The winning move is not to play
Bamham easy
Take a guess you dip
This is not how chess works
Holy fuck that's a hard choice
One is capeshit flick, the other is a oscar winning film. What do you think?
Dark Knight and it's not even close, Logan was good but not on the level of DK at all.
The Dark Knight is slightly better, but it doesn't have any Dafne, so it's a tough choice.
Oscar =/= Good
Right, easily
BvS was unironically better than both
Good answer.
IMAGINE if Joker was a loli.
LOGAN 10/10 times
>muh dead joker
fuck off.
not even memeing
I can't believe this is even a question.
Logan was a good flick with themes that have already been hammered into viewers heads by the last dozen X-Men movies.
The Dark Knight has way too much merit to compare it to something like Logan.
This but replace Dafne with the Quentin Tarantino tier violence
>Better fight scenes
>More tension
>More Character Development
>Very comfy
>Terminator 2 Vibes
>10/10 Ending (Changing the Cross into an "X")
nolan's batman is boring shit
The Dark Knight
the back and forth between Batman and Joker as they fight for the soul of Gotham was just so much more compelling than Logan finding out what it feels like to have a qt dotter.
>le clone
>le retarded kids scenes
>le awkward logan screaming and running scenes
Outside of 23/logan/prof x comfy scenes it falls flat on its face
I like Logan more
but it depresses the fuck out of me
Uhh, forgetting someone?
Same. I saw it three weeks ago and am still depressed.
fuck off
oh come off it. have you seen TDK recently?
>outside of 80% of the movie it falls flat.
I swear this place is full of shills. Do you people really think Logan is a better movie? The last act is pretty bad. The CGI sucks too.
The Dark Knight
it's not even close
People are attached to Huge Jackman.
Do you even have to ask?
TDK. Never cared for Hugh Jackman or any of the X-Men movies.
No but how does that take away from logans criticism
Fact is that 20% dragged the movie down considerably. The logan clone was retarded and those kids were fucking annoying
Logan. It has emotion, good themes and feels and was the best adaption of any capeshit i have ever seen.
TDK was campy and only gets praise because Heath died.
>BvS was unironically better than both
>There are people who unironically believe this
-Both TDK and Logan had good photography (The only great thing about BvS)
-Both had a coherent story and good pacing (BvS was a mess)
-Both had great acting (BvS didn't)
-TDK and BvS had great soundtrack, Logan was so-so
So how do you consider BvS better than both? When it is clearly worse than both
What's wrong with it?
Do you think JJL would've been a good Rachel?
Dafne is a cute tho
>-Both had great acting (BvS didn't)
That's being kind to BvS. Everyone sucked in it with the exception of Jeremy Irons.
How do you say her name? Like the purple slut from Scooby Doo?
I'd argue that bvs had good acting desu. I couldn't name a single bad performance
Nothing. It's just nowhere near as good as Logan.. maybe if you like action scenes
Yeah, though she is a spic so theres probably an inflection there somewhere
>Do you think JJL would've been a good Rachel?
OK. A little off topic but this is the ONE thing I would've casted her in.
Pic related is JJL in 2007. Looks a little better than that thing that is somehow related to Jake Gyllenhaal, no??
>I couldn't name a single bad performance
Wonder Woman
Jimmy Olsen
I'd give photography and soundtrack to bvs
The Dark Knight followed through on its themes better. The Joker as a character and Batman (and his role as the "Dark Knight") felt fulfilled in the end
Logan had really strong themes going with it but they kind of petered out to me at the end. I don't feel as if Logan really came to terms with his past, nor did Charles
>Wonder Woman
She was barely in it but ok
>Jimmy Olsen
They were barely in the movie i could name the same no name actors from tdk and logan that were shitty
Nah, TDK had a better OST, and photography as good as BvS
Logan dropped the ball hard at the end, TDK is better.
a beautiful lie > anything in tdk
The kids were retarded (not Laura) but I think Logan was better regardless.
the satire seethes from your very core I see.........
I'll repeat, Logan was good, but not even fucking close to TDK. The fight scenes were top notch, but why did that nurse even care to risk her life for the kid? The military group shit was generic, also the logan clone, although good fights, just was kind meh. It was the best wolverine movie, and probably the best marvel capeshit, but it's no dark knight.
BvS was breddy gud mayne if you watched the Ultimate Cut, made more sense.
Fuck off.
Now this is a contender
Both are easily within the top five entries of the genre. Though Logan might have to taken second place due to its misstep in its final third.
On a somewhat related note, does anyone agree that Superman (Reeves) and Spider-Man 2 are in the same league as these films?
>dude forget the theatrical pay more money to see a rehash that may or may not be good
No thanks. Once was enough
Logan. The only problem with it is X-24. Why would the villains care about the girl when they have a much better clone?
Forgetting the actual superhero kino?
Oscar = Good
The final third of logan was a huge misstep. Ruined an otherwise near perfect capeshit
Looks a bit too old, there, to be honest.
This. Logan is the true story. Not even close.
Why didn't the mercenaries bring tranquilizers if they wanted the children alive?
Why didn't the children help Logan take down X-24? Seems like they could have overpowered him fairly easily and kind of undermines Wolverine's sacrifice.
>Why didn't the children help Logan take down X-24?
Because Logan told them to run, did you even pay attention?
They didn't run though.
