Of all the McGuffins for this movie, why did Ridley choose wheat?
How is it a mcguffin
What about the bonus situation?
Ugh. It's gonna be all animal/insect-like as in Aliens isn't it? Fucking James Cameron, the brand will never recover from that movie. I want the Xenomorph to stand more upright like in Alien, it's much creepier like that when it's just like this really tall slimy person thing rather than a weird insect climbing on walls.
Tied up in tax policy
Aliens > Alien, get over it faggot I know you're the one who made that thread and fuck you
I wonder if this'll get updated
Man, this meme didn't last long.
that cgi saliva looks like shit
Is it true there's a lingering scene where David 8 is using an ice-cream scoop inside Rapace's womb, and they show he's wrist deep?
You'll understand when you're older.
I'm older than you are and Aliens is literally the best movie in the franchise. Fight me in real life faggot not online 1v1 and see what happens.
I hope not that's autistic enough
Sure meet at the flag pole at recess
Aliens is equals to Resurrection just trash, faggot.
The wheat ends up being toxic to the xenomorph at the end of the movie.
I'm not joking. All of the early test audiences came out laughing. Expect reshoots.
why were they laughing?
if this turns out to be true.... nah!
Farro would have been a better MacGuffin,
lol who else remembers this meme? I guess I'm an oldfag now
Ridley Scott is done.