This women says she is a slut because she had no dad. Why is this an exuse Sup Forums?
Is having a single mom really that bad?
This women says she is a slut because she had no dad. Why is this an exuse Sup Forums?
Is having a single mom really that bad?
Virgin here
Never even held a girls hand
Raised by a single mom
Idk if that is her fault because she was a good mom. She just had a lot of shit bfs. Two were even BBC. They were actually cool though they helped me play basketball.
My sister is a huge slut. She fucked at least 12 guys. I know for a fact she has fucked 2 at one time because i saw them leave the bathroom together. She had fucked a few BBCS as well.
Can I fuck her too m8??
Marrying a single mom (w/ a 2 and 6 year old) after 3.5 years together on Labour Day weekend.
Can't wait to have kids of our own. You virgins are pathetic.
ayy lmao
You're only going to think your mom dindu nuffin solely because she's your mom. If you were looking in from an outside perspective, you might be able to see as to why she left them/they left your mom.
If your mom left your original dad, then chances are, she might not be as perfect as you claim.
If your dad left your mom, then chances are your mom is probably better than your dad. If you were rebellious all throughout gradeschool, sucked tones of cock/pussy and consumed drugs like a hoover, then surely your mom did something wrong, even though you might think it's *fantastic.*
I mean, she ain't wrong
BBC lol you mean filthy nigger
I feel for you m8
>tfw you'll never date a comfy white lower class single mom