Why did Heidi marry Seal?

Why did Heidi marry Seal?

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Probably heard Kiss From A Rose and wanted his money

she probably has a monster fetish

His dick, she even said that was what turned her on to him in the first place.



also kys

>mfw this guy literally has lupus

is he wearing nail polish

Maybe she really likes rocks

she was pregnant at the time with some other dudes baby

She's like Amy Adams 2.0


>mfw krager has a small penis

did they ever catch the fucking wolves that did that to his face?

Sucking his bbc was like a kiss from a rose on the lips.



I think I saw the clip before. It was on Oprah or some shit like that.

he's a good singer and probably has a nice personality

plus who would fuck with Seal in a street fight?


I heard him in interviews, he's pretty charismatic, and despite he is ugly you can see he has a good body.

u jelly faggot?


really makes you think

Females are like hypnotized by his music it's weird as fuck they fall in love with him even though his head looks like that candy you spit back into the box of chocolates when you realize it was coconut-flavored

inb4 all BBC and Blacked memes, I must remind you Heidi cheated him with this guy.

well now i feel bad for him

would berry

She looks uncomfortable.


that's the whole point you dingus

>thinks jail bait is shocking on Sup Forums

Why don't you fuck off

He dropped an album that contained a cover of "Let's Stay Together" about a week before she left him.

he is all what a white woman look for: black, tall, big cock, educated, rich and talented.

negro I'm all for spamming instagram images or whatever, but sets, child modeling sets, are not cool at all. All those girls were fucked ten ways from tuesday before they even had their first "professional" picture taken and afterwards they were sold as literal whores, all thinking at some point they'd make it big in hollywood or some shit. That the next dick they took would be the one that discovered them and took them out of the shitholes in which they were born, so they could feed their families.

Hello ribbit

Modeling doesn't even involve sex




>not so subtle un Sup Forums related nigger cuck thread up
>Based cunny poster deleted

Thanks hotpockets

>Modeling doesn't even involve sex

Negro the reason they kept/keep getting shut down is because they were producing CP and prostituting the models.

this board is just reddit pandering with cuck spam and capeshit threads for the past three years


you know that high fashion is literaly mostly holier-than-thou rich old ladies and effemeniate-but-good-looking men , right?

Nope. Post where newstar, candydoll any of the main ones have done that. You're just a white knighting redditor.

This whole board caters to the Reddit crowd now. I can't even go to /hebe/ anymore.

we're not talking about high fashion, we're talking about child modeling.

>dude the newest ones haven't been shut down yet so they're engaged in no criminal acts lmao

... so you're trolling. never understood that.

my bad

>Newest ones

Youre a fucking retarded redditor. Pretty sure not even LS had the shit you're talking about.

Either way it's totally irrelevant to the pic being posted.

ha! he got C-U-C-K-E-D!

>the fact child modeling is a euphemism for child prostitution is irrelevant to a child modeling image


I already know you're trolling, why keep posting? You were never going to get any sort of emotional reaction.

Except that's not remotely true you retarded fuck

Youre pulling all this out of your ass

... So I've got facts, you've got profanity. That's nice.

Pulling baseless shit from your ass aren't facts

You know as well as I do I'm speaking of facts.

after 2hours of dp by bbc, yeah sure

BLACKED power hour when?

No you aren't


Because your son watches this ironically


Her bagina is a demonic portal and she needed it SEALED.

she heard Kiss From a Rose once and wanted his dick

Seek help.