tell me, Sup Forums, would you live in San Junipero?
Tell me, Sup Forums, would you live in San Junipero?
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>implying this isn't already a sim
I despised this cunt and the black girl had o reason to be attracted to her
one of the worse episodes by any reasonable standard
That episode was like an Oasis after that gauntlet of dark, edgy shit. Dang, easily my fav episode from the series.
Wish Netflix did more Kino like this.
Yeah, why can't they make less edgy shit and more hopeful and inspiring stories?
They said next season would be more like that.
Could we nip this in the bud and stop making
JUST when you thought it couldn't get any worse
>wanting dumb tweests and edgy sci fi shit
>wanting "dude they weren't monsters lmao!"
>wanting "dude the blue bear rules the world lmao!"
>wanting "dude the protagonist is actually a murderer and is getting tortured lmao!"
I want to love Kelly
This one needs a few dlcs and patches brah...its going Mass Effect Andromeda tier for me...
If you would willingly live in a simulated world you should just kill yourself
>inb4 some unbearable reddit cunt says "but we already live in le simulation"
Yeah this episode was the most depressing of them all for me. I would have chosen the sweet release of death.
>choosing to live on some beach resort town through late 20th/early 21st century eras
>instead of a fantasy/sci-fi setting complete with race/gender customizing options
Serious question: What is your real name, address, phone number, and a place and time where I can meet you for a duel?
Let's test your theory.
kill yourself mate
You can choose to opt out at any time you turds.
>not wanting to live in a carefree world of no consequences for at least a year first before deciding whether to continue or just die
I plan on going to Heaven you Godless heathen.
seriously kill yourself weakling
Kill yourselves if you believe in something better.
Fucking upvote for that gif
Yeah and I'd just go around smashing bricks into peoples butts all over town. Nobody would be safe from my rath. I would seriously wreck that chicks glasses face with a brick to. Water they gonna do I'd be dead haha
You do realize it was a euthanasia factory and no permanent resident was actually alive, right?
kill yourself if you don't want to experience the next level of consciousness
Are you talking about unconsciousness or subconsciousness?
OP here. No more inducements to suicide allowed.
Let's have a mature and serious discussion about San Junipero starting now.
If your thought patterns continue, it's still you in some form. Or else you died several times over already because every cell in your body has been replaced.
Kill yourself.
I'm talking about the pre omega point omega point
Kill yourself if you think Heaven's not a Place on Earth.
earth is purgatory and the proving grounds for souls, kill yourself
What happens to people who treat it like GTA free mode?
The only way to be worthy of God's love is to unleash hell upon Earth to weed out the unworthy.
Absolutely, especially because the odds are so good that when you die there's just nothing. I'd happily extend my life indefinitely to live in San Junipero, even if I'm the dude at the arcade striking out.
Did you not see the episode?
You literally can't die. Most you can do is toggle a pain slider.
It'd be GTA with everyone in god mode.
Heaven, Heaven is a place for girth.
They get put in the dunce cap lobby with the other murderers and rapists
So you are alive in this post that captures your thought pattern and you don't need to actually live?
>eternal degeneracy
>constantly have to keep your partner in check
>if single constantly have to compete with chads for an eternity
No, because the post has no agency of its own you donut.
so subconscious unconsciousness
You could just find and rape whoever chose a loli as their digital avatar.
Uh, the data centers exist in the real world and could be targeted if someone wanted to eliminate your personality from existence, either from physical terrorism or stux-tier malware.
Air gaps don't even work in the present day, no one will ever be safe
Yes it does, it is just very limited, just like the agency of a SJ simulation is much more limited than your personal agency.
Yes, I saw it.
Doesn't mean they can't do what mentioned. I was curious what kind of system they had for dealing with "guests" that only want to make other guests miserable/have fun at other guests expense.
>would you live in San Junipero?
You mean would I allow a copy of my consciousness to live in a virtual world?
Why not?
I'll still be dead.
>ugly depressed lesbo gets hot bitch
Yea, fuck off. Worst episode
>Yes it does, it is just very limited
I don't think you know what agency means.
>"can someone still kill you if you're playing GTA on god mode?"
>"well yeah, someone could break into your house and shoot you while you're playing."
Pretty sure they can just isolate your consciousness if you become a serious problem. Maybe even delete you via court order if it comes to it.
see QED
heck, i'd go live in San Junipero right now
carefree life without having to worry about food, money or std's, sounds comfy
so after every ten years do they add the past decade as DLC?
like if i died in 2020 eventually i could live in simulated 2030?
>tfw white christmas
It's literally a place for gays to live out their gay fantasies. Count me out
did anybody else have an existential revelation when they saw white christmas and suddenly their own existence made complete sense?
now i know why everything is so shitty. it's because i'm being tortured for real, kept prisoner for 1000 years/per second for an entire day.
At least you're not stuck in the same room with the same song playing unable to sleep for 69 kikezillion years
Or maybe you are, I don't know
That episode gets worse if you count the "cookies get human rights" news blurb from another episode
FUck no I'd get bored even in the Pasolini fight club nightmare mode.
I don't think thinking is your strong suit.
I don't think you have a strong suit.
Actually I am. I've been living with REM it's the end of the world stuck in my head for the good part of 20 years. It's like sanity on hard-mode.....
fun fact of why i _live_ Sup Forums . the stimulation drowns the song out
My homemade Deus Vulting suit is godblessed pretty strong.
Marathon this:
Only post of merit in this thread.
But hey at least you all enjoyed being so easily manipulated!