Post your favorite and most aesthetic webms, stills and gifs. Rate those above or below you.
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shameless self bumm to get this bitch rollin
and another for all you anons
one more, keep em rollin guys
I really like this one. Goose and Refn are perfect for each other imo. He just has the perfect kind of look for that style of film.
I'll throw this in just because it's one of my favorite posters of all time.
fuck that's cool
i said rate em too boys. im not seeing much that
4/5 peep color my dude
I fucking love how the black shammy just kills himself out of nowhere to help out
8/10 -- This is my current background, such an awesome shot. Really encapsulates the atmosphere that made the first TD season so good. It's got the dilapidated church, the industrial horizon, and nature all composited together really well.
I usually dont get stoned and watch movies anymore, but I did for this and it was fucking awsome
Yes, such a beautiful fucking shot. Good call user. First one to rate gets you a gold star too. I hope you're proud, I would be.
Oh I actually didn't realize he killed himself specifically to help Kevin, but that makes a ton of sense, obviously. I have no idea how I didn't connect those dots.
>"May there be mercy on man and machine for their sins."
what is this