant never faggots.

dont care



>3.0 to 3.6+/4.0
what does this mean?


3 - 3.6t(.25)

They don't even know.
Anyone who isn't mentally crippled and has the money can get in.

good post

>new england
literally who cares?

[angry mosquito noises]

>>new england
>literally who cares?

fuck off, skeeter

*burns happy faves with a lighter*

I embrace the changes life offers.



just got myself a sodie pop

wish the US were white and christian again

I have a nobility of spirit

Just move to one of the other 50 white Christian countries

Nice taste

America still has a shit ton of christinas

>Just move to one of the other 50 white Christian countries

name one

Wish Europe was Christian agian

Christina Roundtree

i don't

... Ryan


Ryan is canadian and his religion is anime

haha another meaningless day

can confirm

Glad it's not. Europe's multicultural renaissance will usher in the greatest century art Earth has ever seen.

Shit edition. I want to move

Rasheed detectado

I've got a case of strep throat and it isn't fun

It quite literally won't

Canadian art will always be superior

It means you're not a complete idiot, but you can't get into a top tier program

just want her back

Montana sucks. Rich jews and hillbilly tweakers as far as the eye can see
I wish I never moved here, I'm going back to Oregon

I was never able to get above a 3.3 outside of my major because I screwed around freshman year

need to buy a birthday present for my mom

*wraps a bow around it*

No one will care about your GPA unless you're going straight to grad school

Parents are mad at me.

*makes a period blood and hair maché statue*

do grad programs take into account your relevant work experience? I have to work regardless to save up for grad school

If you can't get funding for grad school, you probably won't get accepted

>mexican socialist shit with theme of leaf
Ah, yes, hmmmm

Experience plus GRE can mean more than your Bachelors GPA if you didn't go to a shit school. Getting a job that will pay or financially assist you for your Masters is important.

Only the US allowed me to have authority over my own life

Virginia is NOT a "southern" state.

to all the worthless, stupid NEETs out there.
every day you spend sitting on your ass doing nothing, you could be solving a problem on Project Euler.
if you solve a problem a day for the next year, you'll have the necessary CS skills to get a respectable code monkey job. if you solve twice as many problems or more, you might be able to get a job as a real software developer.