What is she up to now a days?

What is she up to now a days?

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I thought she was cute.

tin foil hats increase your receptivity to radio signals

Probably scheming ways to extract funds from identity politics, opinionated, disenfranchised stormfags who suck at life and blame other groups for their own shortcomings.


Slurping on some cock

she's a jew.

Fun fact, she has polish ancestry and probably jews

funny troll though.

>its a "newfags jack off to some solid 6 simply because she repeats the same conspiracy theories they believe in" thread

She looks like Brianna Wu.

Pretty gross t.b.h. but Sup Forums has no fucking standards so.

Jewish ancestry doesn't necessarily mean anything. You can be of 'jewish' decent and still be a Christian. The strange thing is why she wasn't completely open about it. Maybe her message was too strong for that to work; (meaning; she was doomed from the outset Jewish heritage or not).


Isn't it aluminium foil, though? Which is basically a faraday cage?

Yeah alluminum is highly reflective of radio transmissions.

Hory shit. She is literally Sup Forums incarnated.

Found the jews.


She is my waifu

Look up 'evalion' on PornHub. No, I don't know why she's using bowling pins.

You're welcome.

can confirm, that pussy looks tight tho

I just wish that she had non-solo stuff.

anyone else think this girl is probably batshit crazy? I've never seen her videos, but you can tell just from the crazy eyes in her pictures. probably would cut your cock off while you're sleeping.

I'm a postdoc in in the Humanities and I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls. They are not capable of anything that can be called literature or philosophy, except in instances so vanishingly rare that they can be better explained by freak accident or sheer imitation.

It freaks me out. Having to work with them and watch them try to create things is like starring on a cooking show alongside a dog, and the dog just barks and breaks shit, but everyone claps as if he's cooking too. It's just a dog. It's not cooking. It's not doing anything. But everyone is clapping, so you clap too, because you don't want to be the one to say it.

So true, except I dont clap

She said that she was an outcast during her childhood, and that she hasn't seen her dad since she was 10.