Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Or is it the owners fault again Mr burr?

you for even having the clip you school shooter to-be fuck.


OP will die alone and unloved.

breed is a social construct, stop trying to make all pitbulls as violent criminals

>school shooter to-be fuck
if someone's going to fuck him then why would he shoot the school?

I thought Chinese "people" were only allowed on their own websites?


oh look, its time for Sup Forums to be Sup Forums for retards.


Hello, friend. I see that you have desired to know more. The trick to killing these beasts lies in violent application of lateral (sideways) force.

A pitbull has, depending on the size of its head, anywhere between 200 to 250 lbs of "bite pressure" (longitudinal force.) This can be quite terrifying for any person to deal with. The lateral strength of its jaws, however? Not so much.

Essentially to kill such a beast, you're going to have to break its jaw sideways, in opposite directions.

Now, to do so, ideally your strongest hand will be cupping its lower jaw, with your palm underneath it on the chin. Your weakest hand will be placed over its upper-jaw and snout. Then, as violently as you can, push in opposite directions.

For example, if you're right-handed and your right hand is holding the lower jaw, you'll be pushing violently to the left, while your left hand, the weakest, will be pushing to the right. This will almost certainly dislocate and break any dog's jaw, even a Rottweiler's, because of their weak lateral strength and, more often than not, the dog will die from its injuries.

Want to know more?

This webm makes it hard to see but they ripped it's front right leg off.

I forget if the doggo survived but it seems unlikely.

pittbulls should all be exterminated

delete this shit da fuck wrong with you son

Pit bulls are the niggers of dogs.

why didnt anyone just kick the shit out of these dogs

if i saw a random dog attacking a guy on the side of the road i wouldnt be jerking its collar id be pummeling the shit out of it. and if it came at me im going to kill it

like what? The dead animals that Coldsteel OP stores up?

quit being such a soft faggot, OP's webm isn't even that bad

people who can't control their dogs should be killed along with them

If a random dog attacks (You) I will help random dog.

they're only going after that one guy he clearly did something to deserve it

You can always tell when you walk into an ASPCA or Animal Rescue that the population of that area is mainly niggers because of all the pitbulls up for adoption. The biggest reason, the nignog owner of the pit gets thrown in his home away from home (jail) and the cops call the rescue to pick up the dog.

Man if I could be as cool as you. I bet you live on the edge with your child porn stash!

Found it

Look at this fucking normie and laugh

desu it sounds more badass than kong fucking up the dino's jaw

Holy shit. I'm gonna start carrying my knife from now on when I walk my dog.

Can I get away with shanking a pit if it attacks my dog, legally?

Where did all of these black people come from? You definitely don't sound like you aren't niggers.


I just came to this thread to tell you to relax

Pitbulls will randomly go into "kill everything near me" mode of random, unpredictable shit.

There was that one woman who raised a friendly, well trained one,
then when her mother was over, it heard a loud noise from outside and mauled them. They escaped into the bathroom and locked the door, which it spent the time breaking down in order to finish the fucking job, which it did.

At the very least sterilize all pitbulls so the breed cannot continue to exist, but people with little monsters who haven't committed murder yet can keep their abominations of nature and not cry. Because these things seem like dogs, but they're really just wearing dog skin.

is this actually true because damn what great advice. why would you want your hand under the chin though? why not on the opposite side you want to push?

nice source

all you have to do is stick your finger in their ass and they'll stop attacking

It's a "Janitors are too busy jerking off to child pornography to do anything about this post" episode.

just let doggo die and have the feds put the pit down later not worth it desu

yeah bro, while losing your fingers...

all pitbulls should be gassed.

holy shit now i want to get attacked by a pitbull

Anons, I can watch footage of that one fag getting his face stomped by that ghetto rat, a snuff film, and """home movie""" with the most stone faced expression, but do that shit with a dog or a cat and I'll fucking chimp out.