Thinking of moving to Seattle

Any bros from Seattle?!
I know its a liberal paradise but I don't mind the hipsters. I'm thinking of moving due to the weather (I know it's cloudy but I would rather have no sun than heat waves and sub zero cold)

Any tips about the city? It looks very clean and minority free (I don't mind the Asians)

It's not that bad, there's a lot of obnoxious leftards but who cares what they think. It's a pretty cool city if you can stomach the degeneracy, maybe you'll even enjoy it depending on personal preference. Gorgeous location and chill weather year round, not far from some quality nature in any direction.
Word of warning, it's pretty expensive and you're gonna have to budget pretty wisely if you don't want to end up living with a fuckload of potentially sketchy roomates. Also, people here tend to be kind of autistic and reserved sometimes, so it's not always the easiest place to make friends, but there's a lot of good people here so don't get immediately discouraged because it takes awhile for folks here to open up.

Also, stay away from the southeast part of town, that's where most of the niggers are concentrated.

Pretty much spot on. Stay north of the University of Washington though to avoid dinus and spics. North of the UW, it's like 95% white and Asian.

interesting. I am planning to work there as a dentist and coming from Chicago nigger problem there will seem relatively non-existant.

How is that rain, I heard that between October and March it rains every freaking day?

Also is Capital Hill expensive to live? It seems pretty hip and close to downtown.

What are neighborhoods to check out?

Doesn't necessarily rain everyday, but it does rain a shitload during those months.

As for rents, yes, Capitol Hill is expensive because that's the gay area of the city, then again it's an expensive city. If you are a dentist and can afford it, do some research just to the east across the lake in Bellevue. It's about a 30 minute drive to downtown Seattle from there and mostly upper middle class white area. Think downtown Seattle but without niggers or homeless. If you can afford it, I'd strongly consider Bellevue if i were you.

Fuck off. My rent is already high enough. Everyone from the fucking midwest and california moves here. It's annoying as fuck.


It's a nice little city that has a cozy ambiance to it. The people are ultra liberal as you probably already knew, but you feel pretty safe there considering the majority of people are whites & asians, so it's very docile and settled. It does rain a lot, especially lately even though it's July.

But keep in mind that Seattle is going through one of it's largest booms in decades, the amount of super tall buildings they're constructing is insane ever since Amazon moved in buying up property. Many people from San Francisco are moving up here because the prices in comparison are a fraction of the cost, and Seattle is known to be a very sophisticated tech city... basically the younger brother of Silicon Valley. So the cost of living there is going up is what i'm trying to say.

Yeah pretty much

When people complain about Seattle, they forget that just 15 minutes away lies the great city of Bellevue. Very nice and fairly wealthy, property is expensive yes but not as much so as Seattle.
It's a pretty nice place to live and if you want a family a great place for that too. Good people. The only shitskins here are pooinloos but they all segregate themselves for some reason and you will mostly see them on their commutes (to a nearby Microsoft building)
Really, living in Bellevue makes the rest of the country feel like a different country. I've talked to a number of people here who have grown up here as I have and they agree.
Can answer more questions if you like.

Lol. This Seattle is white meme needs to end. Downtown is full of blacks and South Seattle is full of Mexicans aside from Rainer Beach.

Are you coming from California? If so stay the fuck out. We don't need more of you tech scum.