Film adaptation when?

Film adaptation when?

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Why would you want to watch a movie of Life is Tumblr?

Also it's pretty much already a movie

>square enix
No need, it's already a movie.

why would you need a film adaptation when there is Butterfly Effect already?

It needs a second movie desu. I want to see a live action Chloe Price!

She's a cunt, any sane person chose her to die



I'm not giving you views desu

>bay over bae

Truly the reddit choice

Totes hella cool!

Always bae over bay. Couldn't have slammed that button harder.

we played hide and seek in waterfalls
we were younger


Honestly, a television show of the game could work really well. Make every video game episode 2-3 episodes and you got yourself something good.

>tfw no Life is Strange television show

Don't make me feel again, I can feel the tears.

Donnie Darko already exists


Kate is best girl

Yeah but they would need to rework the plot so it isn't total dogshit

cast them Sup Forums

That's it I'm reinstalling

>the music


It's going to suck regardless

they probably won't even fix all the glaring plot problems

>a slut being best girl

No thanks

so do these 2 lick eachother's buttholes or what

You take that back nigger

I killed her on purpose.

you literally can only get them to kiss with a very specific course of actions


Kate is pure.

Sowwi, I was actually lying I only wanted a (You) :(

>Not helping out the most /our guy/ guy ever, warren
Wew lad.

Not to mention the plot is basically Donnie Darko with hipster girls, so there's just going to be more storms and disasters and shit until she does finally die
>Condemning hundreds of people to death and guaranteeing the deaths of countless more because "muh manic pixie dream girl makes muh peepee hard"
Truly the quintessential reddit decision

Isn't this the game where she's a fucking retard who cannot into gun control and waves the thing all around the room?

According to /u/ yes. Yes they do.

pretty sure Sup Forums's guy was the serial killer closely followed by the tornado
