>Laura removes the cross and places an X in its place
Literally stopped watching, got outta my seat, and asked the theater for a refund.
Cant stand when degenerates desecrate the image of Christ.
Laura removes the cross and places an X in its place
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>Literally stopped watching
that was the ending of the film user
They cleared it with the Pope beforehand, he was cool with it because he thinks Wolverine is better than Jesus.
This. So sick of libcucks forcing their nigger atheist bs on everything.
gods a faggot
I think I got autism from this thanks OP you nigger
Fuck you Christmas hail Satan
>no vidcap?
I'm glad i read the pluggedinonline review of this before wasting my money on this pile of blasphemy.
Cinema should serve to renforce our society's judeo-christian values.
It wasn't part of their atheist agenda, it was to honour Wolverine as the last of the X- Men. I loved that scene.
t. Catholic
couldn't stand this
immediately went on the christian board on 8ch and vented out on there.
...wouldn't those blades that come out of her hands look small once she grows?
They look cute now, but they're gonna be too short soon.
How do you not get this home by now?
Good, Christfags get rekt.
I thought about that too, she'll be a little more pussycat than wolverine when she grows up.
In the back of my mind as I watched that I had the thought "Someone, somewhere is getting triggered by this"
And they are
I nearly shed tears, God, this film was too fucking feelsy for capeshit.
>t. Heretic
Get behind me Satan.
what's up with all these fake ass christcucks on Sup Forums?
You don't actually believe in a religion, do you? How could you?
If you go on Facebook you can see that a lot of Dafne Keen's a family is obnoxiously Atheist. They probably got a kick out of that scene.
Any pic of it?
>only nearly
Bait, but I'll bite.
It's supposed to depict Logan as the last X-Men.
I went with like 5 chicks, man, I had a gender role to fulfill
>Credits come up on screen
Literally stopped watching, right at that very moment, I left immediately
Jesus Christ
Delet this! I'm gonna cry like a bitch.
prefer the little touch on this
Joke's on you
What was that
Somebody posted that they went on Dafne Keen's family's facebook and saw that a lot of the are hardcore atheist. He said that they probably got a kick out of the cross scene. I was saying dropped because I'm a Christian.
What a shame.