They didn't want the kids alive. They executed a whole bunch of them
I saw that. Kind of hard to miss. But they could have taken him down effortlessly. Unless it was Logan's intention to die and basically accomplish nothing, it doesn't make much sense for them not to help him.
But they kept quite a few of them. They were armed to kill. Not to capture. Remember a similar scene from X-Men 2?
Take Heath Ledger out of The Dark Knight and what do you have left? It's a good movie that everybody loses their cum over because of Ledger's Joker (who wouldn't have become such an icon if he hadn't died) and without him it wouldn't be such a big deal.
Now Logan on the other is good thanks to all of its components. You can't just point at one thing that makes the movie the success it was. Good performances all around, a story that manages to connect with audiences for it's human angle, good action, good photography, everything connects together. It's not without sin but the overall movie works so well thanks to everything that creates it.
Think about this. If someone mentions The Dark Knight what is guaranteed to pop up in everyone's head? The Joker. Now what would someone think of if you mention Logan? You don't know, do you? Because all of it is great.
It's not even close either.
>Now what would someone think of if you mention Logan?
Everyone I know mentions either how cute Dafne Keen was or that her performance was great.
Id think of the cunny. Take the cunny out of the movie and the entire movie turns too shit. Same for prof x
Your analogy is retarded
I love Raimi Spiderman movies, but in terms of overall best they don't hold a candle againt Nolan or even X2/Logan
Woah. That's like the only picture where Batman doesn't look like a gay porn insect action figure.
>if you take all of the characters out of the movie the movie turns to shit
never change Sup Forums
>hurr durr if i take away a major component of something it makes it crap
tell me more senpai
>I shill Logan so hard that I have to pretend a previous Jackson XMen movie was great
That's not what I meant faggots. Of course a movie doesn't make sense without a main character. I mean change Ledger's performance for anyone else doing a decent job like Bale with Batman and suddenly the movie lost the one meme people remember it for
Don't forget Lois. Amy Adams is a good actress, but she phones it in HARD in the DC movies.
Wtf do you even mean?
Do you mean that heaths performance was so good that it inflates peoples opinion of the movie? If so how is that a detriment also the same can be applied to logan
All Nolan's movies are sloppy and unremarkable. Like many people say, most normies wouldn't even give TDK more than 6/10 if Ledger hadn't died. The movie is lifeless when he's not on screen, and even when he is it's overrated. There's plenty of overexposition, clumsy dialogue and action, and overt pseudo-intellectualism in TDK, just like all Nolan's films.
Raimi's movies, and Burton's for that matter, don't suffer from any of these flaws. They don't have a clashing tone that attempts to be serious and smart, but fails to, as Nolan's movies do.
> Do you mean that heaths performance was so good that it inflates peoples opinion of the movie?
Exactly what I mean. You don't see people talking about Batman or Teo-Face or how shocking it was when Rachel died or anything other than Ledger because it was what carried the movie akin to how Daniel Day Lewis carried Gangs of New York.
You can't point at one specific aspect of Logan that carries an otherwise "not great" movie. Patrick Stewart's performance? Hugh Jackman's? Even Dafne Keen? Yeah, they were all good but it's not like only they do their part. Take any of them out and the other two are still there. Nobody came out of The Dark Knight praising Eckhart or Bale. The story itself is good but Logan has the advantage of being one of a kind for the approach it took
The thing with Dafne Keen is that you could take her out and replace her with another qt and it would be fine. You would just have to keep that father/daughter dynamic in the movie. Ledger couldn't have been replaced without fucking the whole movie up.
Thank you
But that's a retarded argument
What is the "misstep" you're talking about?
Because she's considered a loose end.
The Dark Knight — Creating the Ultimate Antagonist
The Dark Knight: "Identity Secrets" - Analysis and Explanation
The Dark Knight | Nolan's Republic
A World without Rules - The Dark Knight Analysis
The Dark Knight - How does a Camera tell a story?
RT 94% 8.5/10
metacritic 82
CinemaScore "A"
Critics' choice: 96/100
#4 IMDB top 250
The Dark Knight was nominated for eight Academy Awards for the 81st Ceremony most nominations received by a film based on a comic book
The Dark Knight was included in American Cinematographer's "Best-Shot Film of 1998-2008" list, ranking in the top 10. More than 17,000 people around the world participated in the final vote.
Name top ten films of 2008 by the American Film Institute.
The Dark Knight was ranked the 15th greatest film in history on Empire's 2008 list of the "500 Greatest Movies of All Time," based upon the weighted votes of 10,000 readers, 150 film directors, and 50 key film critics.
The Dark Knight continues Batman Begins' tradition of drawing primarily and heavily from the graphic novels, one shots and limited series' of the late 1980's and 1990's, but this time the writers also went all the way back to the roots, to the earliest issues of the Batman comic book. In addition to the same sources Batman Begins drew, some of the cited influences for The Dark Knight are the first two issues of Batman and The Killing Joke.
>10/10 Ending (Changing the Cross into an "X")
I liked Logan, but this is literally the dumbest compliment I've ever heard of it.
What a childish argument
You work with whats given. You cant simply add and subtract to make an argument and point to some "what if" scenario to detract from a films quality.
Either a movie is bad or its good and you judge it on its merits or its shortcomings
>huge actman
>professor picard
>heat legend
>my cocaine
>and patrick batman
TDK wins.