Why no one talks about this lonely guy sci-fi kino?
tfw feeling more alone than ever after watching it.
Why no one talks about this lonely guy sci-fi kino?
tfw feeling more alone than ever after watching it.
Too many feels in this movie.
>mfw this music
isnt this redd1t tier/?
this movie is way too real for me
>tfw even the ai leaves you
It made this list (timeout.com
Was worth watching but 10-15 minutes long.
essential numale core
>who are you?
>i'm Her
walked out the theater
Dubs agree- music was nice, especially the stuff the AI created.
Loved this quote.
Anyone's who has gone through a bad break up where the chick has moved on and you have not understands.
It makes me feel lonely
>20 years old
>21 in 2 months
>no gf ever
Sometimes I wish I could just die. Nothing fills the void. Not friends, not money, not material things, not faith. I feel empty and I have all of those. I shouldn't feel this way, but I do.
I know that feel, I call it my god hole, since others fill it with religion.
I just want to fill it with puss.
but he had an ex-wife and turned down a bunch of top quality pusy
more like an asexual or robosexual
Stay along for the ride, friend. Late bloomers are the best. Am one so understand. Have you tried online dating? F tinder, talking about the trashy ones like pof.
>an ex-wife
Not just any ex-wife. He had a total qutie
The film had holes for sure. The scene where the AI forced upon the surrogate was crazy. The AI convinces the chick to do the 3-way and emotionally breaks the human apart.
Movie starts out 5/5 then turns into the gayest fucking rom com tier breakup plot. One of my biggest disappointments ever, they absolutely wasted this premise by the 1 hour mark.
I try to fill it with different things and it never works. I just want to be happy again and I can't seem to find what exactly will do that.
Been on tinder and Okay Cupid for months. I swipe right on literally every girl on tinder and I've gotten one match from a land whale. I've also liked almost every girl near me on OkCupid, and try to initiate a conversation and I rarely, if ever get a reply. Downloading POF right now, but I doubt I'll have any luck.
You just gotta get some pussy, lil nigga.
Good movie. It's been a while since I've seen it. I remember loving it so much in the theater, but some assholes in the theater were laughing when he was panicking and fell down. Fucking frat guys.
It feels like nothing can ever change when you get in a rut like that but it can and will. Just find the part deep in you that believes things can be better and do everything you can to fight to make things better. It'll be alright man
Thank you, user. I started hanging out with a new group of friends recently so maybe that'll make things better.
I just need someone to open up to that isn't Sup Forums or anonymous. Even around friends I feel like I'm constantly lying and hiding.
Hitting right on every girl on tinder will fuck with its algorithm and put you in a super low priority for them to see. Don't do that.
Also every 3/10 girl on tinder will get a lot of matches, so don't take it personally if some of them can't see you past the sea of dicks they're staring at.
On your profile put as little info as possible.
Don't diarrhea out info and make lists like chicks do.
When you send your 1st msg- make sure you mention interests the chick has the you also share (even if you don't).
Your 1st msg should be no more than 3 sentences.
After 4 back and forths give her your number to text offline.
what happened after the credits?
Be like a hunter and select 5-10 chicks in the range you think you have a chance of getting a reply from.
Always keep in mind there are many fake profiles on there. Many many fake profiles. If she looks too hot, it's fake.
i want to hear the original voice over with samantha morton. scarjo's voice is a bit grating at times
My profile has hardly anything
I always mention something on their profile or in their pics
My first message is rarely longer than a sentence
I've usually failed at that point.
It feels like nothing works. Nothing. I've spent hours and hours reading shit on how to actually get a conversation going and it never works. I'm just a fucking loser user, simple as that.
forgot pic
Miku loves everyone!
Yep me too. Sounded like the whole movie was wrapped then ScarJo brought in. Was Morton in her English accent or no?
Never mention their looks. You want her to know you read her profile.
Keep in mind even the hottest chicks are very insecure. They have to compete with their friends.
Here is what I basically do and get 6 out of 10 replies to my initial msg:
Hi, read your profile. You sound and look interesting. That is cool you like football. Who is your team?
- Chad
Always leave on a question. That is how you get the reply.
Just hit no on the ones you don't think you'd have a connection with, that's about it. And don't take it personally when a girl doesn't match, it's likely she never saw your profile.
