How much do they doll up male actors?
Look at Jensen Ackles here. He looks god-tier, how the fuck is it even possible to look that good level handsome.
How much do they doll up male actors?
Look at Jensen Ackles here. He looks god-tier, how the fuck is it even possible to look that good level handsome.
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Now look at him in a selfie. He's still a million times handsomer than you, but he looks like a NORMAL DUDE!! a handsome dude, but a normal handsome dude. Not some genetic freak of nature anymore.
This pisses me off. How can I even compete?
But seriously though Jensen's face is usually lathered with make up and he's even using lipstick in the pic you posted.
he's bow-legged at least, so like there's some flaw.
he's still an adonis and you will never be as handsome as him ;_;
Pictures like that usually get photoshopped and done in perfect lighting. Besides that he has clean skin, good facial hair and hair cut and good facial structure.
fucking Chads hoarding all the qts
Well he's still a legit nerd and a down to earth guy despite his chad exterior. That's always nice.
But tfw he's physically he's the guy that women get wet over just by looking at him AND he has a marriageable nice guy personality. Double whammy yeah how can anyone compete?
What do you gain from trying to belittle other people on the internet about things out of their control?
anybody looks better under studio lighting w/ the above applied
Are his eyes photoshopped to be even greener in the first pic? Because in the second pic they look about the same as mine, just a greenish hazel but not truly green.
What? That isn't my point
in the second pic there's no goddamn light on them so you can't tell
white people really can look like gods
Why/how does CW hire all the most handsome actors.
Yeah. My bitch wife said some shit that he was the perfect man.
SO i tell her that this girl at work is pretty hot and she gets all pissed off at me because she is "real"
Women are dumb and I dont respect them.
>a god
looks like your typical hollywood whore
speaking facially, plainness is perfection
Idk but it pisses me off. Even their beta characters who get shrugged off by the grills are a thousand times more handsome than the average man.
Apart from this guy.
Expect he get's grills that are hot as fuck and way outta his league
One's a selfie and one's a professional photoshoot
this guy looks better than this guySecond guy has downs face.
Very hot, user.
what a fucking cuck. is in love with supergirl buts steps aside to let the niggy olsen get the ham
We can't. I was watching supernatural with my gf and I was basically made a cuckold.
>tfw I love Supernatural and have been watching it since 2005
He really is attractive.
this guy genuinely pisses me off
how can someone be so fucking good looking
fuck, i forgot to attach a pic, but ackles pisses me off too
Friendly reminder that tumblr was a mistake.
As much as they doll up female actors. So a lot.
I would literally let Jensen Ackles fuck my asshole and I'm not even gay. So I guess I can't blame my GF when she says she'd """hang out""" with Huge Jackedman if he invited her over even though that makes her kind of a slut. Don't blame me society, that's just what she is. A slut. Like all women.
That's just how it is.
Mostly the same way they do with women. Make-up, lighting, and photoshop. Long focal lengths on cameras help too.
"x was a mistake" started on tumblr. Wouldn't be surprised if "friendly reminder" did too
Serves them right for turning a great monster-of-the-week show into quirks and quips
She is probably right about Jensen's wife cucking him, though
Make-up goes a long way.
The shit they do sometimes is magical
Jackman is confirmed gay, so it's not a big deal if your gf went on a date with him
Fuck off. Jensen is mine.
No fucking way!
Lol your wife is a fucking idiot why did you marry her. Your life is going to be shit
Wow she did literally the easiest character to resemble!
This picture is over a decade old
This picture is recent, retard.
>tfw people tell me i'm good looking and should model often but i still feel inadequate as fuck looking at these guys
>tfw will never be objectively literally legitimately perfect
what's the point
>le humblebrag xD
fuck off and die
They probably have huge dicks too, its unfair
I have a question and I also have a comment.
Is he the most beautiful man in the world?
How do i achieve that body type
>not perfect enough to model
Just be a vlogger, attractiveness is all you need.
Aww, it's okay honey. The bad man is gone.
damn you got me
i guess it was pretty obvious
anyways feels good to be a chad
Aren't you guys forgetting someone?
CW sure knows how to pick them. They even age perfectly.
Daily reminder that Jensen Ackles is one of the most handsome men of our times, but he hasn't been in anything, but Supernatural since 2009
Have great genetics and get a job where having a body like that is most of the work.
go full on beta
He was up for the role of Captain America but had to turn it down because of Supernatural commitments. Now that has to hurt.
But then he has to get into shape ; )
Why is jared wearing a muscle girdle when he's clearly muscular.
Didn't he get injured and have to take a break from working out for a long time? He probably went a little soft in the midsection.
That is a bad picture of the Rodge
C'mon dude, nobody likes Sam. It's only Dean's extra coolness that keeps Sam on the show.
Dean is so cool, he makes everyone around him look cool.
tbf he got to fuck Anna Kendrick a bunch
There are some weird people out there
Poor guy. He got paid though, right?
Fuck this guy, he looks like a beta faggot, no matter how they dolled him up. I'm pretty sure that he got his first role by sucking all the cocks
>tfw no gandy bf
In this picture he's looks handsome.
In this picture he looks like a faggot with make-up.
Because their target audience is teenagers and brain-dead vapid people.
No sound on webm's here fucktard. And I wasn't going to transfer this shit to youtube.
kys you worthless pile of human garbage, and take your newfaggotry out with you
>Deans coolness
You can say that again.
It's funnier after watching the episode.
I saw him on a talk show once pretending to be Freddie Prinze Jr. They'd booked Prinze Jr, who was a no-show for some reason, so Ackles came on and took the piss for 5 minutes.
Can't find the video on YT, pretty funny. He's likeable guy imo. Like a cool older bro.
Fuck, I wish I had a brother like that.
>why does he look better in a professionally taken photo in perfect lighting and photoshop touch ups compared to a random phone selife
gee user I really don't know
Was it a man doing this and he would be in jail for life.
Just be yourself, bro. Works for me
If these are actual people, like not a guy trolling, this is embarrassing and weird, even for Sup Forums standards.
far left is a manlet
Thought this guy was going to be a beta fuck, but he actually turned out to be a well performed character. He's a bro
I'm binging it right now
It's okay, I don't like the lack of lore despite how they have episodes shitting on hollywood for ruining it. Meta is fun, too bad trickster is ded. Post season 5 is pretty meh for world ending shit. I am pleasantly surprised at how good Jensen is, for a WB/CW show. I am mid season 8 right now and its the worst season yet since they seem to retreading the same character arcs over again. We already established Sam is cool with good monsters and Dean spent 40 years in hell, so why is purgatory so traumatic. Also there was only two episodes of PTSD basically
I hate how Lucifer is the only fallen angel in hell, and how we never get world building happening. Basically feels like they don't want to pay more than 2 actors.
As if he couldnt pull damn near any girl on this planet though
is supernatural season 1-5 some of the comfiest television kino of all time?
He just smash that or what?
They do a shitload of VFX on both male and female actors. That's what allows Sup Forums to jerk off to +40 year old "mommies" even though they are saggy grannies in real life.
They can do everything they want: make the skin perfect, add muscles, add veins, take double chin off and give a face lift, make cock bigger (Affleck in Gone Girl)...