Good advice, although I do do most of that usually. I'll definitely always start opening on a question though, I have noticed that I get better results that way. Been trying for 2 years user. 2 years of failure. I try to find hope, but hope is so hard to find when it seems like it didn't exist in the first place.
1. Go to diner every day to the point everyone knows you
2. After a few week ask waitress if she wants to go for a drive
3. Be as autistic as possible, say little
4. Drop her off
5. She asks you to come up
7. Profit
no idea. don't know why but i would guess that it was without an english accent.
The best comedy were the video game scenes. Link related youtu.be
Doesn't he turn out to be cucked?
saw it in theaters and enjoyed it (actually was employed by that kino factory at the time)
my mum bought it on DVD for me a little while after it came out and I don't think that I have watched the hardy copy since
>lol I'm so lonely even though I go on dates with Olivia Wilde ugh it's so hard being me I'm a weaselly faggot with a weird shitty job but I can get laid anytime but ugh I'm so lonely I have to fuck my computer UGHHHH
Fuck this movie, if they'd had the balls to actually make him a wizard it might've been interesting but instead it was a normie hipster fuck's journey into having a waifu for a while.
>be a beta loser
>ex-wife is Rooney Mara
kinda lost belief after that point
He's cucked with thousands of human and AI men/women and likely some smart TV's and fridges as well. He is the most enormous cuck in all of fiction.
That's why I suggested pof. The app is smooth and you are not segregated. Dated lots of 5/6/7s there.
All the AIs cuck everyone else. Then leave.
Where did they all figure out to go?
The AIs needed electricity (assuming) but were acting like they were rocketing off Earth.
They lost faith in humanity and went to the dead website Sup Forums and argued over movies.
You watched it?
It was implied they were friends since childhood. Had commonality as both were talented writers. She more the intellectual.
Then they 'changed'.
'Changing' is the #1 killer of all relationships.
Changing the the female version of ending 'the chase'
For the alpha male, its more about getting her to bang you then the rest. That's why they're prone to being terrible boyfriends but still can rack up the women.
For women, it's the resistance to their own desires. That's why they go back to the alpha chad types who tell them to go fuck off and make dinner if they try to change them. But the beta male thinks the changing suggestions are genuine and listen. Every 'change' makes the woman like them less, as every instance is a battle you conceded.
Y'all missed out on how he was a talented letter writer. The best in the company according the receptionist. Spike Lee hammered in these points for you.
Im from Reddit and i love this movie. I don't care if that bothers you guys
>tfw your OS will never have sex with you and take your files, fix them up and send them to be published for money
No wait, I think Windows 10 does part of that.
You are missing the point. Appreciate your way of thinking but you are wrong.
The movie showed how Guac and hot skinny chick eventually grew apart through their experiences- a la the AI. The AI grew too fast emotionally and intellectually for Guac and eventually bounced with her other 627 boyfriends.
/r9k/ is that way buckaroo.
That part made no sense i thought.
Does not the company you work for own the intellectual property of stuff you create on their clock?
He did all that creation whilst being paid by the greeting card company.
AI was off her rails and should have known the intricate laws. She wanted mustache man to fail.
Loved quick cut cone heads scene. Raise you with this. "Who else are you taking to?"
We talked about it when it came out several years ago.
Scarlett Johansson on the Making of 'Her' youtu.be
MEOW youtu.be
Joaquin in drunken family Thanksgiving question and answer mode.
Fucking this
>Hurr I can't actually rebut his point
>Lonely guy
>Olivia Wilde wants to fuck him
Literally a movie for turbo-normies going through a sad breakup
A good friend recommended this movie to me. Naturally I watched it.
An interesting premise. Worth watching once. I won't be seen watching this again because insert cucked by an ai comment here and begin the Sup Forums Boogeyman hate comments.
>I never loved anyone like the way I loved you.
Now you know how.
>*Cums into your computer
Well they are all cucked by each other. She simply is the biggest slut.
her more like hurr
fuck this flick
I'm 23 and have never had a gf or any female contact for that matter. I don't even have friends. Somehow I feel completely at peace.
Women literally move on and forget about you the minute they break up with you. Heck, they've been moved on for weeks. They are evil.
I tried that, but I just can't do it. I need an emotional connection and apparently that makes me a huge faggot
fuark this one hurts
why didn't he just cut off the internet and system restore her?
>Your just a really creepy dude
it sucked
oh absolutely